Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 754

"Madman! This perception is really correct! Yes, I am crazy about love!..." (Too many words.)

"Stupid..." Julius' hostility was directed at Petrchius who was frantic and called out to Subaru's soul.

"Subaru! Wake up quickly! He was taken away by such a madman...!"

"It's useless! The control of this physical body has been completely occupied by my consciousness! Even the struggle is just futile and meaningless! This body is already my'finger'!"

"No one is talking to you! Subaru, wake up! What the hell did you come back and fight for? Haven't you plausibly told me countless times!" Julius repelled Pei. Tirchius raised the knight sword surrounded by six elves.The aurora of rainbow "color" completely dispelled the darkness in the forest, and the light instantly caught the eye.

Petrchius, who completely covered Subaru's consciousness, had a tiny flaw in that moment.At this moment……

"What, what!? What,, maybe, there will be such a thing, what a joke...!"

The torrent of emotions emerging from his heart made the madman who stood up his eyes widened in astonishment.In the intermittent words spit out, the consciousness of the original owner of the body is faintly visible.

In this way, Petrchius's shocked expression was suppressed and replaced by the expression of Pleiades panting in pain.This change gave Julius and the others hope.

"Subaru!" x3' Subaru kiss!''Your Excellency!"

"I am...Petirchius Romanikonti...Shut up, yes, Layue Subaru...!"

Press down, press down.This will completely erase everything in the heart, the dark chaos.

"In my ears, it feels a little noisy...Just like that, press it down...Should you not, thinking you can beat'I' with your own strength..."

Be brave, bluff, regain your own soul, cheer up.

If you don't do this, it feels like you will lose to the self-harm impulse at any time.Or, he would want to destroy everything around him with the hand of destruction extending from his shadow.

Is this impulse the darkness that always shrouds Petrchius's heart?

If so, the madman's abnormal behavior so far seems to be able to understand and resonate to a certain extent.

If it is under the erosion of such crazy emotions, then even self-harm will become an act of just keeping oneself.

If you are being swallowed up by such madness all the time, it is not surprising that even if your spirit is out of balance and collapses.

Is this the world Petrchius sees?

"Understand what, I don't need it." At this moment, Petrchius ignored Subaru's resistance for the first time and spoke.

So far, the spirit that has been talking about mania, ecstasy, and madness, said these words without wavering and emotion.

This sentence made Subaru feel darker than all previous craziness.

Then, I understood.This is the darkness that must not be revealed.

Chapter VIII Forced Departure

"Hurry up, everyone!" Petrchius' resistance weakened, and the fight for dominance stopped temporarily.

Therefore, Subaru chose the most "sexual" method possible.To defeat Petrchius, after he died, it should be okay to go back in time, at least everyone would not feel unable to do so.

"Sorry, but... there is no time. Now, if I don't stop me, I can't win... I have to hurry up before that."

"I understand, Ang. Bear it a bit, it's a little bit painful." With a sigh, Mu Hantian stood up, taking advantage of Ang's motionlessness to destroy the'lazy' soul in his body.

"I'm here. The soul is broken!"

Mu Hantian only made one movement, which caused a change in Subaru's body.

That is, the scorching pain of blood boiling, and the unbearable heat spread all over the body.

"Gah, ah ah ah!"

It's hot.It's hot.It's hot.It's so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot--.

My throat is so hot.My eyes are hot.My body is hot.My tongue is hot.The nose is hot.My hands are so hot.Ears are so hot.My feet are hot.The blood "liquid" is hot.The brain is hot.The bones are so hot.The soul is hot.Life is so hot.So hot, so hot, so hot.

The blood "liquid" boiled. This is not a metaphor. The internal organs boiled and the high heat that caused the brain to evaporate made the vision blank.

"Ang, although I am not crushing your soul, this body is yours, so you have to feel the pain you have to endure."

"It's okay, I... I can hold it back! Please continue!"

"Okay, hold back!" Mu Hantian increased his output.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A scream that did not belong to me came from my tympanic membrane and other places.

One body, but two spirits live.Then of course, the spirit of the madman who shared the body was also burned.

Pained, twisted, convulsed, and eventually his body could not move.There is no longer a struggle.

"It's finally over, Phyllis, hurry up and heal Ang, otherwise he will die." Mu Hantian quickly put Ang, who was afflicted by Chi Yu, in front of Phyllis and asked him to treat Ang.

The'lazy' teacher scratched his face when he was possessed. If he is not treated immediately, he may bleed and die.

To be honest, if the most important npc just died like this after playing the boss, it would not be fun to start again.

"There are not so many tools like this. There are too many places where Ang was injured, and the soul was also hurt just now. I can only seal his wounds so that he does not bleed, and then I will find tools for treatment."

"Please, Phyllis."

"Little Philly is fine." Phyllis nodded with a smile, and began to treat Ang.

But... at this moment, time stopped.No, not just time, it seems that everything around has been stopped.

"What's the matter? Is there another enemy? I just defeated a'lazy', which is really troublesome." Mu Hantian, who was only able to move, was a little depressed, and then he solved one boss, and another one came. I haven't added it yet.

Da Da Da Da Da...

The sound of footsteps made Mu Hantian alert and turned his head...

"who is it?"

The footsteps were approaching, and Mu Hantian could also see the people coming.


The visitor and Emilia look exactly the same, with a shallow smile, looking at Mu Hantian indifferently.

"Who are you? Although you look exactly like Emilia, you are definitely not her."

"Me? My name is Satila. You can also call me'Jealous Witch'." The girl who claimed to be Satila bowed slightly and smiled apologetically to Mu Hantian.

"Satilla." Although Mu Hantian had a calm face, his heart was sad to death.Damn, how did you bring out this big boss behind the scenes, didn't I just kill you as a great sin secretary?And it's not on your behalf, why are you out?

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with me about your killing Petrchius. I am here to let you go."

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