Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 985

Then, Mu Hantian's blow completely ended his life.


After solving Geo Inzaki, Mu Hantian and Yi stood at the door, while Claire and Fiana went to seal the sleeping elf.

"Ying, what the hell is that darkness?"

"After you came to this world, you should know some history of this world, right?"

"Yeah." Mu Hantian nodded.

"The darkness is similar to the'evil of this world' in the Holy Grail War. The darkness is the evil thoughts of the Demon King Solomon. It steals the power of the will of the world and wants to destroy the world."

"Then what does this have to do with you?"

"It was originally sealed, but I accidentally let it go. It caused the will of this world to fall into a deep sleep. My purpose is to eliminate that'evil thought'."

"That's right, how come my power?" Mu Hantian continued to ask.

"Because the'evil thought' steals the power of the will of the world, so although it can't do anything to us, it can limit our power. By the way, as for why the girl didn't come to you, it is because of your existence and' The existence of Fengzao Shenren's overlaps, so the world will cannot let you meet soon, but now it is possible, the world will has stabilized, and the rest is fine as long as the'evil thought' is resolved."

"I see. If you need my help, please speak up."

"Okay, I'm going to continue tracking, see you next time."


Tweeted... tweeted...

The bird crowed softly.The warm sunlight "shots" into the house from outside the window.


Six o'clock in the morning.Mu Han "rubbed" his eyes sleepily and woke up from his dream.

He used his fingers to smooth the sleeping black hair, and then checked the condition of the bed.

"Very well, it seems to be fine today."

Mu Hantian sighed and felt relieved.

A week has passed since the last incident, and Restia has also slept with Mu Hantian.But... Because of Esther's fruit sleep, Restia also learned the same way, Mu Hantian couldn't sleep anymore.

It is worth mentioning that after that, there was one more person in the team.

The second princess of the former Odyssey Empire, she is also the second-ranked witch of the'Shenyiyuan'.

Fijana Ray Odesia.

Fayana, known as the Lost Fairy Ji, regained her abilities on her own while performing the task.But the strange thing is that after achieving the goal, she still did not leave the academy and joined the Scarlet team.

At first, Claire was very dissatisfied with this.But counting the time, with only a few weeks left before the Elf Sword Dance Festival, Claire had to reluctantly let her join the team.

This time the Elf Sword Dance Festival is different from the individual competition three years ago. It is a team battle. You must join up to five people to compete. In addition, after the recovery of the ability, Fijana is indeed extraordinary. Based on these considerations, Claire Only then had to nod and agree.

Although Fiana, who was born in the "Shenyiin", a fairy girl cultivation organization, has no combat training, she is proficient in various rituals and Kagura, and can support the team in the rear to produce a variety of effects.

In addition, Fayana's contract spirit'Geochius' is the'defensive' knight spirit that the team lacks the most.With her joining, the team's offensive and defensive balance will be more stable.

Complete the s-level mission of Mine City, and the recent intramural team competition also won consecutive battles.The Scarlet team's intramural ranking is skyrocketing.

Chapter 175 Training Match

"Han Tian, ​​they are coming! Use a powerful attack to solve each other in one go!"

"Okay, got it!"

As the game bell rang--

Mu Hantian and Kleier began to sprint in the forest of the elemental spirit world.

What is going on is the simulation training of the Elf Sword Dance Festival.

After Fiana joined, this was their third team match.

The avant-garde is in charge of the gods and Claire, while Fijana is the commander of the back.

This time the game does not need to defeat the entire team, as long as the commander is defeated, it is considered a victory.Therefore, Claire decided not to act as a commander, and went to the front line to exert her good avant-garde ability, and then let Fijana stay at the back to improve the overall attack power of the team.

" two! Wait for me!"

Fiana wailed as she ran.If you have not received combat training, running is naturally very hard.

"You seem to be out of breath, this princess."

"My chest is not as light as yours, of course I will pant when I run!"

"You...what did you say!"

Seeing Feyana's chest swaying every step she took, Claire couldn't help but tighten her lips.

"Hey, stop arguing!-they are here!"

When they walked through the forest and came to an empty place-Mu Hantian called to them.

Three elves appeared in front.It seems that he intends to attack from the front.

Claire regained her serious expression and stomped hard to run faster.

"There are three people in the front. Then, the remaining two people should be hiding in the forest."

"I'll take care of these guys. You are in charge of the forest side."

"Are you okay alone?" Mu Hantian was a little worried.

"Don't underestimate me."

Mu Hantian couldn't help smiling wryly when she saw Claire's "showing" a relaxed smile.

"Give me thirty seconds."

"Then leave it to you—we go, Scarlett!"

Claire snorted loudly, and the scorching fire cat next to him immediately turned into a whip of inflammation.

The ability to transform contract elves into weapons-elves magic outfit.Few people among the lower grades can use this technique.

Claire turned his wrist and swept a horizontal line with the whip of flame.

The blazing flame crossed the ground, and a barrier of burning fire appeared.

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