Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 822

The barely squeezing voice trembled slightly.It was not because of fear, but because of anger.

"Absolutely unforgivable... the enmity between father and mother... and deliberately drive humans away... well, let's fight it hard!"

While saying this, a red flame-like light appeared from Mio's body.His own magic power was released.

Originally, the light emitted by the demons in this world is a black "color" that makes people feel negative.

The wave of magical power released by the enemy in front of him is a pitch black "color" darker than the night "color".

On the other hand, the stable demons like Wilburt, the father of Wanliya and Mio, have a blue light.That is to declare that the demon's masturbation power, who is freed from the thought of being stuck on revenge against the gods, will change with the psychology of using the capital.Mio vowed to avenge his dead parents and chose to oppose the demons.

After being able to use magic freely under the teachings of Valeria, the light was neither a black "color" nor a cyan "color", but became a vermilion "color" that was brighter than blood.The color of the flames that seemed to burn out the unforgivable enemy.

"Come on, I absolutely want to smash your corpses!"

'Kage' and the two Manticores "forced" Mio and them at the same time.For their joint action,

"go to hell!"

Mio's attack magic was activated.Accompanied by a flash of explosion.Lightning magic slashed down from the sky.

However, in the dust that was raised by the attack, two figures passed through.It's Manticore.Because it is an agile monster, it has avoided the attack of thunder.

Although I don’t know where the guy with the sickle is, Mio can only focus on the two monsters rushing here.

"Master Mio, leave it to me next."

Wan Liya kicked her feet on the ground and rushed forward, blocking Manticor's path.

The Manticores seemed to be planning to get rid of Wanliya first, separated from the left and right, and adopted a trapping attack on her.One with his teeth, the other with his claws attacked Wanliya.Simultaneous attack from above and from side.Valeria can only avoid it by retreating.

"Ahahaha, that's stupid!"

While smiling, Wan Liya jumped forward.The target was Manticor who was attacking with his teeth on the left.When approaching within reach,

"Please let me have fun?"

As he said, his right fist swung towards the huge head of the monster.

Unlike Mio, Valia is not good at attacking magic.She is better at close combat.

Manticore hit the ground with an extremely violent momentum.The impact formed a crater-like hole in the ground.Manticore has stopped moving.The body has also been deformed.Valeria looked down at the wreck and snorted contemptuously.

"Is it only that way... It's really boring."

Then, look towards the new goal.

However, the monster attacking Wanliya from the right suddenly changed its direction and rushed towards Mio.Mio stood motionless.The raised claws swung down towards Mio.

Cang——!Accompanied by the sound of metal, the paw bounced away.The transparent barrier appeared in front of Mio to defend against the attack of the hideous monster.Mio’s right palm is comparable to Xiang Manticol,

"That's it-let's start again after one hundred deaths."

While talking quietly, Mio's red ball of light hit Manticol.After the explosion-there was no dust left there.

"Master Mio, you are not injured, right!"

Mio nodded and replied, "No" to the call of Wan Liya in the distance.

"Valiya, we have to leave here as soon as possible."

The enemy has been killed, and the magic to drive away humans will naturally fail.The ground became a mess under the attack of Mio and Valeria.If this is seen by people passing by, the police will definitely be called.

But before that.

Mio glanced at the night scene one last time.The scenery that should have been seen with that young man.

Therefore, a flaw was leaked.

"Master Mio!"

When she turned around when she heard the scream,'Kage' was already standing in front of Mio's eyes.Enemies that should have been killed by the original lightning magic.His hand was glowing with magic black "color".but……

"Roar...!" Sombra let out a roar, and was cut off just like that.

"You are too careless."

"Brother..." After seeing the person who came, Mio was a little surprised.

"Although I'm late, but... let's go home. Geng Xizi has already forgiven you. You don't have to run away, I will protect you." Mu Hantian pulled up the still in a daze and turned towards them Walked to the former home.Wan Liya glanced at the two of them, smiled, and then followed.

Chapter 936 Going to School

Mu Hantian took out the cool barley tea from the refrigerator, poured it into the cup and brought it to the living room.

"Ah, thank you, I'm not welcome." Wan Liya took the cup and drank the barley tea.

"Hey, is it really okay if you are not wary like this?" Geng Xizi frowned.

"No problem, I believe that my brother will not harm us, and with my brother's power, there should be no need to play such small tricks." Wan Liya said with a smile.

"Okay, Mio, you go take a shower first, and then calm down."

"I got it." After a moment of silence, Mio stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"By the way, Geng Xizi, you can go to the nearby supermarket to buy a bag of salt. I'm done eating at home."

"I see, brother." Geng Xizi replied and walked to the hallway.

"Then Maria, there are only two of us left here."

"Is there anything you want to say? Brother."

"Valiya, I promise you that I will definitely rescue your mother, but before that, please act well." Mu Hantian was silent for a while, and decided to say something, otherwise something might happen. accident.

"Brother...what are you talking about!"

"What I knew by accident was Zukirgan, right."


What Mu Hantian said was silence.

"I separated Mio and Geng Xizi, just to tell you that there are some things you should not bear alone, and Mio believes in you so much. If you betray her, do you know how painful she will be?"


"So I will help you rescue your mother, but I still need some time to prepare. I hope you can cooperate with me and create some falsehoods so that you can ensure your mother's safety."

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