Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 753


Seeing the result of the battle, Mu Hantian stood there speechlessly.

To one side?It is a bit wrong to say that.However, Emelia was unpredictable in the whole battle, perfectly hitting the final'lazy'.

"Right? It's the same as I said?" In place of Mu Hantian who was speechless, Phyllis beside her sighed at Emilia's battle.

"Yeah, I didn't expect Emilia to be so strong!" Ang also sighed.

Mu Hantian looked at Emilia again.She stood in the middle of the village that had become a battlefield, looking down at the'lazy' turned into ice.

I don't know how Emilia feels about the death of the madman.It was just that in Mu Hantian's eyes, a drop of crystal clear tears seemed to slide on that snow-white cheek.

However, Emilia showed a surprised expression to her tears and hurriedly wiped them away.Not knowing what the elf on her shoulders said to her, Emilia frowned, "confused" on her face.

"Oh, everyone's movements are really fast." In the distance, you could hear shouts from all over, and Phyllis smiled bitterly at this.

Emilia's defeat of the final'laziness' became the decisive advantage of'sex', and the battle came to an end.Most of the Witch Cultists who fought throughout the village were also wiped out, and the cry of victory echoed in the air.

Among them, the group of "Iron Teeth" is particularly noisy.However, it is not just the orcs who are excited by the victory.Across the battlefield, the surviving knights also raised their swords and shouted.

"Little Philip's work has only started now. Meow, you guys are really easy." For the therapist Phyllis, the real battle has just begun.Because how many wounded people can be rescued depends entirely on his wrist.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to pour cold water on the enthusiasm of your companions because of victory.


"Come on—here, your little Philly has arrived... Oh, Lord Will!"

Phyllis, who turned around easily when she heard the call, was startled when she saw the speaker.Behind him, the bloody Wilhelm dragged half of his body, panting in pain.

Severe burns and countless wounds are truly half-dead.

"Wait! Why are you dragging this kind of injury "chaotic"! It will be treated immediately, so lie down quickly..."

"Now, I put my business aside. Compared to this, I have important things to say."

"Maybe you will die!? How can there be more important things than "sex" life..."

"Even so, it is a very important thing. Your Excellency Han Tian."

Wilhelm's voice was full of vitality and domineering, and he could not see that he was seriously injured.The body that could fall down at any time was just supported by his boldness.

"What's the matter? Wilhelm?"

"I have something to think... Your Excellency, what's the matter with you?"

"Hurry up and stay away from me!" Ang let out a roar.

Chapter VIII The Tragic Baby

"Ang, what's wrong with you?"

"I...may be go quickly!" Ang said with his head in pain and gritted his teeth.

"Oops, Ang was controlled by that lunatic." Mu Hantian frowned and looked at Lyue Ang who was not far away.

"What!" Everyone was shocked.

"Wilheim, stay away from me--but it's too late!"

Subaru tried his best to resist, and was hindered in the middle.

However, even with these words, it was enough to make the sword ghost escape from the "shooting" range immediately and avoid injury.

'Subaru' raised his empty arm and tilted his head in dissatisfaction.

"The response is not bad. Although the body is resisting, it is actually able to avoid this attack. You, really, a hardworking person! So, what a pity..."

"This is just the intuition of the swordsman."

"Oh, so. I feel more and more a promising talent! Your way of being, thinking, and shaking are all proof of diligence! The only ominous thing is that your soul has long been tainted by dirty and despicable things. , Yes."

"The soul is tainted by dirty and despicable things. That's how you are now. You fellow!"

"Julius?" Hearing the voice of the people who came, everyone turned around and it was Julius who was back.

"Your Excellency Julius, His Excellency Subaru..."

"Master Wilhelm. I understand."

The air suddenly became tense. Under the condition that Phyllis, Julius, and Julius were distorted because of their anxiety, righteous anger and excitement, only Subaru's face showed a happy crazy smile, and he patted it. Hands up.then……

"Since everyone is here, then please allow me to declare my name again. I am the witch's teacher of the Great Sins, and I will be'lazy'."

Tilting his head 90 degrees, he pulled down the zipper of his sweatshirt, "Subaru" sneered exaggeratedly.

"Named, Petrchius Romanikonti!"

It's in the newspaper, this name.


"How could this happen!" Emilia shed tears.

"Nothing will happen, Emilia, I will save Ang." Mu Hantian held Emilia in his arms and comforted.

"Stop talking big words, but I have to admit that it is really good! This body is really perfect! Such a handy body has not been encountered in decades, but I just wanted a substitute for the'finger', and I got it. The most suitable material!"

"How dare to act so recklessly...! Now leave the body of Lord Subaru immediately, outside the evil spirit!"

"Why, what right do you have to say such a thing? It's obviously because you took away all my important'fingers' that I can only possess this body!"

Lifting his head, Petrchius, who covered his face, made Wilhelm excited.However, the madman who answered only scratched his throat happily with Subaru's face, with Subaru's voice.

The flesh was scratched, and the sight of blood splashing all looked painful, and it made Julius and others gritted their teeth.

"You, your aptitude is not bad, but there are too many extra techniques engraved in the body. So, my fingers are not enough to be a hand after all."

"Diligent old man! Your body is not suitable for my'fingers'! Even though the essence of the spirit is noble and noble, the body as a container does not match pets...Woohoo, what a tragedy!"

"Then this half-elf, your body is reserved for the great witch, I don't dare to'chaos'." Petrchius pointed at Phyllis, Wilhelm and Emilia in turn. Shook his head.

I don't know what his words specifically refer to.However, in a bad sense, it was conveyed that he did not seem to fit his eyes as glasses.then……

"Compared to these, the elf. Only you are the incurable'medicine'. If you throw away those unclean things that get in the way, you can still become my excellent'fingers', what do you think?"

"Unfortunately, even if the buddies are so disappointed in me, I will not take the initiative to abandon them. Although I don't think this is a feeling that a madman like you can understand." Julius retorted with the greatest hostility. The madman's "blank" malice.

His words made Petrchius' eyes wide open, then he patted his knees and sneered with a slightly blocked voice.

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