Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 869

"Master Ramsay told me to keep secrets from others temporarily before he returns."

"'s such a thing, it's like what he would say."

Klaus, who was smiling, turned his attention from "Lu" to Mu Hantian and the others.

"Sorry to introduce myself so late-my old man's name is Klaus, and I am lucky to meet him."

"Hello." Everyone responded.

"By the way, you two are the sons and daughters of Xun Dongcheng, right?"

"Do you know my dad?" Geng Xizi asked.

Mu Hantian also had some doubts. From his own behavior and the reaction and words of "Lu" Chia, it was inferred that Klaus's status in the conservative school was quite high.Such a person and Xun have met before, which is unbelievable.But Mu Hantian was a little upset, and now he couldn't get rid of his son's identity at all. Even if he wanted to be clear, Geng Xizi would be sad.

"It doesn't count... It's just that I saw a few eyes on the battlefield during that battle. Oh, my father was really troublesome at that time. The man who was called the god of war back then, now his children come to our city. As a guest... the times have really changed a lot."

Listening to Klaus looking into the distance, Yuxi whispered: "He used to be Wilbert's staff."

"Wilbert's staff-is the person who was previously known as the'sage old'?" Geng Xizi was a little surprised.

"Dare not to be. The old man is the same as you see, but he is a bad old man. Because he is a few years older than others, he occasionally provides a little bit of insight when someone comes for advice."

Geng Xizi's words made Klaus replied modestly with a smile.

Although he knew his status was not low, he didn't expect to be Wilbert's staff.In this way, it can be imagined that he has a certain amount of weight in his words in the current steady faction.And judging from the opposing attitude in the dialogue between him and "Lu" Kea-he should be one of the people who hoped that Mio would inherit Wilbert and become the demon king.

Ramthus hopes to take out Wilbert's power from Mio-against Klaus's position.Then, it's not difficult to understand the tense atmosphere when talking to "Lu" Yea who belongs to Ramsay.And this may be able to win him over, but you can't listen to him. Let's look at the situation first.

When Mu Hantian thought this way...

"Everyone, let me show you around here, how about?" Klaus clapped his hands.

"Oh, okay, it just so happens that we don't understand here."

"Lu" Yea quickly stopped when she saw this: "Master Claus, please wait. It is Master Ramsay's intention to let them stay in this room. I can't explain you like this--"

"What are you talking about? When Your Excellency Ramsay comes back, the old man will report it personally, so there will be no problem."

Even if Klaus interrupted her words to stop, "Lu" Kea still stood firm."That's just your private decision, it has nothing to do with me. It is my task to receive Mio-sama and others."

But Klaus also did not give in at all."The honor of welcoming Mio-sama has been given to you. We will leave it to the old man to take them to visit. Don't worry, everyone in the city knows that the old man is a stubborn old man who will not give up once he makes a decision. It can't be stopped; even if you can't hold me back, Your Excellency Ramsay will not blame you for neglecting your duty. Besides, I will only show them to visit the castle."

"Master Klaus...!" Unspeakably anxious "Lu" Chia still tried to organize Klaus.

"'Lu' Miss you still want to nag the old man more? Or, Master Mio doesn't even have such a small right to visit the castle? Is it possible that you want to be under house arrest?"

Klaus's words made Lu Chia bit her lip.Although he is indeed an adjutant to Ramsay, the current leader of the conservative faction, that is not the same as the number two figure of the conservative faction; and the old man in front of him has exactly that status within the conservative faction.He couldn't stop him-"Lu" Yea, who had lost the current dominance, could only stand in a daze.

"It seems you understand."

After Klaus smiled calmly and said this, he left the room with the embarrassed Miao and others.

Just waiting by the wall didn’t know what to do for a while, but—

"You go. It is the mother who ordered you to take care of Mr. Hantian, Lord Claus will not make things difficult for you or fight with her mother."

"Yes." After hearing the words of "Lu" Kea, Jeste nodded lightly and followed Mu Hantian's footsteps.

After that, the only one left in the room was "Lu" Kea.


"Oh, it's really for everyone to see the jokes--" said Claus, who led Mu Hantian and his party through the long corridor in front.

"His Majesty Wilbert passed away only a few years ago, and some people don't know where to put their respect for His Majesty... It's really shameful."

"Excuse me...what kind of person is Wilbert?" Mu Hantian asked.

