Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 988

"Wh...Where is...Wow!"

Mu Hantian put his other hand on Kleier's head, and Kleier immediately let out a cute cry.

"Stupid... stupid... what are you doing... um... um..."

Claire, who was gently "touched" by Mu Hantian's head, was like a cat whose chin was "touched", becoming very cute.

Just now.

"Huh, sister of the Disaster Fairy Ji, you look very happy."

A cold voice suddenly came from behind.

Turned his head and took a look--

"It's really shameless to dare to stay in this school if you don't deserve it."

"Do you know what your sister did to the Empire?"

It was the two opponents in the game just now-the high-grade King Kong Elf and the Mirror Elf.

"what did you say!"

Seeing Claire became very excited, Mu Hantian grabbed her wrist and stopped her movement.

"Crael, calm down. They are stimulating you, don't be fooled."

"But they insulted my sister!"

"Don't "chaotic" here. If you fight here, you should understand the consequences."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Kleier had to bite her teeth and endure it.

If you are punished because of a duel, your ranking will definitely drop significantly.The two people in front of them knew this and came to look for the ballast on purpose.

"It's really getting bigger and bigger. The younger sister of the sinner who committed the heinous crime has the face to stay in this school. It's too nervous and too nervous—"

Mu Hantian was trying to stop, but at this moment--

With a click, there was an elegant sound of footsteps in the corridor.

"Heh, two senior sisters, this is too ugly. Our students are all imperial nobles. If there are any grievances, shouldn't they be settled by formal duels?"

Gorgeous light gold "color" long hair, flying in the air with her fingers.Even the fingertips are full of aristocratic atmosphere.


That's right--

Walking slowly from the other end of the corridor was a beautiful blond girl with elegant temperament.

Her identity is the eldest daughter of the orthodox Lauren Frost family, who claims to be a rival of Claire.

The eldest lady was Linsley Lauren Frost.

The pair of emerald eyes that exuded mysterious brilliance were staring proudly at the two senior students.

"Or do you mean that aristocrats from the countryside like two seniors don't even understand such superficial rules?"

"You...what did you say!"

One of the senior students was enraged by Lin Si Lei and called out the King Kong Elf.

"Too late."


The expressions of senior students were distorted because of their astonishment.

Linselei's Ice Demon Bow was already wound and aimed at her brow.

It is the magic outfit of the higher magic ice fairy "Fenrir"-the magic ice arrow bullet.

"Senior sister called the elves out first, so this is a legitimate defense. Although I deployed my arms one step later, I moved faster than you."

"How could it... actually use the magic outfit in an instant?"

The seniors, whose eyebrows were locked by the magic bow, could not play vividly, and their expression was shocked.

"I draw the bow faster than you, so it's better to persuade you to stop--or do you still insist on wanting to be here against my ice magic Linselei?"

"Give... Remember me!"

The two senior students dropped these words and glared at Claire, then left.

"Huh, a wise choice."

Lin Silei proudly gathered her long hair, and then put away the magic bow.

The first thousand and seventy-seven chapters daily

"Linsilei, you... why?"

"Oh, Claire "Lu" Jo, you don't need to feel that you owe me favor. I just hate that kind of nobleman who has no dignity."

"Who...who owes you favors!"

"By the way, everyone--"

Keke, Lin Silei cleared her throat.


"That... that... I heard that you are going to have a celebration..."

Her cheeks flushed slightly, her fingers kept going around and her eyes were erratic, completely unlike the imposing Linselei just now.

"What? You eavesdropped on our talk?" Claire immediately exploded "Mao".

"It's just... just passing by accidentally, I accidentally heard it!" Lin Silei shook her head suddenly and desperately denied it.

"By the way, depending on your financial resources, you can only celebrate in the school cafeteria, right?"

"Uh... that's right." Mu Hantian replied with a vague nod.

It can be said that Mu Hantian didn't have a penny, and gold and the like were useless here.Claire's territory and property were also confiscated.Although Fijana used to be a princess, she severed the royal family from the moment she enrolled.Although not to the point of poverty, there is no spare money to squander.

"Occasionally, it should be nice to have a meal in a high-end restaurant in College City? Don't worry, I can invite you. Claire "Lu" Qiu, and the princess and Han Tian, ​​don't worry, you are welcome."

Miss Linselei triumphantly flicked her long light golden hair.

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