Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 954

"Claire "Lu" Jo, I want to fight them too. According to the admonitions of my Lauren Frost family, if anyone dares to fool my Lauren Frost family, they must give the tooth of vengeance." Lin Silk Lei flicked her hair, "showing" a smile without fear.

At this moment, Alice's blade turned and pointed the sword at the two people in front of her.

"Okay. It was said that it was like fleeing, and it hurts the face of my Wind King Knights. I accept the duel. Seriously, your crow class is "chaotic" like this. I can't stand it anymore."

"I said, is this really good for you? Isn't it forbidden to'chaos' here?"

"If it's'in the academy', private fights are of course forbidden. So we won't fight here."

Alice said, turning her head to Claire.

"The time and place are set in front of the'gate' at two o'clock in the evening today. The format of the battle is up to you."

"One-on-one is too much trouble. How about a three-person system?"

"Yes." Alice nodded and put away the sword, then turned and left.

While staring at her back, Claire cursed viciously: "Humph! I will definitely make you regret it! Especially the short hair, I definitely want to show her a good look!"

"This is a good opportunity to teach them. I've long been displeased with those in the Knights."

"Linsi Lei, don't pull my hind legs."

"Oh, you don't want to think about who you are working with."

Mu Hantian sighed deeply.Then, "Lu" smiled.

"That's it, I'll leave first." Mu Hantian finished speaking and was about to leave.


Claire wiped her waist with one hand and stretched out her index finger towards Mu Hantian."Slave spirit! Don't you want to run away, I'm talking about a three-person system, you are the last one!"

"Hey...I knew it would become like this..." Mu Hantian dropped his shoulders helplessly.


Two o'clock in the middle of the night-the college students have fallen asleep long ago, and the forest elves are about to start moving.

After Mu Hantian had dinner at Greyworth's, he waited at the place agreed with Claire.

"Do you really want to fight?"



Mu Hantian shook his head and walked on the stone road shining in the moonlight, following Claire all the way.

"The atmosphere of the college at night is completely different."

"Night is the time of the elves, of course it's different." Claire replied coldly, walking forward without looking back.

The shoes hit the stone slab firmly, and it sounded extraordinarily loud.

"That's it."

Claire stopped suddenly.In the direction she pointed out, there was a huge stone circle.The surface of the earth was glowing with a blue and white "color" light.

"Is it there?"

"Yes, that's the'Elven World Gate'. This door is connected to the Elemental Elf World, so the Academy is built in such a remote place."

"That's it." Mu Hantian nodded.

After Claire said to Mu Hantian, "Come here quickly", and walked into the giant stone circle.

After chanting the door opening spell in Elf language, the cyan light on the ground became more intense.

"Okay, come here soon."

Mu Hantian was caught by Claire and quickly jumped into the circle of light.

Suddenly, a flash of white "color" occupied all eyes.A feeling similar to dizziness hit the whole body.then--

Mu Hantian opened his eyes, and a scene of another world appeared in front of him.

In the gloomy and gloomy forest, stands a series of severely distorted trees.The red "color" moon like blood, shining in the night sky.There was a light purple "color" mist that rose up into the air like smoke.

The elemental elven world is the habitat of elves, another world completely different from the human world.

"No one will disturb here, and even if it is injured, it will not cause very serious injury, so students often come here to fight."

In the elemental elves world, the elves can make further changes, using contract elves purely as divine power.

In this situation, the body of the powerhouse is equivalent to the spirit itself, so it is hardly damaged by physical "sex".

However, this approach is not 100% safe.You will still feel pain when injured, and although the body will not be injured, it will suffer the same degree of mental shock.

In this situation, if you just fainted, it is still good luck, but in severe cases, it may cause severe memory impairment, and then the spirit is completely destroyed, and the consciousness can no longer be restored.

"Fire, light up the darkness."

After Claire chanted the wizard magic, a small fireball appeared in the palm of his hand, illuminating the path leading to the forest.

"Let's go, Hantian."

After Claire flicked the double ponytail lightly, she began to walk forward quietly.

"You have to be careful. Regardless of the other two people, Alice is really strong. The leader of the knights is not talking about it. And after the battle with the seal elves this morning, Scarlett has been consumed. Less power. As for Linsley's strength... I admit that the guy is indeed very powerful, but our understanding is extremely bad." Claire said calmly.

"I know."

After walking for a while, a huge theater ruins appeared in the forest.In ancient times, the world of elemental spirits and the world of humans still belonged to the same world, which was called the age of mythology.This ruin is the product of this period.The stone gate that is about to collapse welcomes the arrival of the two.It seems that this is the stage for the duel.

"As the Sword Elf Envoy, you are responsible for the attack. Lin Selei and I will support you behind."

"I am the most dangerous role? Isn't this your duel?"

"How, do you have any comments? Okay, let you choose yourself. Attack and coke, which one do you want to choose?"

"I am responsible for the attack."

"It's a wise choice." Claire nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, you should be able to "fuck" that'sword elf' completely, right?"

"Don't worry, no problem."

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