Mu Hantian didn't know anything about Wilbert, he only knew that he was Miao's father, the former Demon King, and nothing else.

"He is stronger than anyone, but also gentler than anyone." Klaus replied softly, looking up at the void.

"In the past, most of the Demon Realm was dedicated to revenge the Protoss who exiled the Demon Clan in the past, using your Human Realm as a stronghold to attack the militants in the God Realm-the situation did not change until Majesty Wilbert appeared."

"He is not a weak person who only sings ideals, but he has incredible power, but still calls for non-war and peace... Don't be fettered by the past, no longer avenge the unequal ancestors, but for the present and the future Live and create a happy day for yourself. His Majesty Wilbert’s will deeply moved and shocked our hearts. There are more and more people who agree with him and sympathize with him. The steady faction led by His Majesty has become the greatest power in the demon world."

"Your Majesty announced the withdrawal of troops in that great war-so far, it is only the last step from your Majesty's dream. Originally, the Demon World should have entered the first peaceful era in which all wars have been settled in history-but the fate is too cruel Up."

At this time, Klaus sighed and said: "One day-Your Majesty Wilbert was seriously ill."

"Seriously ill?" Mu Hantian asked rhetorically.

"Yes... Until the end, we didn't know what it was, let alone the cause. The powerful force that Wilbert was hailed as the strongest demon king was lost day by day... Finally, he was unpaid. I swallowed my last breath quietly. In your world time, it was about a year and a half ago."

Klaus' words made Miao's expression gloomy while walking beside Mu Hantian.Knowing the cause of her father’s death—and thinking of Wilbert’s transfer of power to Mio when he was dying, indirectly caused Mio’s foster parents to die tragically in front of her. These two feelings—sorrow and sorrow, and all kinds of insoluble Emotion, now must be a mess in Mio's heart.then……

Mu Hantian didn't stop, and directly hugged Min's shoulder beside him.It seemed to tell her that even though her biological father and the adoptive parents who raised her were gone-she still had herself with her now.


Miao also seemed to understand what Mu Hantian meant, and leaned towards Mu Hantian slightly after making a faint voice.

Chapter 982: Past History

"After the death of Your Majesty Wilbert, the alliance of radicals and conservatives who supported Leohart as the new demon king began to rise, and His Majesty’s brother, His Excellency Ramsay, took on the responsibility of leading the conservative. But , We have never heard of your Majesty’s elder brother before, and this Lord Ramsay is still a headache..." Klaus who walked in front continued.

"He probably received the news that your majesty was sick in bed, and suddenly he popped up in the city. That's okay. The problem is that your majesty didn't know what he was making, and he actually specified in his last words that his elder brother who had not seen for many years passed away. Later, he took over the stable faction... and His Excellency Ramsay really succeeded after His Majesty’s death; but he not only showed no sorrow for the death of His Majesty’s brother, but he has repeatedly made sad decisions and despite our opposition. The order, ruined His Majesty Wilbert’s thoughts on the peace of the demon world and the love of Madam Mio. Many people who were originally inspired by His Majesty’s ideals and walked along the way, because they could not accept His Excellency Ramthus, left the stable faction... …We, who used to be the greatest power in the Demon Realm, now we have nothing left."

He recounted with regret the situation after Wilbert's death.

"Miss "Lu" Yea, who had admired Her Majesty Wilbert in the past... But after becoming the adjutant of Your Excellency Ramsay, she became completely just doing what he wanted."

Klaus led a group of people onto the sky corridor across the three-story high hall, and said: "But-most of us, the loyalty to your Majesty remains the same."

When Mu Hantian, Min, Youxi, Gengxizi, Wanliya and Walnut followed Klaus and stopped--

Can't help taking a breath at the same time, because they saw a large group of people looking up.There are about hundreds of maids, deacons, servants who look like gardeners or cooks, and people who wear swords like soldiers.

They also shouted in unison to the group of Mio who were shocked by this amazing sight: "Welcome to Master Mio!"

Enthusiastic voices overlapped, shaking the air in the hall.


Klaus smiled and said to Mio, who was not knowing what to do when he saw such a grand welcome, "Master Mio...just say hello to them, okay? They are waiting for your daughter of Your Majesty Wilbert to appear. I have been waiting for many years."

"But how to say hello..." Mio was a little at a loss.

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