Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 870

Seeing Miao's eyes asking for help, Mu Hantian said helplessly: "Don't think too complicated, just wave a hand."

"Yes, that's enough." Klaus agreed with Mu Hantian's words.

Mio nodded and walked to the bottom of the hall where it was easy to see.

"Uh...Is that so?"

Then gently waved to the people in the hall-the crowd suddenly cheered and thundered, as if they were sincerely happy for the arrival of the new monarch who was waiting for them.among them--


Mu Hantian found that some people were not only looking at Miao, but also looking at other positions, so he looked forward...

And immediately understood what they were looking at and opened their eyes slightly.On the other side of the hall-at the top of the wall behind Miao, a huge portrait was hung.

The person in the painting is a male "sex" demon with the same "color" as Mio... It can't be wrong, it is a portrait of Wilbert.

I believe that from the perspective of the downstairs, the whole picture seems to bear Wilbert's will, and Wilbert is also watching his daughter.

"Han Tian, ​​is this okay?"

You Xi asked in a voice that only Mu Hantian could hear.

What Yuxi worries about is the expectation of the people downstairs that Mio will become the new devil.Mio himself hopes to get rid of the disputes between the demons and live a stable life in the human world.Since she has no intention of becoming a demon king, she should try to avoid showing an attitude that is easy to misunderstand.but--

"No way...Since the stage is set up like this, not accompany them to finish the scene, it will cause unnecessary conflict."

With a solemn expression, Mu Hantian glanced at Klaus.It should be the old demon who arranged this performance, staring at Min with warm eyes.

Use his subordinates to reduce Mio's mental defenses, and use the pressure of the masses to make Mio have a sense of mission of "I am obligated to be the devil"-as expected to be a guy called a "sage old", really an old fox.

I'm afraid, he has been preparing for all this since a long time ago.


"Lu" Yea appeared at Dongcheng's house on the night of the sports meeting and told the Demon Realm that it has been more than a month since the invitation.

Naturally, I have also made full preparations here.How the other party will act and play with what kind of strategy - Mu Hantian has already deduced various possibilities and worked out countermeasures, this kind of scene is also within the scope of expectation.Of course, the future development will not necessarily follow one's own imagination, but-

In any case, avoid being led by them.

This is the Demon Realm and the stronghold of the steady faction, and the location is definitely on their side.

"But...the ultimate winner must be us." Mu Hantian said in his heart.


Mu Hantian and others in the castle have all visited, but there is still some time before dinner, Klaus proposed to let Mu Hantian and others go to the city by the castle, but Geng Xizi, Wan Liya and Walnut have to go back to the room. , So there are only three Mu Hantian, Min and Youxi.But besides Mu Hantian's exclusive maid Jeste, there was another one who accompanied him.

"So now, what we have come to is the Yadbel Square in the center of the city!" The girl in a maid's costume smiled and proudly opened her hands.

Her name is Noye, and she is the city guide assigned to Miao by Claus.She was very lively and enthusiastic when she introduced herself, and was not afraid of Mio, Wilbert's only daughter, and the two soon talked.

There is a huge fountain and Wilbert's statue in the center of Yadby Square. The square road is accessible and is a transportation hub for individuals.

The people staying in the square are also densely packed, with vendors and "shower" shops coming in an endless stream-as lively as downtown Tokyo.

However, it is quite different from the downtown area of ​​Human World.

The first is that the current stable faction and the current demon king faction are in a period of war, and this town is no exception.

In the square, you can see many figures that look like soldiers. The sabers on their waists and the armor on their bodies clearly indicate that they are ready for battle at any time.The second thing is extremely natural-everyone here is a demons.However, none of them noticed that Mu Hantian and several humans had mixed in.The reason is that they have gone through cross-dressing.

"I really didn't get caught."

"Right, it's the same as I said. Are you relieved?" Noye replied with a grinning mumble.

The three of Miao, Youxi, and Mu Hantian have indeed undergone cross-dressing, but they are really just changing their clothes.Mu Hantian changed into a deacon's uniform, and Mio and Youxi changed into a maid's uniform, with no other changes.I can hide the identities of a few Minions so simply because--

"There are so many demons like us... why are there so many."

In front of Mio's eyes-the bustling demons, most of them are in human form.Although there are some beasts or demons that are very different from humans, almost all of them are similar to humans, and some are even humans.

One of them is Noye.Her appearance is exactly the same as that of a human, but she is still a real demon, and it blends into this square unobtrusively.Therefore, even if a few of Mio came here, they were just Noye's family from the outside and would not attract any attention.

"It's not surprising, the ancestors of our demons are also the protoss who were expelled from the gods...Humans are also races created as samples of the protoss, of course they look alike."

It is said that among the demons, there are many descendants born from interbreeding with humans in the Middle Ages; those who remain in the human world become vampires or goblins.

In contrast, the other part is to bring the child back to the Demon World.Because these children are not pure-bred demons, they are prone to discrimination-and the steady faction led by Wilbert in the past has become a safe haven for these people.

Soon, Verda was filled with these hybrids of humans and demons, and there were many marriages between these people. From generation to generation, there were more and more demons with the same appearance as humans. Up.

Chapter 983: Miao's Mother

"Speaking of--" Noye said with a smile: "Although Mio has the blood of His Majesty Wilbert, he looks exactly like a human being."

"Yes. Um, also right..."

After Noye's mention, Naruse Mio once again thought... that he is not the reality of ordinary humans.

It's not so much that she doesn't really feel or lack consciousness about this matter... it's better to avoid thinking there.Even if forced to accept the fact that adoptive parents who thought they were biological parents were killed in front of them, and they learned that they were the daughter of the former demon king--


Although the lives of ordinary people have disappeared since the day the adoptive parents were killed-Mio Naruse still believes that she belongs to human beings. This is the little bit of her life with her adoptive parents.Although those precious days are no longer available, they are still important assets that make up Naruse Mio.

Now, I once again got important things.Mu Hantian regards Mino as his sister, Geng Xizi completely regards Mino as a human being, and Wanliya does not force Min to have the consciousness of being a demon; Yuxi and Hutao do not regard her as an enemy. There are also Xiangchuan or Saki in the school. Wait for a good friend.The daily life with them is more important to Mio now than anything else.

That's right.I will never lose my current daily life, I came to the Demon Realm just for this.

I want to live with my brother and them as a human being, Mio Narase.

The group followed Noyer's guidance to the east, and when they came to the corner of the shop, they were listed.

At this moment, Noye, who was walking in the front, turned around awkwardly and said, "That, Miss Yuxi?"

"what's up?"

"You are a brave family, and it is inevitable that you will be so nervous... But if you give out such a tight breath, it will easily attract attention. Keep smiling, and keep smiling as much as possible."

"Got it... smile."

"What's the use of talking with your mouth! And there is no expression at all, and there is no emotion at all in reading!"

"Alright, alright." Mu Hantian smiled and stopped Noye who immediately complained.

"Youxi... Noye is right. If you're too nervous, it's obvious. Relax your shoulders."


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