Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 952

Lin Silei's shoulders trembled, and her footsteps suddenly stopped."Is there a problem?"

"It's nothing, it's just..."

Mu Hantian hasn't finished speaking...

"Linsley Lauren Frost!"

A fairly familiar voice suddenly came into Mu Hantian's ears.

Kleier, who was swaying a pair of red ponytails, walked towards Mu Hantian.

It seemed that Teacher Freya's words had ended.

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters on fire

"Puppy who steals people's stuff! Don't use food to lure my contracted spirit!"

"You...who did you say is a puppy!"

"Here again." Mu Hantian sighed in boredom.

"It was originally a puppy! Doesn't your family crest have a puppy?"

"You-Lauren Frost's family crest is a proud white wolf, not a puppy!"

"White wolf? I think it should be changed to Chihuahua, right?"

Facing Claire's provocation--

"Claire "Lu" Qiu... you really annoyed me." Linsele said with her throat lowered.

At this time, a thick mist of cold suddenly rose around, and the temperature began to drop sharply.

"Hey, don't you guys want to fight here?" Mu Hantian hurriedly dissuaded him, but it was too late.

The cold wind gradually formed a whirlpool, blowing Lin Selei's long hair into the air.

——Cold Bingfang beast, ruthless forest hunter!

——Fulfill the blood contract here and follow my orders!

After Lin Silei "chanted" the summoning technique in an elf language, a fierce ice storm was immediately set off in the air.In the roaring ice and snow vortex, a figure slowly appeared from it.It is a very beautiful wolf with silver "color" and "hair" hair.A terrifying chill radiated from his body.

"It's Miss Linsley's contracted spirit-the magic ice spirit'Fenrir'." Carol said with a smile.

"Hmph, your puppy is still the same, only "hair" and "color" barely made it to the table." Claire slapped the double ponytail with disdain.

" said it was a puppy again! You actually insulted the Laurentian Frost family, and I can never spare you this airport!"

The white wolf, covered in cold air, roared and flew towards Kleier.

"Who did you say is the airport!'Scarlett', come out!"

Claire waved the whip to the ground, and the hot fire cat immediately appeared from the flames of the reverse curl.

"Hey! You two! Don't fight with elves here! This is a corridor!" Mu Hantian shouted.

"You can't spare you even if you start to act on my slave! The puppies who love to steal things must have a break with you today!"

"Hmph, watch me take your servant!"

The two girls completely ignored Mu Hantian's words.

"Claire "Lu" Qiu, you are really an eyesore!"

"You are an eyesore, Linselei! Why do you always trouble me!"

The two elves of the magic ice elf "Fenrir" and the flame elf "Scarlet" jumped up at the same time, and there was a fierce conflict in the air.

Ice and fire collide with each other, blowing violent winds.

The two seemed to be evenly matched, however, the flame elf called by Claire seemed to have consumed a lot of energy.

"I was injured by Esther a few hours ago. No wonder—"

It is impossible to recover completely after taking such a big damage.

Just as Mu Hantian watched this elves battle—

"Huh? Why... there is a burning smell?"

Mu Hantian raised his eyebrows and looked around.When his eyes moved to a certain scene, his facial features suddenly froze.

It's burning up.

The tree beside the corridor burned.

"Hey, stop first, it's on fire."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Claire quickly turned around.

"Lin Silei! Pause! There is a fire!"

"Huh, don't want to take advantage of me...Huh? Really!"

"Don't fight, put out the fire now." Mu Hantian hurriedly stopped the two.

"Hmph, this light, look at me three or two to put it out-Fenrir!"

Lin Silei yelled, and the Ice Demon White Wolf returned to her in an instant.

The white wolf's figure suddenly disappeared into the air, and at the same time, Lin Silei's hand suddenly had a huge ice longbow.

This is the wizard magic outfit-the second purified form of the wizard.

"Cold Bingfang, go through the enemy!'Magic Ice Arrow Bullet'!"

Linsele pulled up an ice arrow and "shot" the arrow out.

The arrow turned into countless ice crystal fragments and poured down, and the burning flame was instantly extinguished.

"Hmph, I will become like this when any big fire meets, it's easy!"

Lin Si Lei gathered her long light gold "color" hair, and said triumphantly.

"Yes, but this tree can't be kept."

Under the devastation of the poured ice arrows, the trees were blown to pieces.

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