Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 884

Dao Qi quickly touched the sand tsunami "Sand!" that "forced" to Yuxi's eyes, making a crisp cutting sound.The sand waves split left and right immediately, flowing over both sides of Youxi.

Did not borrow the power of the spirit sword "Sakuya", it was entirely from the pure sword technique of Nozaka Yuki.

That was Yuxi, an all-around swordsman whose tactics focused on skills, returning to his own ability positioning.Now-Yuuki Noaka has opened a definite path.

So she set out to attack.Depressing his stature and pedaling on the ground, the explosive power brought by Yuxi instantly rose to extreme speed, shortening the distance with the hero in one breath.

Upon seeing this, the heroic spirit twisted his shoulders and raised his back swept right fist high and thumped; Yuxi jumped to the left, leaped and twisted in the air before the heroic fist hit the ground, while passing the heroic right fist Cut out "Saya" and cut off the tendons of the heroic wrist.Although the fist that the heroic spirit lost its grip can still hit the ground to raise the earth and sand, the impact of destruction has been greatly weakened-Yuxi soared along the high-rushing air current and quickly struck with the back of the knife, destroying the heroic spirit's right elbow.

The heroic spirit couldn't help screaming in pain, but Yuxi ignored it.

"It's not over yet."

Leaving such a whisper in the void, he crossed the heroic spirit and went around to the back-while running to the other side, he released two consecutive cuts that crossed into an X.The muscles that severed the Heroic Spirit's legs caused the huge body that had lost its support to fall backwards, and fell to a seat with a thud.

The ninth and ninety-sixth chapter respective battles (3)

The right hand was damaged and the muscles of both legs were severed. Instinctively, the heroic spirit subconsciously propped up the body with the only left hand that was not injured and tried to stand.Anticipating this, Noaka Yuki swept "Saya" on the left hand-wrist tendon of Heroic Spirit, breaking it in two.

When Yuxi completes or even exceeds the time that the bait should buy, completely blocking the actions of the heroic spirit.

"Sister, leave the rest to me."

Walnut appeared in front of the paralyzed heroic spirit with a quiet voice.The main slot of the Elf Gauntlet is inlaid with the black and "color" elements given by "Lu" Chia, and the palms of the palms are open to exude the green of the brave clan and the blue of the steady school-three-dimensional interlaced magic Array.

The heroic spirit seemed to feel life-threatening instinctively, trying to make the final struggle, opening his mouth to kill the walnut in front of him.At this moment--

"Don't even think about it."

Yuxi swept out "Saya" and smashed it straight towards the hero's jaw from the side.The knife is deliberately retracted into the sheath to cause bludgeoning damage.The timing, position, and force were all just the right impact, just enough to loosen the jaw joints of the heroic spirit.

The stunned heroic spirit "exposed" his mouth completely unsuspectingly--

"Dance wildly-Demon Flame Elf!"

While Walnut declared this way, a large amount of pitch-black flame poured into the mouth that could not be closed-burning the head of the hero from the inside.


Valeria and "Lu" on the east route, Yuki and walnut on the west route.When they resisted the heroic spirits and their respective battle conditions tended to be superior.

Geng Xizi and Jeste on the central line were in a bitter battle.

Because the rest of the routes are two people working together to deal with a hero, Geng Xizi and Jest have to fight separately with the high-level demons and heroes who "fuck" the hero.But the situation is so difficult, it's useless to think about it.

And now, after Geng Xizi moved the battle stage to a huge building with a complex shape and resembling a theater——

"Oh oh oh oh……"

Geng Xizi rushed towards the high-level demons on the stone paved ground.

The high-level demons deployed countless magic arrays to "shoot" fireballs in response to Geng Xizi's assault.However, because they are all burning bodies that emit high heat, in order to avoid prolonged burning or scalding, the dodge distance can not be kept too short, "forcing" Geng Xizi to avoid the constantly attacking fireball with a larger side step.

If it is difficult to dodge, just use Brunhild to kill it.but--


Kak Keng!Geng Xizi's brow furrowed as the hard sound ran across the hilt of the sword and passed into his hand.It's so heavy—not just a fireball, most of it contains some kind of rock or mineral; it can't be cut, it's good to be able to barely bounce off.If you use the sword to block things too often, your hands will soon become numb.Except for the use of'dimensionless execution', Geng Xizi usually holds Brunhild with one hand, but when confronted with this high-level demon, he is "forced" to hold the sword with both hands almost the whole time.

