Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 955

"Since you said that, then I'm relieved. But the seal spirit has a bad reputation. If something happens, it won't be surprising. Just be careful anyway."

"I understand. You don't have to worry about me."

"Kleier "Lu" Qiu!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the gloomy bushes.

Claire and Mu Hantian looked over.Linsley and her maid, Carol, appeared.

"Linsi Lei, you are late."

"Huh, it takes time for ladies to dress up. Don't you know?"

Linselei triumphed and folded her long light golden hair.

"It looks like you are all here, Crow Class." A majestic voice fell into the air.

The four men raised their heads at the same time and looked at the theater wall that was about to collapse.

A majestic young knight was standing there, her long blue hair fluttering gently under the breeze.

The silver "colored" armor was shining.

Next to the girl knight, stood two knights who also wore silver armor.

Mu Hantian had heard the names of these two people from Kleier.The one with short hair is Raqqa, and the head of the braid is Lacie.

"Alice Frangerto, when did you come!"

"Won't you always wait by the side, looking for a good time to appear handsome, right?"

"What did you say... nothing! I just arrived!"

When Claire said that, Alice clearly showed a panic and almost fell off the wall.

Alice glared at Claire with sharp eyes, and drew the sword from her waist.

"Go ahead, Crow Class. Let's end this duel before dawn—"

At this time, a fire suddenly lit the theater, which was the stage for the duel.

An eagle with its huge wings spread out in the red night sky.

"Mu Hantian, let me introduce you. This is my contract spirit-the magic wind spirit'Smoff'!"

After the eagle roared like a violent wind, it fell sharply with a demon wind and rushed towards Mu Hantian.

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters cannot cooperate

Without a word, the magic wind elves immediately launched an attack.

The magic wind elves sliding in the air quickly swooped down toward the ground where the four of them were.

The scene suddenly burst into loud noises.The stone road was lifted repeatedly, raising a lot of sand and gravel.

Mu Hantian stood still, looked around, and saw that the two companions were already standing in their own positions.

Claire directly covered Mu Hantian from the middle distance.Lin Silei launched an attack from a long distance, supporting the other two behind.

As for Carol...has already escaped to the sidelines, waving a flag.

At this time, the raging wind suddenly stopped... the roar of the demon wind elf sounded again.The huge demon bird stood in the big hole created just now, flapping its wings forward--

"Cut, trouble." Mu Hantian was speechless and quickly jumped away.Then quickly summoned Esther.

But now Esther didn't know what was wrong, there was some instability.Maybe it was because he hurt Mu Hantian, he was a little guilty.

"It doesn't matter, Esther, that's not your fault." Mu Hantian communicated with Esther in his heart.


"I said, it's not your fault!"

"the host……"

"Now let me finish this game with me."

"I know."

"Mu Hantian, will you only run away? I really misunderstood you!" Alice shook her ponytail and jumped to the ground.

"Who said that I want to fight with you!" Mu Hantian rushed towards Alice with his sword.Mu Hantian heard Claire say that as long as the elf envoy was defeated first, the contract elf that was summoned would naturally disappear.

"Han Tian, ​​be careful behind!"

No need for Claire's reminder, Mu Hantian had already felt it.Jump aside instantly.

The wings of the magic wind elves swept past Mu Hantian's position in the next second.

"Should it be'wind'?"

The elves of the "sex" wind have always been known for their speed among the five element elves.Alice did perfectly control the characteristics of the wind elves.

The magic wind elves flying into the night sky drew an arc in the sky, turned around and swooped toward Mu Hantian again.

Mu Hantian jumped away again.The demon wind elves that hit the ground rolled up a large amount of earth and rocks, and then immediately turned into countless wind blades and slashed towards Mu Hantian's arm.

Mu Hantian immediately supported the shield with sword aura and intercepted the wind blade.

"Han Tian, ​​let me cover you!"

At the same time as the sound sounded, a burst of burning flame suddenly illuminated the night sky red.

Claire activated Scarlet's elven outfit and waved the whip of flame.

The slash of the flames drew an arc, sweeping off the blade of the wind.

"You are not allowed to obstruct the team leader!"

The braided knight Lassia launched an assault on Claire.

The elven magic outfit that Lasiya was holding was a transparent ice sword.She, like Lin Silei, is a user of ice elves.

However, Lacie's elven level is completely inferior to Linsley's Fenrir.Although he has the skills to turn elves into elves magic outfits, it seems that he can't fully use them.

Mu Hantian's goal is very clear, no, it should be said that he has not changed from beginning to end.It's Alice!

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, and the ground in front of him was turned over.

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