Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 738

"Ah, that's true! It's not working here anymore! Here too! What are you doing, these guys!" Phyllis, who was in charge of capturing the Witch Cultists, let out a mournful roar.Under his feet, there are several people in black who are no longer moving.

"Did they commit suicide?" Wilhelm walked to the furious Feilis side and peeled off the black turban of the man in black who fell to the ground.Seven holes bleeded to death, but the death without any expression on his face was quite shocking.

"The tongue is okay, and it doesn't look like suicide."

"Probably everyone has magic stones embedded in their bodies. Once activated, the toxins will spread throughout the body and cause death. Originally, you had to analyze the magic elements before death to detoxify, and set up different techniques one by one... Why waste effort to do such a thing!" After investigating the abdomen of the Witch Cultist who turned into a corpse, Phyllis discovered the faded magic stone and muttered regretfully.

"Not only that, most of the other'fingers' are also equipped with this kind of mechanism.... Even Phyllis can't stop the poison?"

"Unforgivable. It's such a blasphemous life. What do you think human life is...!"

Hearing Mu Hantian's exclamation, Feilisi's voice trembled, and she was excited to wipe the tears with the back of her hand.

This is the realization that Phyllis, as a healer, knows the impermanence and miracles of life better than anyone else, on this battlefield different from swords and magic, on this battlefield that belongs to him only.

Chapter 865 Action

"Phyllis, do these Witch Cultists carry anything that looks like intelligence?"

"Everyone is very careful not to bring anything except weapons. No one even took the Gospels. It's almost as if they have already made plans not to return. What a joke." Whether it is intelligence, No sense of accomplishment or gain.Phyllis's tone burned with raging anger and fighting spirit, and she seemed to be quite angry.

"Forget it, since that's the case, it's almost time to deal with other strongholds."


"So—it's the fifth one!"

"indeed so."

Hearing Subaru's cheers, Wilhelm threw away the blood "liquid" on the sword, retracted the sword into its sheath, and said.

What Mu Hantian and others had just broken was the'finger' stronghold located in a basin to the west of the forest.The initial assault caused most of the casualties of the Witch Cultists, and then the remaining enemies did not even have a chance to breathe, so they fell under the sword skills of Wilhelm and powerful weapons.Mu Hantian originally wanted to make a move, but it doesn't need to depend on the situation.

"Phyllis, how is it?"

"...I'm sorry. Still no way. Let them succeed in suicide."

The action to prevent them from sealing up still failed.Phyllis lowered her head because of her own uselessness, and everyone couldn't find comfort in this.

"It's useless to be so depressed. Let's look at it. Okay, next one."

"Meow!?" Ricardo roughly "rubbed" the head of the lost Phyllis, making him stand up.Phyllis was taken aback by the "chaotic" encouragement for a moment, but he quickly patted his cheek and took another step.

Ricardo grinned contentedly at the sight of Phyllis.Seeing his behavior makes people more aware that he is indeed the leader of the group.

"Well--, it's too easy, I always feel my body can't lift up--, how does Tibi feel--?"

"Working easily is a good thing. If I let my sister do dangerous things, my brother will be very annoying. It's great for me to be so easy."

"Mum! Fortunately, you are still a boy, so cowardly--!"

The unrestrained sister and the "sex" younger brother, the battle coordination of the orc sisters is inversely proportional to the degree of the gap in "sex".

Mi Mi, who has no flaws between offense and defense, and Tibi, who is unexpectedly offensive, have a perfect coordination between the two.

"How should I put it, after everything is resolved, they will become enemies again, these people."

"It seems that I already have leisure to care about what's next." Beside Subaru who was indulged in emotion, Julius was wiping the blood on the knight's sword.The refreshing beauty boy shook off the white "color" cloak with an elegant demeanor that made people feel like he had just fought.

Although very popular, his accusation is correct.Subaru scratched his head and looked away.

