Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 823

"If my brother can help me rescue my mother, Wanliya will do anything for my brother." Wanliya shed tears for the first time.

"I don't need these, I only know that you are my sister, so I want to protect you and your smile." Sure enough, Wan Liya is still a simple child. You just have to tell her many things. Clear, she will understand.


"Well, the three of you are staying at home today, don't run around, I have something to do when I go out." After speaking, Mu Hantian opened the door and left, regardless of the reaction of the three girls in the house.

"Let's go to Xiaoqian's house. I told them when I left."

Had a taxi casually and let it go to Kyoto.

"Huh? What, you said their family moved out?"

When he arrived at Chiho's house, the door was locked tightly. Mu Hantian looked at the dust accumulated on the door and hadn't opened it for a long time.So I asked my neighbors and found out that the Chiho family had moved away.

"How come? It seems that I can only go to McGraw to see."

Because McGraw is relatively close here, Mu Hantian didn't take a taxi, but ran over.


"Are you... Xiaotian?"

When Mu Hantian arrived at McGraw's door, he heard this familiar voice.Looking up, it was the store manager here, his former boss, Mayumi Kisaki.

"It's Ms. Kisaki, it's been a long time." Mu Hantian said hello.

"Ah, it has been five years, where have you been all these years, Xiao Qian is very worried about you."

"Because of some special circumstances, I couldn't come back. I'm sorry to worry you. By the way, is Xiao Qian here?"

"Xiaoqian? Today is her birthday, so I gave her a day off." Kisaki shook his head and said.

"Then do you know where her house is? The place where she lived was no longer empty. I heard from neighbors that their family moved out."

"Yes, but I don't know where her new home is, you know, and I won't ask about the employees' private lives."

"Then there is no way. Sorry, Ms. Kizaki. I can only ask you. If Xiaoqian comes tomorrow, tell her that I will come to her in two days. As for other things, I will explain it myself. Right."

"Leave it to me, this little thing."

"Then please." Mu Hantian bowed and thanked him, then turned and left, but Mu Hantian felt a little bitter.Sure enough, the system wouldn't make it so easy to find Xiao Qian and the others, and the induction was also blocked.But today is not without gain, at least I know that Xiaoqian is still working at McGraw.


Time flies quickly, one week has passed, and at this time-the summer vacation is over.

Although the summer vacation is over, the summer will certainly not end with it. If the weather is clear, the temperature will easily exceed 30 degrees.

A hot day in the morning like a steamer.Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi walked on the road to the school that they had never walked before.

Although he had never studied in this world, it was a trivial matter to Mu Hantian, so there was no need to worry about it.

"Although I don't hate summer, it's really hot." Mu Hantian complained.Although they are wearing summer uniforms, their pants are not shorts. In addition, they are surrounded by students wearing the same uniforms. There are too many people crowded together... and my body has not recovered...

"Miao, it's better for your girls... you wear a skirt, and the skirt is short." Mu Han Tianchao said in a bitter voice.

"Brother Hantian, don't say it like that, okay, the winter we arrived was very cold," Mio Naruse, who was wearing the uniform of the same school, replied.The relationship with Mu Hantian is already normal, and he is not resisting anything called brother.

"Cut, don't you girls wear shorts in winter? And as far as I know, some people wear sports pants."

"Isn't that of course? How can I not wear warmer clothes in winter?" Geng Xizi said.

Although Geng Xizi agreed with the younger sister Narase Mio, she was still not right.why?Of course it’s because of the meat on Mio’s chest, her own is so flat, and hers is so... (cough cough, everyone understands it.) So sometimes it conflicts with Mio, but for certain things, she and Mio Will still stand together.

"The result is still the same, you are not cold in winter, and you are not hot in summer." Mu Hantian vomited.

"Well, brother, please calm down." There was a childish sweet voice behind him. After turning around, Mu Hantian and the others followed Wan Liya trot.

Of course she is not wearing a uniform, but a cool dress like a dress.

"Thinking about the heat will make you feel hot. At this time, just look at me." As he said, Maria began to "fumble" in the shopping bag of the convenience store she was carrying.

Soon he took out a bottle of drink and drank it, then tore open the popsicle bag and took a bite on the popsicle.He squinted his eyes happily and turned to this side with a smile on his face.

"How is it? Seeing the cool scene, I became cooler too?" Wan Liya said with a smile.

"how is this possible!"

"Hey, because the guard of Master Mio in the school is going to be handed over to you, I thought it would cheer you up." Wan Liya "licked" the popsicle in frustration.

"Well, I will accept your mood." Mu Hantian looked forward.

In the direction of the line of sight, the crowd of students wearing the same uniform is being sucked into the gate.After a while, Mu Hantian and the others also arrived there.

"Oh, here." Mu Hantian stopped in front of the main entrance and looked up at the tall buildings.

Private "Shengzaka Academy".This is the school that Miao went to.Starting today, Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi will also go to school here.

"Then Mio-sama, I'll be standing by here."

"Well, please."

"Yes!" In response to Mio's Wan Liya'showing' a smile, and suddenly raised her head to look at Mu Hantian.

"Then, brother, Mio-sama will ask you. Although there should be no problem in a crowded place."

"Don't worry, I'm not surprised." (This sentence reminds me of a certain monk inexplicably.)

"I can rest assured that."

Chapter 937 Going to School (2)

Enter the school, because it is the peak of school, there are students in the corridors.

Because they were transfer students, Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi separated from Min and walked to the staff room.After explaining that he was a transfer student at the entrance, he was told to wait a while in the guest room next door.After the bell rang several times, a young male teacher walked in with a roster in his hand."Lu" stretched out his hand with a bright smile,

"I am your head teacher Sakazaki Mamoru. Please take care of me from now on."

Mu Hantian looked at this person seriously, frowning slightly.It's this guy, but now is not the time to kill him.

"Hello." Seeing Mu Hantian didn't move, Geng Xizi "showed" an apologetic smile to him, and shook his hand.

Immediately after the staff meeting, it was time for the morning class meeting, and the three quickly walked to the classroom.

"Speaking of which, there are often students who transfer in because of family matters, but your situation seems to be more complicated." Sakazaki Mamoru asked tentatively.

"Yes, it is troublesome, but there is no way." Mu Hantian replied casually.

The sibling relationship with Geng Xizi does not matter, but there is no way to hide the cohabitation with Mio from the school, so I only conveyed to the school the reason that Xun gave him at the beginning, that is, before remarrying, it is appropriate to consider it as a family member. Cohabitation. But I haven't said anything to my classmates.

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