Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 796

"Ellen, take Xiao Qian home safely."


"Goodbye then, Xiaoqian." Mu Hantian nodded to Chiho.

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Hantian."

Watching Chiho and Allen leave, Mu Hantian put his gaze on Emi and Suzuno. Since she learned that Suzuno had no extra clothes during the meal just now, Emi consciously raised her hand and said that she would take Suzuno. buying clothes.

"Then, you two should be careful on the way."

"You don't need to say." Emi took Suzuno's hand and walked towards the city center without looking back.


Suzuno and Emi stood at the ticket gate of Sasazuka.

"Next is to take something called a tram?"

I don't know why there is a question mark about the tram, but Huimei didn't care and nodded.

"Yes. There is only one stop from Sasazuka to Shinjuku, but it is a bit far away. Oh, if you accidentally go to Honyachiman, you will add two more stops, and you will be taken to the edge of Shinjuku, so be careful. . Do you have a suica (transportation card)? If you don’t, you have to buy a ticket. After applying for one, it’s much easier."

"Ah, that, there is no such thing."

Suzuno looked around her surroundings "confusedly".

"Actually I have never taken a tram."

Then said something ridiculous.


Although I don't know how old Suzuno is, but at the age of living alone, he has never taken a train. What kind of remote place does he live in?Emi looked at Suzuno with "confused" eyes.

"Well, let's buy tickets first. I'll talk about suica next time. Tickets..."

Having said that, Emi found Suzuno staring at the ticket machine in a daze.

"I have heard of it a little bit, but how did you come to Sasazuka?"

I don't know how to buy tickets at all. What is going on?No matter where I was born, I have come to Tokyo. It is not impossible not to take public transportation once during this period, but it is too inconvenient.

Suzuno ignored the "confused" Emi, and didn't hide the troubled "confused" expression and immediately said, "I used the gate to land directly on Sasazuka. I have some lack of knowledge, I hope you forgive me."

"Ah, this is..."

Because she said it too naturally, Huimei almost didn't notice.

"What are you talking about?" Emi looked stiff when Suzuno said something ridiculous.

"So, because of various disguise and gate, I came directly to Sasazuka, so I am not used to urban life..."

"Wait, wait a moment."

Emi's heartbeat rose sharply, she put her hands on her chest meaninglessly, looked around and asked Suzuno with her face stretched out.

"Are you from...Ander Isla?"

I had previously concluded that it was a strange and harmless girl, but now Hyemi's heart is half in fear.

On the other hand, Suzuno still stared up at Emi with wide eyes in surprise.

"Isn't it already discovered?"

Huimei became more excited as she talked.

"I haven't said a word of this kind of thing, have I?"

"Didn't you say it?'Are you looking at the devil?'"


"I didn't expect to be said that in front of me, I was a little anxious, but after that, you said that when you approach the Demon King, you will become unfortunate. Don't approach this kind of warning stupidly."

"Eh eh eh eh?"

"I am also a person who has been through various Shura fields so far, but as a brave, you said that you have to get out. But even if you move out there immediately, there is no destination, so please help me. After saying this, you don't agree Did you help me and gave me contact information?"

"Eh eh eh eh eh eh -"

Although Emi was in a daze, she finally understood what Suzuno had said.I also learned that when I talked with Suzuno, the two people's thoughts were completely different.

"Are you aware of my true identity, you shouldn't say something like this to me."

"How did I detect your true identity!" Hui Mei said angrily.

"Don't you think it's weird! The cute girl like me who just moved in breaks into the space of a group of strangers and works tirelessly to take care of them, it's impossible!"

"Although I have thought about it, I am very angry when you say this now!"

In order to prevent the strange girl from getting involved in her own battle as much as possible, the result of all kinds of "fuss" turned out to be this.

"Then what is the purpose of saying,'Are you looking at the Demon King?' What about this?"

"Huh? Ah, that's, that..."

It is impossible to say that the misunderstanding is that as a woman, he has some thoughts about Mu Hantian.Although it is a bit shameful, Suzuno's fault at the root of thinking about this possibility of "sex".

"You, what purpose do you ask,'Are you in close communication with Mu Hantian?'"

Suzuno's answer is very concise."Because there is information about you and the Demon King fighting together!"

Huimei's eyes widened.

Knowing that'Emilia the Brave' and'Demon King Satan' are fighting together, apart from the people who live in the Demon King City now, only Chiho, Emerald, Albert, and Alba.

Emerald and Albert could not spread rumors that would be detrimental to Emi.In other words, it can only be considered that Alba, who was arrested by the Japanese police, transmitted intelligence to Ander Isla by some means.

For those of Ander Isla who can obtain information from Alba, the true identity is very limited.

Now Huimei first emphasized her innocence.

"It's not a joke! I accidentally fell into a situation where we had to defeat the enemy together, don't say such stupid things as fighting together!"

Although this is called a joint battle in the world, it seems that there is a very tight line in Huimei's heart.

Emi thought that she had fought Lucifer and Orba while maintaining a hostile relationship with the Demon King during the two-month battle.

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