Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 737

"I've said it, I'm so bored, and I was so careless when fighting." Mu Hantian smiled lightly and chopped off Petirchius' head to ensure that he could not die again.

Chapter 864 Cleanup

"it is finally over."

"I'm going, brother, your movements are too fast, too. The Sajia has no chance to make a move." Ricardo complained.

"Stop talking nonsense, I haven't asked you why Mimi and Tibi are here."

"It was Mi Mi and Tibi who came here by themselves." Mi Mi looked at Mu Hantian with a compliment on my face.

"Uh uh uh uh, okay. But the explosion just now attracted other witch cultists. We now take the initiative to annihilate them all." Mu Hantian finished speaking, and flung a ball of fire to Petirqiu. For Si, this is also for insurance. Who knows if the other party has the ability to resurrect, it is better to turn him into ashes.

"Really serious, brother." Ricardo scratched his head and said solemnly: "This time, let's talk about it. Don't grab my prey."

"Whatever you want, I don't have any problems with you." Mu Hantian shrugged and said indifferently.

"that would be great."


"Wow haha, I'm not a soy sauce party finally." Ricardo hacked the last witch cultist here very excitedly, and shouted loudly.

"Can you be quiet?" Mu Hantian was speechless, should he say that he was a soldier, so excited when he had a fight?

"Well, the Sajia is too excited, sorry." Ricardo smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's go and make peace with everyone first." Mu Hantian felt that he should still make peace with everyone at this time and discuss what to do next.

"it is good."


"In this way, it brought back a good news."

Julius smiled, and stepped forward to meet Mu Hantian and the others who came to meet after he settled Petirchius.

The position of the crusade was outside the forest, on the grassland far from the street.In order to prevent the witches hiding in the forest from discovering their existence, they must avoid large groups of people marching on the road or entering the forest.

Having said that, the leader Petirchius is dead, and it won't be long before the remaining'finger' notices the change.The subsequent actions should be both prudent and bold, and speed up.

"How is the condition of the'finger' stronghold found during the tracking?" Julius asked his men.

"One side is still being monitored by the detachment. If something happens, we must be contacted. However, the other side happened to run into the opposing scout. There was a fight.

"No one was hurt, right?"

Julius combed the slightly messy bangs with his hands, and gently pressed his knight sword with his hands, and said to Mu Hantian: "Relax. Although there are some good witches, they are all smoothed by us. Down. The key stronghold has also been destroyed, and there should be only nine remaining'fingers'."

"So, did any enemy escape?"

"The elements that make you worry has been eliminated. Don't worry."

"That's good." Mu Hantian nodded comfortably.

"So, what's the situation on your side?"

"I cut off his head, and the body was burned to ashes. It should be fine."

"Well, did you find anything, something related to the Witch's Cult."

"I found a book." Mu Hantian took out a black book from his arms and handed it to Julius: "This seems to be the "Gospel" taught by the witch, and it is in hand. I think I took it when I was curious."

"It's this thing."

"you know?"

"Yeah. This book...'Gospel', a copy of the Witch Cult, is a proof of being a believer. There are rumors that this book will be sent to those who are expected to join the Witch Cult. Then, it will be delivered. After that, that person will become a devout Witch Cultist."

"That is to say, this thing can be used for brainwashing?" Mu Hantian picked up the book and flipped through it, and then found that the text in it can be roughly divided into two categories. More than 70% of them are praising the jealous witch. About ten percent of dogma, the rest are blank.

"It doesn't matter if you look at it." Mu Hantian suddenly felt bored. Isn't it useless at all?

"Then, only the simple task of solving the remnants of the party is left. If it's not over soon, the young lady will become a mother-in-law, so hurry up.... Ah, this is just a classic joke of the Sajia family." Ricardo scratched He scratched his head and smiled.

"How should I put it, the smile is a bit too biased.... By the way, it doesn't matter."

Ricardo's laughter is put aside first, and then it does need to act quickly.Unfortunately, the rest of the work is not as simple as Ricardo said.

"Because even if Petrchius is defeated, it does not mean that all problems have been solved."

"It would be ugly if the ship was overturned in the gutter because it felt like it was going to win. Even if they knew that the priest of sins was dead, the remaining witches would probably not retreat..."

"The other party is a Witch Cultist. It's better not to judge them by normal standards."

Phyllis and Ricardo responded as if affirming Mu Hantian's question.Others seemed to agree with this view, and none of them slackened because of the victory in the first battle.

"Then first, defeat all the'finger' strongholds under surveillance. Then see if you can catch a few alive. If you don't, you can only kill them all.

"I also agree with Hantian's opinion. When fighting the Witch Cult, take the command of capture in mind. Having said that, don't forget that the most important thing is your own safety. If you put the cart before the horse, you can't justify it." Julius Approved to Mu Hantian's opinion.

"--Then, it's almost time to get ready to go." Lyue Ang said weakly.After all, he can be said to be the most useless here.

"Yeah. It's time to act, otherwise I'm not sure what will happen in a while."


After that, the "witch teaches hunting" went smoothly and disappointed.

The initial goal of the crusade team that set off again was of course the'finger' that already knew the location of the incubation.

The'finger' stronghold found on the way of the raid on Petrchius is the "Lutian" camp in the woods that the crusade team is monitoring. It looks like a front stronghold with a good view.

"Hello, hello everyone." Lei Yueang walked out easily.Yes, he is still useful, just as bait.

——Silver lights flashed across the hall on the battlefield, and the Witch Cultists who reacted slowly fell one after another.

"This is more than imagined..."

"Ghahahahaha! What's the matter! Is this the level of the famous Witch Instructor! Hey, brother, maybe this will become a great achievement!"

However, within a few seconds, the stronghold was completely suppressed by them.Seeing the almost unresistible appearance of the beheaded Witch Cultist, Julius was stunned, while Ricardo was stunned with a machete on his back.

"That's what I said, but I myself didn't expect the effect to be so remarkable." Witnessing the results of the overwhelming "sex" battle, Subaru himself panicked.

"Well, why did you smell like them?" Mu Hantian said with a smile.

At this moment...

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