Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 864

"I'll be back as soon as possible." Naruse Mio whispered to the empty room, then gently turned off the lights and closed the door.

After that, she did not look back or stay.Step forward wholeheartedly, slowly down the stairs.

The 976th chapter first arrived in the demon world

At twelve o'clock, "Lu" Kea appeared on time.

She traveled through space and came directly to Mu Hantian and others...

"Everyone has been waiting... are you ready?"

The tone and expression were obviously different from those of lively Valeria, quite cold.

"Go ahead." Mu Hantian nodded and replied.

In the past month, everyone has prepared for this journey.Everyone outside of Wan Liya wears school uniforms, and even Walnut also put on the uniforms that they wore when they participated in the Shengzaka Academy Games.Although Yuxi and Walnut can be worn in the battle clothes of the brave race, they think that they should avoid wearing clothes that can easily irritate the demons.

The position of Mu Hantian and others this time is simply Miao's family and friends.

The weight of the change of clothes and various necessities of life is estimated by comparing it to a foreign trip for which the length of stay is unknown.I heard from Wan Liya that the clothes are washed everywhere, so it is not a problem. The weapons of Gengxizi, Yuxi and Walnut can be summoned by themselves at any time, and there is no concern about carrying them, and Mu Hantian has system space, so it is no problem.

"Okay, then let's go."

As soon as "Lu" Chia finished speaking, a huge magic circle opened up in the space beside her, gradually merging with the space, and soon a dark hole was opened in the space.

"My God..." Walnut couldn't help exclaiming when she saw this.

No wonder Walnut is so surprised.Generally speaking, humans must pass several conditions in order to travel to the Demon World.That's because the demons have a higher class than humans, and the dimension where the demons are located is also higher than the dimension where the human world is located; the principle of constructing a connection from high to low is completely different from the principle of going from low to high.

One of the methods is to use a small number of human worlds and demon worlds that overlap, resulting in instability in space and the emergence of contact points-the natural phenomenon of the'dimensional realm.

There are also areas in Japan where the dimensional realm has occurred. It is now strictly controlled by the "villages" of the brave clan, and it is absolutely forbidden to use it without permission, such as the exiled Geng Xizi and the demon's blood.As for the Xun who pretended to go to Dubai when they first lived together, they actually went to the Demon Realm. They should use the dimensional realm of a foreign country.

Despite being expelled by the Japanese brave clan, Xun, who is a hero of the war, still eats a lot in foreign countries. It is naturally not difficult for him to find a way to the demon world.

But now, "Lu" Yea is purely in the body of the demon, directly constructing a dimensional realm that can be passed by humans such as Gengxizi, and the continuity of the space is also very stable. You can see the strength of "Lu" Yea. .

However, since she is the right-hand man of the stable leader, she is expected to have such strength.Although Mu Hantian was seconds off, it only showed that Mu Hantian was powerful.

Mu Hantian whispered to the five of them: "Let's go."

A few of them nodded their heads—the group walked into the realm of the dimension.

The surrounding area was suddenly enveloped in abyss-like darkness, and there was a feeling of suddenly losing gravity, as if it were in space.

However, this feels extremely short-lived.In the next moment, Mu Hantian and others were already standing in an unfamiliar forest, surrounded by a faint sweet grass fragrance; as the wind stroked the forest tops, the sunlight scattered on the ground kept changing.

"here is?"

"Odora Forest."

"Lu" Yea turned her head and answered Mi's doubts "Confusion".At this time--

"Odola Forest... is it here?" Walnut couldn't help but shrink and asked, making Mio also startled.

"you know?"

"Yes. Although we know very little about the geography of the Demon Realm-but everyone knows the Odora Forest."

Geng Xizi's knowledge of the devil world came from the elders who participated in the previous war.At that time, the moderate faction controlled more than half of the demon world, but was quickly lost due to Wilbert's death, and ended up in the current situation.Compared with the war fifteen years ago, the territory of power must have changed a lot, but the steady faction should never have taken possession of this forest. After all--

"Because this is the forest closest to the Demon Lord Wilbert's Castle."

It can also be called a more suitable place for the moderate group to invite Mu Hantian and others to the Demon World to land.but--

""Lu" Sister Yeya——Why don't you connect the space directly to the city of Verda?" Wan Liya frowned and asked.

The noun Wan Liya said was the same as Odola Forest, and Geng Xizi often heard people mention it before.That was the Demon City where Wilbert used to sit.

"Based on the point of view of crisis management, I judge that we should try to avoid direct contact between the inner and outer spaces of the city to prevent it from being used by a third party and accidentally invading the enemy."

"That's right, but the current Demon King faction wants Mio-sama's life too--"

"Of course I know this, so I chose this forest. It's not far from the city, it's not easy to see from the outside, and the space connected with other dimensions is also hard to detect nearby."

Lu Yea said this to Maria who still complained without changing her expression--

"Walk a short distance, and there will be a carriage to take us into town—please follow me."

Just walked to the other side of the forest.

"I'm sorry, everyone..." Wan Liya lowered his eyes with regret.

Mu Hantian patted her on the shoulder and said, "Why say it like your own fault... Let's go quickly."

"it is good."

After Wan Liya nodded, Mu Hantian followed in the footsteps of "Lu" Yea.

Don't talk about paving stones here, there is no path for "naked" or "exposed". A group of people walked directly on the grass slowly.After a while--

"Well... At first I heard the Demon World, I thought it would be a dark and terrifying place, and it turned out to be exactly the same as Wan Liya said, it feels no different from our world, and the sun... I don’t know the types of plants. How much difference is there, so much so that the air in the forest is so fresh, it feels like the countryside and deep mountains."

Mio directly expressed his thoughts about the natural forest landscape in front of him.Since it was the first visit to the Demon Realm, Mu Hantian asked Wanliya for advice in advance, and already had a certain degree of knowledge and information about nature and culture. However, seeing the scenery different from what I imagined with my own eyes felt very fresh.just……

"What is the fresh's great, are you not afraid?"

"What do you mean, Walnut?" Walnut sighed behind him, making Mio look back and ask.

"You have the blood of the demon, maybe you don’t feel it... the natural landscape of the forest is very beautiful, yes, but the magic element here is so scary. The demon’s sexual fluctuations are so strong that it is really interesting. The feeling of going to the Demon World." Miao was quite surprised when he heard that Walnut said tensely.

"Huh...really, brother."

"Yes, the magic element here is very strong."

"Really... also in such a natural place?"

Mu Hantian smiled bitterly at the incredibly muttering Miao, and then turned to the other side.

"Youxi, are you okay."

"Well, I'm fine."

Youxi nodded and replied with Mu Hantian's side, her expression really felt no pressure.

Because she is a user of'Sakuya'.To put it simply, the spirit sword can purify her body at any time, which is of course helpful to the brave clan, but being in the devil world is another problem.

'Sakuya' can't exert its original power at all here, and the one that is most affected by magic elements here is none other than Yuxi.

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