"Sorry. It may be because it went so well that it couldn't go anymore, which made me a little slack."

"It's not that it's bad. In fact, our cooperation is so good that we can't imagine it was a piece of cake. I can understand your feelings about being unwilling to accept this relationship."

"What a surprise." Subaru thought he would definitely be targeted or satirized, so Julius's understanding made him stare.

But Julius shrugged unexpectedly when he saw Subaru's reaction.

"After the election of the king, we are in different camps. However, even if we are competing with each other, as long as we have a common goal, we can work together. We can achieve this early in the early stage of the election. Don't you think it is our luck? "

"That's right, I'm sorry. I'm completely stupid. I'm going to continue fishing, please everyone." Subaru knocked his fist hard on his cheek, and set off again with a faint pain in his cheek.

The'fishing' operation uses Subaru as a bait to catch the Witch Cult. The key is that when Subaru and the Witch Cult are in contact, no third party can intervene.So when walking around in the forest looking for'fingers', Subaru was acting alone—at least there were no friendly soldiers in the visible range.

The crusade team followed Subaru a little further away.In order to make the witch cultists leaning against Subaru like moths, his companions did not "expose" their existence at all.

Then, this time is no exception.


After exploring the west side of the forest, just as it was judged that the terrain had turned into a river bank, Subaru felt the surrounding air temperature drop somewhat, and at the same time, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of Subaru.

There are a total of four Witch Cultists who have appeared, which is the largest number of people contacted so far.A total of three strongholds have been destroyed since the start of "fishing", and now this scene is different from the previous situation, making Subaru's heart beat hard.

They did prepare hand signals for use in the event of an accident.However, as long as the "fishing" fails once, the remaining "fingers" will be vigilant, and the situation of confronting the Witch Cult will be unavoidable.and so……

"Yeah, are you patrolling?" Subaru forcibly summed up the courage to wince, and managed to squeeze a smile.

"A large group of people are patrolling just in case, but there is no abnormality around here. There is no abnormality, so you can go back to where you should be, um. Go."

"I'm the one in the rankings, right? I think being obedient when you should be obedient is the sleek way of being in the world?"

The silence after the order was not good for the heart.In fact, the heart is fueled by tension and restlessness, and its speed and volume are constantly soaring, causing cold sweat on the back of Subaru's neck.

However, the duration of this suffocation did not last as long as Subaru felt.After dozens of seconds, or only a dozen seconds later, the Witch Cultists respectfully bid farewell and obeyed Subaru's instructions and left.

"--Huh." Freed from the suffocating tension, Subaru wiped the cold sweat from his head.Then he gestured to signal'success', and quickly followed behind the followers who started to move.

"Are they separated?" Subaru was dumbfounded when the four people who saw the target act separately.

The group of four suddenly divided into two groups, a group of three and a group of three, and they parted ways without hesitation.

At this moment, Wilhelm appeared beside him.

"Your Excellency, these three people will be handed over to me, please continue to follow them." After speaking, Wilhelm chased after the three of them.

Seeing this, Subaru could no longer waste time.He quickly began to track the witches who were acting alone.

Fortunately, I caught up quickly.Slowly and cautiously following the shadow that kept walking towards the depths of the forest, the Pleiades leaned forward and wiped away the sweat flowing into his eyes.

Stare attentively, focusing on the movements of the believer in front of you.Mountain trails that can’t even be said to be true, stairs made of huge tree roots.Across the horizontal ditch under your feet, over the mushrooms with poisonous gloss.

"Ang, be careful, this is where Petrchius died." Mu Hantian didn't know when he came to Ang's side.

"What did you say!" The alarm bell in his head rang to its limit, and Subaru gritted his teeth and walked straight.I used my will to stabilize my almost falling figure, and walked through the forest in one breath until the clear open space.then--,

"What are you doing!?"

The green "color" in the field of vision disappeared, replaced by a gray "color" scenery.

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