For a larger sword like Brunhild, once you change the way you hold it, your body movements will of course also change drastically.For Geng Xizi who needs to carefully adjust the speed of each movement, it is a fatal effect.

Can I only use "dimensionless execution"...

"Dimensionless Execution" is the ability that once cut off the opponent's Tian Yuan, it can completely disappear and send it to the other side of Zero Dimension. It also appears very heterogeneous in the variety of magic and special abilities.From a different perspective, the threat of "sex" is even higher than Wilbert's power inherited by Mio.

No, this is a kind of exercise. If you want to use "dimensionless execution", it is not exercise.I cannot be a burden!

After making up his mind, Geng Xizi carefully passed through the tricky fireball released by the opponent, and managed to get the opponent into the attack range.

"Drink!" Geng Xizi cut out Brunhilde immediately.The power of the two-handed sword attack was naturally much higher than usual - but it didn't work at all.The opponent did not avoid it, and the sword did hit the target.

It's just that it didn't cause any harm at all-the body of the high-level demons was too strong.


No matter how many times Brunhild hacked, it just made a sharp, hard sound.Not only can it not be cut in, but it can't even make a scar.

The opponent's attacks are all fire magic, I am afraid it is a magic type.The magic type is basically specialized in the use of magic, and most of his physical abilities are not very high, but he has such a tenacious body.This high-level demon is not only good at magic, but also has a solid body with a level of strength.

"It's really reckless."

The moment the high-level demons sighed like this, Geng Xizi jumped to the right with a "sex" shot, and a fireball passed next to her abdomen, slightly scorching her uniform.It's because the attack hasn't worked so long, it gave the opponent the chance to do this kind of sneak attack.Good luck flashed this time, and it was very dangerous to stay at this close distance.

"Do you think I would retire if I quit!"

However, Geng Xizi still boldly stayed in front of the opponent.If you rush away because you can't cause damage, you will only be "forced" to get more and more nowhere to hide, and the final destination is still a dead end.Therefore, Geng Xizi did not retreat, but instead thought about how to hurt his opponent. There was only one answer.

That is to keep attacking until you can inflict damage on the opponent.Geng Xizi lowered his waist and legs, and continued the offensive with swift cuts.


Brunhild drew out countless wisps of sword light, slashing on the high-order demons one after another.All that sounded was the sound of blades hitting each other, but Geng Xizi still did not slow down his attack.I saw that the high-ranking demons who had suffered repeated slashes caught the gap in an instant and activated magic——

Geng Xizi jumped to the horizontal and short distance, slid on the roof and landed, and slashed to the high-level demons again, slashing the slashes into a combo.All she did was attack high-speed displacement.It is an intertwined step and step, and attack and avoidance go in parallel.

Since the enemy can bounce all his attacks.All you have to do is to avoid all the enemy attacks.

At this time, the high-level demons seemed to have noticed Geng Xizi's plan.

"Boring tactics."

After saying this disdainfully, he launched a new attack.Don't cast fireballs anymore-directly raise a pillar of fire at your feet.It was like a huge wall of fire, enclosing the entire high-order demons.

Geng Xizi hurriedly jumped back, guarding the opponent's movement and waiting for the flame to diminish.

The use of such magic is probably to increase the distance.The purpose is not to attack, but to defend—then as long as the fire weakens a little, it must strike again.

Geng Xizi, who was waiting for the opportunity with this kind of thought, soon realized that she was thinking in the wrong direction.Not only did the pillar of fire not weaken, but expanded again and again.Soon-the violently burning soaring pillar of fire turned into the image of'some kind of creature'.


The huge flame dragon quickly formed in front of Geng Xizi's eyes, and the astonishing heat made Geng Xizi's bangs scorched and curled up after a certain distance.Once he releases this monster made of flames, Verda will surely turn into a sea of ​​flames.

"Damn—does it have to be used?"

Geng Xizi immediately set up Brunnhilde and prepared to use the'Dimensionless Execution'.At this time--

Yanlong flew into the air with a scream, and fell down suddenly.

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