Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 967

"Yes...not yet." Facing Linsley's question, Claire could only shook her head in distress.

Hearing her answer, Lin Silei couldn't help but "show" a smile, which looked like a triumphant smile as expected.

"What? I haven't found it yet. I'm sorry, but I asked an embarrassing question."

Then he laughed twice and picked up the tea cup with grace.

Claire, who was irritated, couldn't help but choke back: "This is because no one meets the level I require! So what about you? Did you find it?"

"This...not yet...because their level is so much worse than mine!"

"Mr. Hantian, miss her..."


Carola twitched Mu Hantian's sleeve, and whispered in his ear: "This is how it is, twitter..."

"Really..." Mu Hantian shook his head helplessly.

According to Carol--

In fact, Lin Silei has formed a team with many people, but because of reasons such as high demands on the players or love of face, the team is always facing the fate of disbanding, and no one wants to find her. .For this reason, it really has Lin Selei's style.

"Well... Lin Silei does love face... but she is actually a good girl."

"That means..." Carol nodded sympathetically.

"Carol...what are you talking to Hantian classmate?"

"While discussing the order of the parts cleaned by the lady in the bath."


Seeing the eldest lady and the maid fighting together, Claire completely ignored her, just sighed heavily.

"Hey...Where are the excellent elf envoys who are willing to join our team? Are there really no talents?"

"Cough cough." Lin Selei gave a dry cough and aimed at Kreil with one eye.

"Just go find the transfer student just mentioned, maybe you will find the treasure."

"Kleier, don't say that. Maybe a better candidate is by your side." Mu Hantian said pointedly.

"What do you mean?"

"You really... forget it, come with me."

"What are you doing?...Wow! Don't breathe into my ear suddenly!"

"What do you care about, I'll tell you business."

After speaking, Mu Hantian began to whisper in Claire's ear.

"Don't you see it? Linsele really wants to join our team, can you let her join?"

"Absolutely not." Claire replied immediately.


"I admit that she is indeed very capable. But still not good. Did you see it when you duel with Alice last time? She didn't even think about the tacit understanding of team battles."

"That's right..."

Indeed, in the previous duel with Alice, Lins Lei was obviously in charge of sniping, but she ran out to stand in the most eye-catching position and was the first to be defeated.

"And... and... Linsele is to you..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"No... it's okay! Anyway, no! Linsley can't!"

"Don't say that, don't you think she is very pitiful?"

"You...what are you talking about secretly?"

Lin Silei twirled her index finger and played with her light golden "colored" hair, while staring anxiously, looking very uncomfortable.

"Alright, and we haven't found people? Tacit understanding can be cultivated."


Claire whined reluctantly, and finally—

"Well, let me ask."

Then, Claire turned her gaze to Lin Selei and said: "Lin Selei, I ask you."

"What...what's the matter? Claire "Lu" Jo?" Lin Silei's voice became a bit high-pitched because of tension.

"Do you want to join our team?"

Linselei stopped playing with her hair's fingers.

"Humph, I thought what you were going to say..."

She rubbed her waist with her hands, pointed at Claire forcefully, and said, "You are the one who wants to join! Do you want to join my team?"

"What are you talking about?" Claire's eyebrows were raised suddenly.

"What silly thing are you talking about! It's you who want to join our team!"

"Rejected! I solemnly reject this statement! It is you who want to join my team!"

The two eldest ladies began to argue over trivial things.

"Aren't they all the same..." Mu Hantian couldn't help but vomit.

"It's not the same at all!" "It's totally different!"

The artillery fire blasted towards Mu Hantian like stereo sound.Only at this time, the two will become full of understanding.

At this moment...

"This is a public place, can you be quiet?"

Suddenly there was a majestic voice from the salon cafe.

Everyone turned their heads--

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