Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 989

"No more." "No more."

However, Claire and Fijana refused.

"Why... why!"

"Because I don't want you to treat."

"Besides, Linsley has no reason to attend the Scarlet team celebration, right?"

"This...this is because...well..."

Faced with the merciless accusations of the two eldest ladies, tears could not help but seep in Lin Silei's eyes.The majestic appearance just now has completely disappeared.

At this moment--

"In short, Miss wants to have dinner with you all!"

The maid, Carol, appeared out of nowhere.

"Carol! You... what nonsense are you kidding!"


Lin Selei, who was flushed, beat Carol on the shoulder constantly.

"What? Just say it clearly at the beginning." Claire shrugged helplessly.

"Huh? You mean...Can I have dinner with you?"

"We didn't mean to exclude you."

Hearing these words, Lin Silei's face suddenly lit up.

"Hantian, I want to eat Parkway." Este said while pulling Mu Hantian's sleeve.

"Good, good." Mu Hantian nodded.

"In fact, it doesn't have to be a high-end restaurant. It's good to go to the college city to eat occasionally."

The three of them always had their lunch at the all-you-can-eat salon cafe, and they had to apply to the school to go out, so they hardly left the college.

It may be a good choice to occasionally go to the college city to breathe and change your mood.

"That's it. I'm going to apply for going out."

"Ah, wait." Mu Hantian stopped Claire who was about to leave.

"what's wrong?"

"I'm going to the classroom to get something, can you wait a moment?"

"Then you hurry up, we are waiting for you at the front entrance."



Mu Hantian walked on the corridor, and there was no one in the quiet corridor except Mu Hantian.

But at this moment, a back figure came into Mu Hantian's eyes.

Mu Hantian smiled and stepped forward.

"Yeah, Alice."


The moment Mu Hantian spoke, a slash flashed past.

Alice turned around and swung down her sword.

Mu Hantian dodged the attack in a snap.

"Do you want to kill me?"

"Mu Hantian... don't stand behind me suddenly!"

"Your cry is so cute, Alice."

"Do you want to turn into chicken stew?" Alice was full of murderous expressions with cross-brows.

The variety of dishes seems to be getting richer, which is really gratifying.but……

"Are you going to class?" Mu Hantian was a little curious looking at the book in Alice's hand.

"Yes, basic subjects were pawned."

"With your grades, you actually have to make up lessons?"

"I was pawned only because the Knights were too busy with work!"

Seeing Alice so excited, Mu Hantian couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Right, that... Mu Hantian?"

"what happened?"

"I... I heard that your grades are very good, can you teach me homework?"


"Is it okay? Tell me clearly!"

"Okay... OK! Then meet at five o'clock in front of the central auditorium, okay?"

"Hmm...understood." After Alice finished speaking, she just left.

"She is really strange today." Shaking his head, Mu Hantian quickly ran to the classroom.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be there." Mu Hantian smiled after reading the contents in the book.

Taking out the things, Mu Hantian quickly left.Can't let Claire wait long.


After getting the things, Mu Hantian hurried to the front of the school.

"Cold sky! You are too slow!"

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