Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 979

In front of Alice, stood a young boy with red eyes.This person is Geo Inzaki, the male "sex" wizard who claims to be the heir to the devil.

Lying on his feet were the injured Raqqa and Lecia.

"Bastard thing! How dare I send my companion--"

Alice swung out the'windwing gun'.The walls of the tunnel were destroyed, and the hard rock field was blown to pieces like glass.

Geo laughed wildly and jumped high.

"Hey, do you only have this ability? Are the Knights a little kid playing house wine?"


Alice couldn't help getting excited when she heard that the Knights were insulted.

"The wind of disaster, turn into countless blades, cut off my enemy!"

Alice liberated the ability of the magic wind spirit'Smof''s magic outfit-the'Wind Wing Gun'.

"Physical assault, right-Lu Jing Elf, counter "shoot" back!"

The moment Geo shouted, a shiny red mirror appeared in front of Alice's eyes.

As soon as the wind-wing spear with the squally wind hit the mirror, countless wind blades immediately turned around and attacked Alice.

Alice was cut straight by the violent wind blade, and hit the wall under the impact.

"Alice!" Mu Hantian mentioned the guardian god Esther and rushed out.

The first thousand and seventy-one chapters once to kill

Jiou turned his head and smiled crookedly, as if he had already discovered the existence of Mu Hantian and his party.

"Oh, another bunch of idiots."

The engraving of the wizard on Geo’s right hand suddenly radiated light——

"Taste the fester of the internal organs! Rot poisonous spirit, come out!"

Then, a strong deep purple "color" mist vented out.

Mu Hantian smelled the slightly choking nose, and quickly covered his mouth.

Mu Hantian took a look at the situation. Alice and the other two girls, who were directly bathed in the poisonous mist, shrank their bodies, looking quite painful.

Turning his head, looking back, Linselei's ice arrow had been wound and aimed at Geo, but there was no next move.

Lin Silei's judgment is correct.

At this time, Geo was showing the mirror elves who had just "shooted" the Elise Elf outfit.If something goes wrong, it is likely to hit Alice and others who are nearby.

Claire was standing in front of Fijana, seeming to be singing the magic of the "sex" elf.

Just when Mu Hantian was about to do it...

There was a faint rubbing sound in the dim tunnel.

"Storm... blow away my enemies-'Wind King Explosion Array'!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept over, blowing away all the poisonous fog.


Alice "plugged" the Wind Demon Spear to the ground and stood up.

The cut-resistant fiber uniform was torn in many places, and his whole body was scarred.The silk stockings on his feet were torn, and his feet trembled slightly.

However, Alice still stood up bravely.

She raised the spear of the elven magic outfit, glared at Geo, and said angrily in a hoarse voice: "For the reputation of the Knights of the Wind King, even if I will lose my life...I will defeat you!"

"It hurts... Are you looking for death?"

Geo, who was hit by the storm, twisted his lips and snorted.

"In that case, I will fulfill you!"

All the elves engraved on Jiou's body gave off an ominous light——

"Won't let you succeed."

Mu Hantian rushed out, and the two fireballs "shot" at Jio at the same time.

This is Claire's cover action.Taking advantage of the moment Jiou bounced the fireball, Mu Hantian accelerated to "close" to Jiou.

Then, the guardian god Esther slashed towards Geo like cutting the air.

Ka!The stones that had been sharpened by the tip of the knife were all chopped into pieces.

"Ha! Don't look so scary!"

Geo jumped, dodged the attack by a millimeter, and landed on the rock field that was about to collapse.

Mu Hantian did not continue pursuing, but ran directly to Alice.

Her breathing was so rapid that she seemed to fall to the ground at any time.

"Alice! Are you all right?"

"No... you don't need to be nosy..."

Mu Hantian wanted to reach out to support the swaying Alice, and asked her to put it on his shoulders, but she shook it away.

"I... don't need your help."

"Don't be brave, think about your partner."

Alice's expression suddenly sank.Raqqa and Lesiah still fell to the ground, seemingly conscious, but if they continue like this, their lives may be in danger.

As for Alice, she also has difficulty even standing up.

"Um...well, Mu Hantian, I owe you a favor."

"Don't talk about those useless, protect yourself and leave the rest to me."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Alice couldn't help flushing her cheeks.

After letting the injured Alice rest against the wall, Mu Hantian turned to Jiou again.

"Let me kill you."

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