Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 968

At the entrance of the cafe, stood a beautiful girl with ponytail in light armor.

"It's Alice!" Claire cursed in a low voice, with an expression of'you are here to disrupt the game again'.

Alice straddled her steps and came to the round table.

"Chief of the Knights, what's the point?"

"If you want to fight again, I will accompany you at any time."

The eyes of Linsley and Kleier both "showed" a dangerous light.

Alice, who walked to the table, cast her sharp eyes at Claire.

"Huh, Claire "Lu" Qiu, you can decide the outcome here, I have no problem."

"Just to my liking."

Seeing Alice drawing her sword, Claire also drew the whip from under her skirt.

Seeing that the scene was about to start, the girls sitting nearby got up from their chairs.

At this moment...

"Tuan... Leader! Calm down!"

"You can't draw your sword here!"

At this time, two girls ran over from the entrance of the cafe in a panic.They are all wearing the same armor of the Knights as Alice.

One is a little boyish girl with short hair, the other has braids and looks serious.

These two men were the opponents of the Knight Order who had previously duel with Mu Hantian and others.

As for the names of these two people-the short hair is called Raqqa, and the braided head is called Lecia.

Alice, who was stopped by her fellow Knights, put away her sword embarrassingly.

"Hug... I'm sorry. As the head of the team, it's too bad." Alice coughed awkwardly and apologized to the two girls.

Then she turned to Mu Hantian.

"Mu Hantian!"

"What?" Mu Hantian tilted his head suspiciously.

"I heard that you lost to the Weasel class in this morning's match, and you lost a terrible defeat."

"What do you mean! I really came to find the ballast!" Claire stood up from the chair excitedly.

"I'm not here to find the ballast. In fact...Mu Hantian...I--"

Alice shook her head first, then suddenly became very embarrassed, blushing and lowered her head.

"What do you mean by doing this? I didn't do anything to you."

"That's the one……"

"The head of the group is really true, just say it quickly."

"That's right, I always have something to say straight, but I'm procrastinating when encountering such things."

Lacie and Raqqa whispered behind Alice.

"However, the shy leader is also very cute."

"Ah, I understand! Like a girl in love—"

"Don't...Don't be'chaos' joking! I...I don't have any feelings for this nasty man!" Alice yelled, flushing.

"After so much talk, do you plan to explain why?"

"Don't be wordy! I know!"

Alice returned to choke Claire, then turned to stare at Mu Hantian's face.

"Mu Hantian!"

"Say it."


Perhaps because of her nervousness, Alice's hand was shaking slightly.

"It's... I... I want you!"

The first thousand sixty-five chapters transfer students

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

Kraer and the others were naturally stunned, and Raqqa and Lecia were too scared to speak.

The time froze suddenly, for several seconds.

"what did you say……!"

The first one to speak was Claire.

She blushed, her mouth closed.

At this moment, Alice suddenly opened her eyes wide, and shook her head suddenly.

"No, no! I didn't mean that!"

"That means... what does it mean!"

"That, it's... uh..."

Alice took a deep breath, and then said, "Mu Hantian, you want to join our team?"

"What!" Claire and Linsele opened their eyes wide.

"Ahem, Mu Hantian, I would like to invite you to join our team. With your strength to defeat the military elves, you must meet the threshold to join the team." After Alice finished quickly, he looked away.

"No! He is my contract elf!" Claire called out quickly.

She stood up from the chair and tightly grasped Mu Hantian's uniform sleeve.

"Krell, you..."

Mu Hantian turned his head and looked down, intersecting with the clear ruby ​​eyes. Claire's eyes were full of anxiety.

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