Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 795

Sure enough, the one who opened the door was not someone he knew, but Kamazuki Suzuno, who was wearing a morning glory-patterned cool water yukata and cooking clothes as usual.

Even the bun on the head is shining with the morning light. No matter how hot the weather is, there is no sweat on the skin in the kimono. The action of wiping the hands with the "hair" towel only proves that they are still doing it. The work of washing things.

Although he was very young at first glance, his clever and tight expression showed a mature breath that Chiho did not have.

"Ah, Your Highness Huimei and... are you?"

"I...I am..."

Faced with the calm greeting, Chiho could not make a sound as if his throat was frozen.

"His Royal Highness Han Tian, ​​there are guests."

Chiho was stunned by what she said about the "sex" of a woman in a beautiful kimono she didn't know.

I have never called Mu Hantian as a senior or an elder, nor can I call it.But this woman who appeared suddenly already called Mu Hantian so intimately.

Chiho stood very hard because of a sense of despair that was not dizziness.Although Emi looked at Chiho like this from behind, she couldn't help her.This is Chiho's battle, and only Chiho himself can change the situation.

"Ah? Is Hyemi here again?"

"No, it's not just Her Royal Highness Huimei."

"Huh? So there is Xiao Qian, why did you come so early?" Mu Hantian asked after seeing Qianho.

"Mr. Hantian..."

Before the battle, Chiho was a little bit teary.Seeing this, Huimei couldn't help putting her hand on her forehead, it really didn't work.

"This...that...I...that...if possible...that, rice..."

I want to organize language with mosquitoes, but I can't speak well because of the frustration from the beginning.

"That... Xiaoqian, what's wrong?"

"Is Miss Sasaki coming..."

Ashiya's voice didn't have any strength, but it was strange that the voice came through.

"Mr. Ashiya?"

Chiho noticed that opposite Mu Hantian and the female "sex" she hadn't seen, Ashiya was lying horizontally under a blanket of "hair".

"Huh? Mr. sick?"

"It's not sickness, it's bitter summer."

Mu Hantian scratched his head and looked at Chiho and Ashiya alternately.

"Well, that's it. This is the true face of the lunch box yesterday."

"Huh?" The tearful Chiho tilted her head in shock and looked "lost".

"Wow-the perilla is cut so finely, so beautiful..."

"Sharpen the kitchen knife well, cut the perilla in half, then gather it into a ball and chop it, it's that simple."

"What makes lettuce click and click..."

"Soak it well in water, and then shake off the water. Because if you cut off the core part and cut it in a random way, there will be sand invisible to the eyes, so it’s better to soak with water. Rinsing with tap water is more reliable."

"Cold tofu, don't you need soy sauce?"

"Because if the soup is diluted with water, there will be less salt and irritation, and the taste will be softer."

These are all conversations between Chiho and Suzuno.

I don't know if the listless Huimei is listening to the conversation between the two.

Understanding that Suzuno, who moved to the next door after falling down because of Ashiya Kusumatsu, took the initiative to help, and that she called someone by her name, Chiho's tears finally receded.Then began to introduce herself to Suzuno.


"Thanks to His Highness Chiho for bringing so many small dishes, the table is so luxurious."

On the prepared table, fried chicken and potato "salad" which seemed to be made by Chiho were added, and the table was a little too luxurious for breakfast.

"Ah—that, Xiaoqian, thank you. Although a little surprised, it's too rare. I started."

"Okay." Chiho also "showed" a smile upon hearing Mu Hantian's words.

"Miss Chiho, these are your dishes."

"Thank you Miss Sakiya." Chiho thanked him after receiving the tableware that Sakiya handed over.

"Then, your Royal Highness Emi, sit next to me." Suzuno greeted Emi who had been left to sit next to him, and handed out chopsticks.

"Ah, have breakfast already?"

After finally getting up, Ukihara came down from the upper floor.He said shamelessly, even though everyone looked at him with blank eyes, there was no reaction at all.

"My seat, chopsticks, and bowl are gone."

"Guests are the priority. Moreover, those who contribute the least to the family on this occasion will be treated coldly." Ashiya said coldly.

"What? It's ridiculous to say that I am worse than Yuzuo!"

"Rather than caring about these, let's eat it while it's hot, Suzuno and Kochi, thank you so much."

"Wait and see!" Urushihara mumbled sadly.

"But, Mr. Ashiya, is the body really okay?"

"Thank you for your concern. Thanks to Ms. Kamazuki, I got enough time to recuperate, so I don't have to be too troublesome. I want to get back to the original state from today."

"It's all because His Royal Highness Chiho brought the dishes that he took so hard to cook."

The dialogue was going on very peacefully.While listening to this, Emi watched Suzuno's appearance.

It is true that neither yesterday nor today left Mu Hantian abandoning Mu Hantian. Even so, only from the dialogue and cooking with Chiho could not find anything suspicious.

And thinking about it carefully, yesterday's perverted robber ate an orange from the gap in the hat that only "showed" his eyes, but this doesn't prove anything, so let's observe.

Chapter 916: Unexpected Dialogue

"Then goodbye, I have disturbed you since that early. Mr. Ashiya, take care."

"Every other, so many things, thank you."

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