Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 885

"what happened?"

Finally, in front of Geng Xizi, he swallowed the tall high-order demons, and rolled up an extremely thick pillar of fire.

Is he crazy?Geng Xizi was so suspicious for an instant, but strangely, the theater building did not catch fire at all.

"I don't want to waste time with your kid-deception."

A low voice was heard from the flames swirling in a whirlpool--then, the huge body of the high-ranking demons burst into flames.He has a pair of huge wings and tails, two horns on his forehead, and his arms have become very sturdy-red like fire, and look like a fire demon god.

Dongcheng Gengxizi understood why this high-level demons suddenly changed.It was not that Yanlong swallowed him-but he absorbed Yanlong.This will be enough to burn up the entire Verda flame and suck into the high-level demons in the body, and the whole body exudes a terrible heat and a sense of oppression.

"I'm on it!"

Just say this shortly-just received such a message in his head, that huge body has been "forced" in front of Geng Xizi.


Incredible speed.The figure is so tall, but the speed is faster than the speed type Geng Xizi.When faced with a powerful enemy, even a short subconscious "puzzle" can constitute a fatal flaw.Oops-when Geng Xizi scolded his reaction secretly, the right arm of the high-order demons that seemed to be able to burn the surrounding air was swept away, unable to completely escape.

The next moment, what the impact stimulated was the breaking and explosion accompanied by the booming sound.However, it was not Geng Xizi in the right boxing of the high-level demons.

At the moment, around Geng Xizi's feet-the stone ground on the roof suddenly bulged up with stone pillars, pushing Geng Xizi upward.Seeing the broken and burning stone pillar under my feet instead of myself——


Dongcheng Gengxizi immediately understood who saved her and called her name.Turning his head to see, Jeste was still fighting with the huge heroic spirit not far away.

At this moment, Geng Xizi gasped in surprise.The stone pillars destroyed by the super high-temperature giant wrists of the high-ranking demons burned violently from the roots, and the fiery snake rushed forward as if to devour Geng Xizi.

Geng Xizi hurriedly jumped back, and the stone pillar completely disappeared into the flame at the same time.Afterwards, Geng Xizi who barely jumped into the air heard--


The voice from directly behind told Geng Xizi that her actions had been seen through by the enemy and had taken the lead.


"Huh?" Geng Xizi turned around suspiciously.

The opponent's powerful fist was held.


"Sorry, Geng Xizi, I am late."

Chapter 997 Repelling

"Are you the Mu Hantian mentioned in the Lars report?"

"That's right, but if you bully our sister like this, we should get back as an older brother." Mu Hantian sneered, and pulled him over by grabbing Galdo's hand. A punch hit him in the face.

"Ahem..." Lars did not say "chaos", this guy is so strong... Your Majesty Leohart has an opponent.And there is also Narase Mio, it seems that the war can no longer be avoided.

Galdor's heart is full of anxiety at this moment, and he wants to retreat, but he doesn't know when, this place has been covered by enchantment.

"Gardo, what are you doing?"

Someone said something like this.It was the order of the Cardinal to accompany Gardo to attack Nebra in Verda.

Now, Nebra's vision is quite wide, but not because of floating in the air.The others stood on the shoulders of a huge heroic spirit that was "fucked" by Galdo.

That was Luca's time to deal with the more powerful high-ranking heroic spirit-but the cardinal did not hide from Leohart and others to complete the adjustment and renew the contract.Nebra's task of monitoring this attack was purely a cover, and the Cardinal gave him other instructions; one of them was to assassinate Gardor while attacking Verda.

Recently, Leohart's centripetal force has risen rapidly.Although he is the puppet of the Cardinal House as the new demon king, it is not a good thing to attract too many people or soldiers to support him.Although the puppet is more ornate and attracts more attention, it is futile to refuse to obey.Therefore, the Cardinal sent this attack to weaken Leohart's power.

Deliberately not fighting a number of wars, and sending out the newly unearthed heroes, because the cardinal knew that Leohart would definitely send his subordinates to the frontline command.Leohart doesn't trust many subordinates-so as long as he takes advantage of the "chaos" to solve the commander, he can effectively reduce Leohart's power.

So, when the Cardinal received the news that Gardo was the combat commander, it was simply overwhelmed.

But at this moment, seeing Gardo being blown away by Mu Hantian, Nebra could not sit still.

"Galdo, Naruse Mio has already appeared, hurry up and grab her so we can leave!"

"No, the attack you just received was too strong." Galdo said wryly.

"What the hell are you talking about, I will help you hold that person, you go and catch Mio Narase, hurry up!" Nebra yelled.

"Really, even if you want to discuss, don't be in front of me, okay?" A cold voice sounded in Niebra's ear.


"Haha, if you have the ability, you can continue talking." Mu Hantian sneered, and put the sword in his hand on Nibra's neck.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die." Niebra desperately squeezed out his voice, begging Mu Hantian for mercy.

"It's really useless." Mu Hantian seemed to be bored, kicking Nibra away.

Nebra got up embarrassedly, and roared at Mu Hantian: "Let me pick you up here. The heroic spirits that sleep in the ruins are naturally the type used to defend the city, so... of course they have it. A self-destruct function that destroys the enemy with the enemy in such bad circumstances as the defensive target is captured."

"Let me completely disappear from this world with you and this city."

After Niebra said this, he recites the secret text of self-explosive magic. The fleshy pieces of heroic spirits on the other side of the line of sight also dazzled at this moment, and a full-cover spherical special protective wall appeared around him-to prevent The detonator is involved in the explosion-proof force field created by the magical explosion.The corner of Nibra's mouth that chanted the secret text raised--


And after the final farewell-the flesh of the high-ranking heroes swelled suddenly.A dazzling flash of karma burned every brick in Verda.

It should be so.But the explosion and shock all disappeared at the moment of spreading-at the same time.

"How, how...!"

Witnessing the incredible sight stunned Niebra.

Detonated secret text input failed?No, it did explode.After the self-detonation succeeded-the resulting flame and shock disappeared, and even the remnants of magic power were not left.What is going on...

Niebra hurriedly looked at the place where the explosion should have occurred.There, he found a young girl standing in front of Mu Hantian.She held a huge magic sword in both hands, and stopped in the state of swinging the sword-Dongcheng Geng Xizi who should have been unable to move.

"Geng Xizi, why are you..."

"I don't want to keep hiding behind my brother." Geng Xizi said stubbornly.

"Interesting... there is a good story that I can tell Master Belfeg." Niebra still smiled and raised his right hand, and then the dark shadow of the giant fell from the sky.The other party seemed to have hidden a hand, but because Belfiger's order could not be failed, Niebra himself had a killer.

Accompanied by the booming sound, those high-ranking heroes of the same type as the heroes who had just exploded, and three at a time; two fell behind Nebra, and one fell on the edge of the city of Verda.In order to complete the mission in one breath, Niebra decided to attack Mu Hantian and Verda City at the same time.

Geng Xizi may use the strange ability to eliminate the self-destruction, so he directly fights with the heroic spirit in close hands. Even if the heroic spirit sent to the city of Wilda has to explode, he can also destroy the high-level steady faction such as Ramsay.

"It's a pity--you really don't have any dramas."

When Nebra was about to order the heroic spirits to annihilate Verda, two consecutive shocks sounded behind him.

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