Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 984

A voice sounded from behind Claire.

Feiyana, dressed in solemn ceremonial clothes, came over leisurely.

At this time, she is the imposing white fairy Ji.

"Now I will let you see, the ritual Kagura of the imperial second princess Fiyana Ray Odyssia."

The first thousand seventy-four chapters

Feyana held iron fans in both hands and began to dance Kagura.

——All elves, jump!Free from bondage, dance with me!

Maiden is the only fairy witch cultivation institution in the mainland-the second strongest witch in the'Shenyiyuan'.

The Kagura she dances is not a "sex" dance that strengthens the support of the elves in battle.

Fayana stepped like a beat, and her body pierced the air like flowing water.

Before learning to speak, the dance of the "Shenyiyuan" that was drawn deeply in every nerve, stepped out a flawless movement.

"The seventh style of ritual Kagura-the ritual of a banquet, I offer it here!"


Geo Inzaki's body suddenly twisted and fell to the ground.His two wrists bend in weird directions, and the engravings on his whole body flicker violently.

"I have been thinking about why you can control so many elves, and I just came up with the answer. Your elves are not contract elves, they are all sealed elves." Fayana explained.

Yes-the elves called by Geo Inzaki are not the ones who have exchanged contract rituals.He disguised himself as an engraving of an elf with a pattern engraved on his body, but it was actually used to board the seal elf.

"Your Seal Elf reacted to my ritual Kagura, so it got out of control."

"what did you say……!"

"Tell you, your body hosts the seal elves, like a temple dedicated to a large number of elves."

"And these elves are not contract elves, they don't have strong bonds, they just barely get together because of the stone. So of course they will be affected by external interference-that is, the Kagura of our maiden."

"Goo... damn... Goo ah ah ah!"

Jiou roared, and released the elves towards Fiana who was performing Kagura in the Shrine Hall.

The five elves of different "sex" tangled together and rushed to the Temple of True Sacrifice.

"It's useless!"

Claire, standing in front of the door, knocked down five elves with a whip of flame.

"Sorry, the elf out of control is not my opponent at all."

"Damn! Crazy King Elf, let me see your power!" Jiou held Gouyu high and shouted.

As if responding to him, Gou Yu gave out an unknown light, which enveloped Jiou for an instant.

The light dissipated, and a huge black magic sword appeared in Geo's hand.

"That's..." Mu Hantian had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Let you take a look, Lord Demon King gave me the power!"

The magic sword began to spray out black mist, covering all the surroundings in it.


Claire and Fijana fell to their knees.

"How is it possible, our power...disappeared..."

"The body... is out of strength."

This black mist can absorb even my power. My power is obviously higher than this world. It is reasonable to say that it will not have an impact. How could it...

Mu Hantian was breathing heavily, as if his whole body was being pressed by something.

"Hahahaha, have you seen it? This is the power that Lord Demon has bestowed on me."

Jiou laughed and looked at Mu Hantian and the others.

"Let me kill you all!"

"Hey, don't say this too early."

An inexplicable voice sounded.


Jiou quickly turned around and saw a handsome man.

"Are you too embarrassed?" When the voice fell, the man had already appeared beside Mu Hantian.

"Ying, don't just watch, come and help!"

"I know, anyway, I did it."

Yi sighed, took out two swords, and threw one of them to Mu Hantian.

"This is... Restia?" Mu Hantian was very surprised looking at the sword in his hand.

"It's me, Hantian, finally, I saw you."

"Well, if you have anything to say later, let me solve this black fog first."

Yi threw the sword in his hand into the air----

"Like the dust!"

A sword was divided into ten in an instant, hung in the air, and shot down.

Puff puff puff...

The fog was only visible and invisible, but under Yi's offensive, it gradually disappeared.

"Ester, Restia, let's go!"

The pressure on his body has disappeared, Mu Hantian seized this opportunity, injected his strength into the two swords, and then rushed into Jiou's arms instantly.

"Goodbye, Geo Inzaki!"

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