Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 951

No matter how you look at it, she is a genuine maid.

"Miss...Ah!" The maid fell.

On the way down the stairs, he rolled out beautifully.

"Carol!" Linselei turned blue with fright.

"It's really troublesome." Mu Hantian shook his head, shook off the hands of the two hard, and flew out with a kick.


After catching the maid who was falling down while screaming, Mu Hantian embraced the girl's body with both hands, and then found a place to stand.

"Hey, are you not hurt?"

"Uh... Excuse me... Wow! I'm sorry!" The black eyes of the maid girl burst into tears.

"So handsome." "Yeah, yeah." "But his hands..."

Hearing the unexpected words, Mu Hantian only noticed that his hand seemed to "touch" a bad place...

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...!

Suddenly there was a sound of shaking from the sky.

Mu Hantian looked up, and Claire was standing there holding the flame whip.

" you you...this "perverted" wolf elf!"

"Wait a minute! This is all force majeure, it's all an accident..."

"Less...Less long-winded! Turn me into coke!"

Claire's whip was swung ruthlessly towards Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian couldn't help but quickly put down the maid, and then dodged.

"You stop me!"

"Who will stop!"


"So bad luck."

An hour later, Mu Hantian sighed while walking in the courtyard of the college.

The current Claire, 80% is receiving teacher Freya's devil instruction in the punishment room.

Mu Hantian finally got rid of the female classmates who were chasing after her, and was enjoying the short tranquility here.

Regardless of other students, Mu Hantian did not have any courses in the afternoon.For Mu Hantian, who has just transferred to the college, the schedule has not yet been finalized.

The courses of Alicia Elf Academy adopt the credit system, and students can freely choose their favorite courses as long as they meet the necessary conditions.

After all, each student's elven abilities are very different, and a unified curriculum will inevitably make it difficult for Ji Miao to develop her talents.

"Ah, I'm a little hungry, but...we have no money!" Mu Hantian knelt down rather unwillingly.

Although there are student restaurants in the college, the prices are all frighteningly high. It is already beyond the level of Missy Academy and can be called Princess Academy.A bowl of soup costs a day’s wages for the commoners. I really don’t understand the significance of this.

"Forget it, go to Greyworth to find out if there is anything to eat."

Just as Mu Hantian was about to ask the witch...

A scent of thick soup wafted from somewhere.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian frowned and stood up.

Looking around, a bowl of thick soup, steaming white, appeared in front of Mu Hantian.

The soup is full of onions and bone-in chicken, which looks very delicious.

"Come out, I don't believe there will be such a good thing." Mu Hantian looked at Tang, but didn't have the idea to touch it.

"Miss, let me just say no."


A face suddenly appeared in front of Mu Hantian--it was the light blond lady.The name of this eldest lady is Linsley Lauren Frost.

Another young girl, Carol, is wearing a maid outfit and standing behind Linsley in a proper manner.

"What does this mean?"

"Huh, Mu Hantian, are you hungry?"

"Ah, I'm a little hungry." Mu Hantian answered honestly.

"As long as you learn how to bark and be my slave, this bowl of soup will be given to you." While holding the bowl of soup, Linselei stood up her majestic chest cocky.

"Bored." Mu Hantian turned around without hesitation.

"Ah! Hey! You can wait a minute! You rude guy, listen to me!"

Lin Silei did not give up, and kept following behind Mu Hantian.

"What do you want to do!" Mu Hantian couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ben... This lady kindly gave you food, you guys are too polite!"

"Okay, it's all my fault, okay. Can you go now?"

"You...what are you arrogant! You clearly wagged your tail to Claire "Lu" Qiu, and said something big!"

"When did I wag my tail to that guy?" Mu Hantian whispered with his forehead.


After Linsley coughed, she put the bowl of soup on the ground.


"I put the soup here. It was Carol who did the rest anyway, and it would be a shame to throw it away. Thanks for my mercy."

Lin Silei turned around gracefully, just as she was about to leave--


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