Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 735

"Is Big Brother really all right?"

"Tibi hasn't fought that big fish just now -! That's why I didn't trust that big brother. Then just trust my sister!" Mi Mi said with a confident chest.

"Because the elder sister believes in the elder brother, Tibi believes that the elder sister also believes in the elder brother by the way. This feeling? Besides, even if something happens, Mi Mi will protect Tibi well!"

Tibi was taken aback when she heard these words, and her stern expression disappeared.

Seeing these two people, everyone couldn't help laughing.

In this burst of laughter, Mi Mi tilted her head incredulously.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. By the way, you just keep it like this. That's good." Ricardo smiled, and his huge palm "touched" Mi Mi's head as if he was about to twist his head.Then he looked at Mu Hantian.

"Brother, you have to be careful anyway. After all, you are the man who defeated the beluga whale. It would be embarrassing if you were planted on the hands of those taught by the witch."

"Don't worry, everyone, I will be fine."

"It's really little brother." Ricardo scratched his head as he watched Mu Hantian waved away at him.

I didn't think it was a big talk, after all, it was obvious to all that the beluga whale was hanged.

Chapter 862 Plan

Feel the touch of weeds, branches and fallen leaves with the soles of your feet, carefully stepping on the hard-to-walk forest paths.

After walking through the mud and tree roots, Mu Hantian quietly walked in the dim forest.Looking up, you can see the transparent blue sky, the sun quietly probes from the slits of the blades, and the breeze blowing in carries a moist breath.

——Now, Mu Hantian is walking alone in the forest, helpless.The wind blew away, without a trace of nostalgia.

"Well, the general situation is already known. There are a total of ten gathering points, and each place contains ten people. In other words, there are a hundred enemies. But I can't rule out what I missed. It's really troublesome." Walking on the road , Mu Hantian muttered to himself.

Looking around again, feeling the breath, Mu Hantian shook his head, and decided to go and talk to Lei Yueang and others first, anyway, the general situation has been "touched" clearly.

"I have gone away, anyway, I have found the'lazy' neuropathy, let's go back first." "Licked" the corner of his mouth, Mu Hantian "showed" a smile.Although I really want to solve them now, it is much better to catch them all at once.


"Everyone, I'm back."

"Hantian, come back, here." Seeing Mu Hantian coming back, Rem immediately handed over a cup of tea.

"Thank you Rem." Taking the teacup, Mu Hantian took a sip. Although it was not as delicious as Sakuya, it was also very good.

"Han Tian, ​​we are ready here, how is the situation on your side?" Julius asked.

"Well, no problem." Mu Hantian smiled confidently, then took out a map, and drew ten circles on it in front of everyone.

"Although I haven't explored all of them due to time, and I don't rule out that I will miss a few, the location of the'lazy' and the strongholds around him are shown in the picture."

"Ten? Then there should be nothing left out." Ang said his opinion.

"Why do you say that?" Everyone looked at Ang curiously.

"It's like this. When I ran into'lazy' before, he called his subordinates'fingers', like the right middle finger and the left ring finger, and used this name to distinguish. But there are no toes, so I do this Sure." Ang said his opinion.

"That's right, this is indeed an important piece of information, so brother, do you know the number of them?" Ricardo looked at Mu Hantian and asked.

"Well. There are ten people in one stronghold, and ten strongholds are a hundred, but the strength is different. It's hard to tell the specifics, because they all wear the same look." Mu Hantian said.

"Oh, such detailed information is great. But how should we distribute it?"

"It's very simple. I'll be the main attacker, and then I can find two people to form a team together. More people will get in the way."

"Cold sky, let Rem go."

"The old will go too, after all, they have sworn allegiance." Rem and Wilhelm immediately expressed their opinions.

"No, I have thoughts about the number. Rem and Captain Ricardo will go with me. Lord Will and Julius, you can lead everyone to deal with the witches."



"After entering the cave, it is the place where'laziness' hides." Lowering his voice, Mu Hantian pointed to the entrance of a cave.

"That's amazing, brother. The people taught by the witches are famous for their magical and weird movements. But we have not been discovered, brother, can you teach me this way."

"Captain Ricardo, I'm a technical job, you can't do it. But if you really want to sneak in, you might as well kill everyone who sees you, and then you can go in with a big deal. "

"This is called infiltration? I read less, don't lie to me."

"I read a lot, so I won't lie to you. Isn't the so-called sneaking in and not being discovered? You kill the person who sees you, won't no one find you?"

"What you said makes sense, but I was speechless."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this. Next, you and Rem are lying in ambush here, I will get rid of that'lazy', if it doesn't work, I will lead him out and we will **** together." Mu Hantian Said his plan.

"All right, brother, pay attention to safety."

"Han Tian, ​​you have to be careful."

"It's okay." Mu Hantian smiled, and then walked towards the cave with a swagger.

After stepping across a bunch of people and seeing Yan's color like poisonous mushrooms, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed.

The tension that appeared at this moment was different from that of the confrontation with Beluga or Elsa.There is an unpleasant stickiness in the air at this moment.

"Go out specially to meet me, it's hard work." Looking at the shadow in front of him, Mu Hantian said words of comfort.

Of course, this is just pure polite remarks without any sincerity.However, the person who was spoken to does not have the human nature to care about this.So, who is "they" anyway.

Suddenly, multiple figures dressed in black appeared around Mu Hantian, blending with the darkness.

I don't know when the wind ceases, and everything is silent.This is the subtle sign when they show up.Once you know these signs, you won't be surprised by the sudden encounter.

"I, just want to see your boss, you guys give me aside!"

Then, after the people in black bowed their heads to pay tribute to Mu Hantian, they maintained that posture and slipped into the darkness again.

"Okay, let's go in like this." Looking at the darkness ahead, Mu Hantian walked over.

"Waiting for a long time, beloved believer. The'love' in you is very strong, who are you?" The man who stretched his arms and dressed in a vestment was immersed in a world of madness and joy , Has come out to meet.

The hollow eye sockets were sunken deep in the haggard face, the dark green "colored" hair and dry skin "showed" unhealthy colors, and the hands that stretched out from the black "colored" vestments were as thin as withered trees.He is probably only in his thirties, but his lack of anger will not be suspected even if he is fifty.

However, only those eyes that contained the overwhelming "sex" madness were shining brightly, staring at Mu Hantian closely.

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