Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 863

"Then, goodbye, Onis." Mu Hantian stabbed the sword in his hand into Onis' heart without hesitation, and finally completely destroyed the body.

Chapter 975: The beginning of going to the devil

After a lively team competition in the afternoon, the sports meeting ended smoothly.

Through the various problems during the preparation period and the suspension crisis of the tornado hitting the "playground" on the official way, this own sports meeting finally came to the last step.Seeing the closing ceremony started safely, the vice president Kajiura and Tachibana from the Student Union cried with joy; this scene also infected most general executive committee members such as Mio and Sakura, and they shed tears of accomplishment and touch.

On the other hand, Sakazaki's disappearance caused a little disturbance among the teachers; but because someone saw him after the tornado disappeared, it was not regarded as an accident, and was treated as a disappearance. I believe I will never hear from him again.

After the closing ceremony was over and half of the students started to go home, Mu Hantian and other executive committee members and teachers remained in the "playground" to pack all kinds of equipment, and it was all over when it was dark.

Since the celebration banquet of the executive committee was scheduled later, everyone disbanded that day and went home to rest.After several twists and turns, the Games finally ended safely, and the attackers who had been hiding in the dark were knocked down, and the matter finally came to an end.but……

"Everyone, excuse me."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the living room, and a woman stepped out of the magic circle used to spread across the space on the ground.She wears a maid's costume and looks very beautiful.

""Lu", "Lu" Sister Qiya...!" Wan Liya looked at the visitor in shock.

The beautiful maid glanced over as if she could freeze everything.Then, the cold voice sounded again.

"I'm here to convey what we mean by the modest faction—please everyone present to appreciate and come to the Demon World."

"Your attitude is really unpleasant."

"Oh, why do you say that?" "Lu" Qi Ya looked at Mu Hantian with a cold gaze.

"With your attitude, want us to go to the Demon World? Dream it."

Hearing Mu Hantian said this, "Lu" Yeah frowned, but she stretched out immediately, because she only needs to take Mio back.

"Then Princess Mio, what's your decision?" He turned his gaze to Mio.

Although Mio didn't understand what Mu Hantian meant, Mio was still on Mu Hantian's side.So he said, "My brother's decision is my decision."

"Then I can only do it." "Lu" Yiya said calmly.

"Oh, do you do it if you don't agree? This is the so-called steady school, which is really disappointing." Mu Hantian said lightly, and the magic power on his body suddenly pressed against Lu Qiya.

After feeling the pressure on her body, "Lu" Chia quickly mobilized her own magical resistance to resist.But all this was in vain, and he knelt directly under the pressure of Mu Hantian's powerful magical power.

"I'm telling you, what you are in front of is not the weak who want you to give alms, but the existence you can't afford, so put away your set."

How could it be possible that there is such a strong man in the world, we never knew.

"I'm telling you, if you weren't Wanliya's sister, I would have killed you a long time ago. Give you a piece of advice, change your attitude, or you will suffer." After speaking calmly, Mu Hantian relieved He used his own magic power, and then pulled "Lu" Chia up.

"I was rude just now. I was just anxious to deliver an order from the demon world, sorry."

"Forgive you this time. We already know the matter. Let's take a month. We also need a little time to prepare, right, Mio?"

"Yes, give us one month." Miyue responded.

"I see, then I'm looking forward to meeting for a month." "Lu" Kea bowed and then left.

"Mio, no problem, my decision." Mu Hantian looked at Mio.

"No problem, I believe my brother. And I also want to go to the Demon World to see."

"Do you have this consciousness?"

"Yes. From the moment I awakened my father's power, I was already enlightened."

"Good point. If something goes wrong, just leave it to me, and you can rest assured to do what you want to do."


In this world, there is a place called "Makai".That was the world constructed by the exiled people in another dimension in the previous Protoss era.

They vowed to avenge the protoss who drove them out of Paradise and change themselves into a race relative to the sacred.

That is the demons.

The world in which humans live is said to be a buffer line of defense created by the Protoss to prevent the demons from directly invading the God Realm.

Afterwards-the "First Battle between Gods and Demons" that severely damaged the two clans of Gods and Demons ends, both sides need to sleep for a long time and rest.

After awakening from dormancy, the Protoss created a life form called "human", and gave power and protection to humans with suitable qualifications-a group of humans who can resist the demons were born.

They repeatedly fought the demons who attempted to invade the gods and reappeared, and they possessed the power to maintain peace in the human world.Over time, people began to call them-the brave family.

It's just... no one knows the truth or not.

Mio, who had just taken a bath, wrapped a bath towel and returned to the room, closing the door and thinking.

What she suspected was not the origin of the brave clan, but the origin of the gods and demons, the gods and the demons.

Although Mio is about to go to the Demon Realm, most of her life has been living in this world in the way of ordinary humans.

Even if he has personally experienced the existence and power of supernatural powers, he is still a rookie with less than a year of experience.Therefore, there are still many things that still make her unable to fully believe.

Maybe—the myths and religious traditions that exist in this world are not all made up.Even if the theories taught in schools such as the origin of the universe, the birth of the earth, or the evolution of human beings can be supported by science, it is impossible to know whether that is really the case.

Naruse Mio is very clear that there are many things in this world that science cannot prove.Demons, heroes, magic, etc., all exist.

And today, on the night of December 25th, Miao and others are going out a rare far door.

Under the guidance of Wan Liya's sister "Lu" Qiya, head to another land-the Demon World.

"Lu" Kea, the sister of the stable school and Wanliya, came to Dongcheng's home to convey the invitation of the Demon World on the night of the sports meeting...about a month ago.

It is said that because this decisive battle with the current Demon King faction is getting closer and closer, even the modest faction has a voice that should take out Wilbert’s power that Mio has inherited and take care of it, and hope to directly support Mio. The people of the new demon king disagreed and couldn't make any conclusions, so they needed to listen to what Mio said now.

But having said that, the Mio still have their own lives to live-they need to go to school.For this reason, Geng Xizi resolutely stated that he was unwilling to take long vacations or missed semester exams for them, and he simply extended the date to the end of the second semester.

"Oh, awful." Mio sat on the chair in front of the dressing table and took the hairdryer to blow her hair.

The purpose of returning to the room from the dressing room to dress is to carefully organize the appearance and clothing.

It was just after eleven o'clock in the evening, and one hour later, Wan Liya's sister "Lu" Qi Ya was coming to pick them up; Mu Hantian and others were all ready, only themselves.

After putting on high-top over-knee socks and tying ribbons on both sides of her hair, Mio's usual dress is complete.She turned around in front of the mirror, made sure that there was no problem at every angle, and then sorted out the details, then tapped her chest and took three deep breaths, and she was mentally prepared.

Before leaving the room, Mio put his hand on the light switch and looked around the room.What I see is the situation I have been used to.

Naruse Mio burned the image before him deeply into his eyes, as if he would never forget.I must come back here, never "lost" and lose my direction-at the same time swear so in my heart.

From the night when "Lu" Yea visited Dongcheng's home and notified the demon world of her invitation, she had enough time to consider various issues and make sufficient psychological preparations.

Known as the strongest ever, the power of the former Demon King Wilbert. Even if she gave up revenge on Zokir, as long as she still had the power of her dead father, Mio could not leave her situation. So-a few Mio decided to visit the Demon World.

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