Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 980

"If you can do it." Geo "showed" an unkind smile as he slowly walked off the rock field.

Mu Hantian raised the sword and slowly said, "Kleier, don't "step in", just protect Alice and the others."

"Are you alone, are you really okay?" Claire asked worriedly.

"no problem."

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me." Geo Inzaki laughed quietly and walked over.

The elf engraving on the right hand began to emit an ominous light, emitting a blue and white thunder.Then, in his hand appeared a sword elven outfit that was the same as Esther.

"This is my sword spirit-let's make a gesture to see whose sword is stronger?"

"Laughing, don't compare my Astor with your three spirits!"

Mu Hantian, holding the guardian god Esther, ridiculed.

A battle began.


The crisp metal impact sounded one after another.Every time a sword light flashed, a spark was sparked in the darkness.

Mu Hantian kicked forward, holding the guardian god Esther and slashing past.

A sharp blow.Geo blocked it with the sword spirit in time.but--


There was a high-pitched metal sound—Jio's sword spirit, and then shattered.Jiou's expression was distorted by his astonishment.

"Hey, this elven outfit is too exaggerated-it cut off my sword elves with one blow?"

"Sorry, my Astor is the strongest sword elf." After speaking, Mu Hantian "approached" again.

Geo chanted the summoning technique and called out the sword spirit again.

"More! It's still early!"

"It's useless!"

Mu Hantian aimed at the sword elves that appeared from the air and swung his sword mercilessly.

There was a sound of steel shattering in the air, and the second sword elf turned to ashes.

However, Jiou still had the expression of an old god.

"Huh, pick me up!"

The engraving of the elves on the whole body suddenly "shot" thunder-a third sword appeared in Geo's hand.

"No matter how much rubbish it is, it is useless. Let me solve you with one trick!" Mu Han stomped on the ground, flew forward, and rushed directly to Jiou.

"Don't say it is so simple, hum!" Jiou snorted coldly, blocking with a sword.


Mu Hantian was shocked, and Jiou immediately retreated.


Mu Hantian said coldly, his hands kept moving, and he used Esther to spin Gio's sword.

Mu Hantian caught the sword, Jiou's sword was divided into two pieces, and then Mu Hantian retreated.

"You don't think this is...?" Geo's expression solidified, and he suddenly burst into blood on his chest.

"how is this possible……"

"Nothing is impossible, it's just that you are too weak."

"Really? Even so, you and I will die!"

The engraving of the elves on Jiou's body began to shine, and a black mist was wrapped around his right hand.

"This is a dead elf-one of the strongest among all my elves. Let it ruin you!"

"That kind of thing is useless at all, because I can kill you before you use it. Just like this..." Mu Hantian's figure instantly appeared in front of Jiou.

The guardian god Esther in his hand emitted a dazzling light, and then completely penetrated the body of Geo Inzaki.

"It's solved." Mu Hantian exhaled and pulled Esther out.

Chapter One Thousand Seventy Two

"Everyone, are you all okay?" After solving Jiou Inzaki, Mu Hantian began to ask everyone about their situation.

"It's okay, I have treated Alice and the others with healing minerals. It's not a big problem, but it can't be "chaotic" for the time being." Fiana said.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

Fragments of the rock continued to fall from the top of the impending collapse.

"An earthquake again?"

"Could it be... the strategic military elves are about to wake up?"

"It seems to be. But if Geo Inzaki did not find the'True Sacrifice Hall', it would be impossible to completely untie the seal."

"Then, as long as we find the True Sacrifice Hall first--"

Halfway through, Claire suddenly exclaimed.

"The designated seal material stolen from the academy--maybe it records the location of the True Sacrifice Hall!"

"Yes! If this is the purpose of stealing the information..."

"No, military data will be encrypted, and it is very time-consuming to fully interpret." It was Alice who got up from the ground.

It seems that the earthquake just now awakened Alice.

"Alice, can you move?" Mu Hantian asked.

"No, I can't move yet. Ashamed to say, I'm dragging you down this time."

Alice gave her immobile feet a bit, biting her lips in annoyance.

"Fiyana, even if you don't have the power of an elf, can you still dance ritual Kagura?"

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