Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 821

"But the demon king has always been a man... and now is also..."

Wilbert-this is the name of the current demon king who is known for being the conservative, who withdrew the demons from the human world.

"The Demon Lord Wilbert is dead—it seems to be about a year ago."


The shock of the facts he was told suddenly made Geng Xizi unable to fully accept it.

"This kind of thing, completely..."

"Because our ties to the'mountain village' have been completely cut off. I also only recently learned about it."

Xun continued: "I told you-maybe you have that nightmare again."

"But... So the successor to the Demon King is Mio?"

"No. It seems that other high-ranking demons are ruling the demon world instead of Wilbert's predecessor. I heard that they are quite radical hawks...These guys are eyeing Mio. She is Wilbert's only daughter, Will. When Bert died, all the power passed to her."

"You probably know the whole story... But why did Dad accept those two people?"

"Didn't I say that I also did some research?"

At this time, although he still used the same brisk tone as before, Xun's words were mixed with seriousness.

"The steady Wilbert has a lot of enemies in the Demon World. For these people, the only daughter of the Demon King they hate is not the best hostage. Wilbert himself should be the most aware of this kind of thing. Therefore, The daughter was sent to the world when she was born, and she sent her subordinates to pretend to be parents, and secretly raised them as human beings..."

"But the irony is that after Wilbert's death-his powerful power was inherited by Naruse Mio who lived elsewhere to stay away from the fight. He has been living the life of an ordinary girl, who was still a junior high school student. …It’s not hard to imagine what will become after that."

"And... there is such a thing!" Geng Xizi's words seemed to be forced out.

"The reason why the demons and ours can use supernatural powers is because they know the principles outside the human world. Half a year ago, that child was an ordinary person who didn't know anything about it. I am afraid that I know some about the use of power. Right, but the power of the demon she inherited should still be in an unawakened state. Because of this, the people in the mountain village did not set her as an object of destruction, but only as a surveillance object."

"After Wilbert's death, the power of the conservative faction is rapidly disappearing. The best proof is that only Valeria is the guard. It is a pity that only those two people can't fight the people of the current Demon Lord faction. Just let go. No matter what, they will lose their "sex" life sooner or later."

"So, you deliberately pretended to be deceived..."

Geng Xizi sighed, and then shouted into the receiver: "Asshole dad-you said this kind of thing earlier!"

"Sorry. I decided at the beginning that you and those two people should be equal."

Xun said with a smile: "They concealed the identity of the demons, and we also concealed the identity of the brave clan. If only one party knows the situation of the other party, the other party will think that he has been deceived, so that a relationship of trust cannot be established. . But if the two sides conceal each other, it’s not difficult to understand each other, right? Since the deception is mutual, there is still room for repairing your relationship-if I know everything, I will be the wicked person."

"So, your job this time is also a lie?"

"Well, that's true. Sorry, there is something that needs to be investigated anyway—you have to go to the Demon World."

"Is this... okay?"

"Well, don't worry. I can't tell you the details yet, but there is a guy to contact. If all goes well, maybe there won't be any more guys who are thinking about it."

"Understood... I'll leave it to you for the matter over there. My brother and I will find a solution to the matter over there."

"Then please. By the way, how are the two of them? It looks like this probably—"

Although Xun was still talking about something, Geng Xizi had already hung up the phone heavily.

"You already know, Geng Xizi."

"Brother, you..."

"Well, I just feel that they are not ordinary people, forget it, now all I have to do is find them, right?"

"Brothers I know, I will apologize when I find them."

"Then go."

Chapter 935, Go Home

Mio Naruse and Mariya, who were driven out of the Tojo home, came to the park on the high platform.

On the day of shopping with Mu Hantian by bicycle, we watched the park at sunset together.

——It has been thirty minutes since I came here.Mio has been silently watching the lights on the street.

Beautiful night scene.The lights of buildings and the lights of cars and trams look like colored lights.Miao thought, if the sky full of stars could be overlooked, it would probably feel like this.

"Mr Mio, Ming Oni has already promised to protect us, why are you leaving." Wan Liya asked puzzledly.

"Valiya, don't involve him in our affairs, and you don't know the enemy we are going to face. Even if it is the God of War Dongcheng News, it is impossible to protect us all the time." Min bit her lip in pain , Silently closed his eyes.

"Since Mio-sama said so, let's go find someone else." Maria looked at the painful Naruse Mio for a while and continued.

"No. Wan Liya...Don't do any tricks like cheating others, let's leave." Min shook his head.

"Although, I want to try our best not to involve other people and get a stronghold of our own... But I can't accept deceiving people for this."

It's not that there is no money.Mio's adopted parents left behind a lot of savings and inheritance.But the most ideal single-house villa as a base.If you choose an apartment, where there are densely populated residents, it might involve other residents.

However, Mio is still a minor and has no relatives.And Valeria was still a child from the outside.In this way, let alone buying a house, even renting can't be done.

Although Valeria can use magic to "fuck" memory, but if you want to buy a house as a minor and live a life that will not let people from the real estate company and nearby residents have doubts, you must "fuck" Indulge in the memories of countless people.And also consider making various interpersonal relationships coincide with each other.The magic of memory "fuck" has not reached that level of omnipotence.Therefore, Mio and Wanliya adopted such a troublesome method.

"I see... If Mio-sama thinks this is better. But... No matter what happens, Malia will be with Mio-sama." Looking at Mio's appearance, Malia swallowed what he had originally wanted to say. Belly.

"Master Mio..." Wan Liya called silent Mio softly.

"Sorry... let's put things aside first, and consider where we live tonight."

Wan Liya suddenly shook her head slightly.Then, in a harsh voice, he said, "No—it seems that there is still something else to do before then."

After hearing this, Mio also noticed the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, the park became quiet and creepy.Unnatural silence.Mio immediately understood what this meant.In the past six months, she has mastered quite a lot of this knowledge.

"The magic that drives away humans..."

Not used by Mio or Valeria.Well, there is only one answer.

"Please be careful... there are enemies."

Valeria stared forward.At this time, the shadow in the direction of the line of sight moved.

What emerged from the darkness were three terrifying shadows.The shadow slowly changed its shape.A "shadow" of the god of death wrapped in black cloth and holding a long-handled scythe.The other two beasts turned into winged lions-Manticor.

(Ps: Manticore (manticore): a legendary creature with a red "colored" sphinx, human face, human ears, and blue "colored" eyes, each with three rows of sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws, and the tail end is like a scorpion They are equally long with deadly stings, these stings can "shoot" in any direction.)

There is no doubt that it is the demons.It is very likely to be the subordinate of the current demon king.They released a strong murderous aura toward this side.This murderous aura clearly shows their existence and purpose.therefore……

"Huh... I didn't expect you to come here by yourself!" Miao stared at the three'enemies' on the opposite side with provocative eyes.

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