Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 990

Claire was swinging the whip in front of the gate... seemed very angry.

"Really, the man who made ladies wait for so long is the worst."

"If I were the queen, I would have cut off your head long ago."

Linselei and Fiana are also very popular.

"Sorry... I met Alice on the road and talked with her a little bit." Mu Hantian said honestly.Of course, the specific content is not mentioned.

"By the way, did you go to get something?" Claire asked suddenly.

"Well, it's just a piece of chocolate. Esther has always wanted to eat it." Mu Hantian took out the chocolate in his bag and handed it to Esther.

"Thank Hantian, but I want to eat Parkway soon." After taking the chocolate, Esther stared at Mu Hantian blankly.

"Of course it's okay, you can order whatever you want."

"I'm so happy, Hantian."

After speaking, Esther reached out and squeezed Mu Hantian's hand.


Kleier and the others were completely frozen in shock.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Mu Hantian took Esther's hand and turned to take a look...

"Mmm..." The three of them were whimpering, staring at Mu Hantian.

"Hehe, everyone, the other hand of Hantian is empty." Carol covered her mouth and laughed softly.

"Who...who cares about him!" "How can we hold hands..." "I'm... not a kid anymore!"

The three elders blushed and turned away.

"Oh, this is the case. Then I will win first."

Then, Carol took Mu Hantian's other hand.

"Huh? What happened to you?"

"'s okay! Go away! Big idiot!" Claire screamed, then strode forward.

"It's a crime to play with a girl's male sex."

"Hey, Hantian is really the devil of the night..."

Linselei and Fiyana also hurried to keep up.

"How is it now?" Mu Hantian, who was holding Esther and Carol, looked stunned.

The first thousand and seventy-eight chapters, Claire's birthday?

If the Alicia Elf Academy is likened to a castle, the college city under the mountain is the surrounding town.

The college city is surrounded by a forest of elves and a city wall. The interior imitates the five elves and is divided into five areas.

The "water" area is a place where college students often come for leisure and entertainment after exams.There are jewellery shops, restaurants and public baths and other entertainment facilities, which are not inferior to the imperial capital.

The'wind' area that Mu Hantian and others went to was a civilian area.

On the road, you can see strips of cloth adorned with bright embroidery hanging horizontally in the air, as well as small and medium-sized platforms built to worship the land spirits.It looks like it should be preparing for tomorrow's "Lover's Sacrament".(Ps: It's Valentine's Day.)

"It's really lively here. It's completely different from the serious Imperial Capital Great Elf Festival." Feiyana, who was born in the Imperial Capital, said her thoughts.

"The Lover's Sacrifice is a festival for the general public. It is not the same as the Ji maiden's offering to the elves in terms of meaning."

"It should be said, because the Elf Sword Dance Festival is about to arrive." Mu Hantian said in a low voice while looking at the vibrant street.

"Well, maybe." Kleier nodded as he walked around.

Although it is called the Elf Sword Dance Festival, it is not actually performed from beginning to end.

After all, the Elf Sword Dance Festival is a great event, and the royal family and nobles of all countries will gather together during this period.The host Congress invites VIPs to participate in the evening dance, and countless fireworks are set off every night.Near the venue will even form a shopping district full of food, drink and fun.

It is not so much a solemn ceremony as it is a large-scale carnival that lasts for several days.

"Hey, has Han Tian also seen the Fairy Sword Dance Festival?" Lin Silei tilted her head suspiciously.

"No, I just heard of it." Mu Hantian shook his head and denied.Suddenly, he saw...


At this moment, Claire, she was standing on the side of the road, staring at the shop window.

That shop seems to be a jewelry store.

"Kleier, what's the matter with you?" Mu Hantian leaned over and asked.

" wow." Claire was so scared that he bounced.

Mu Hantian, who felt strange, took a closer look in the window——

There is a necklace on the display stand, and the pendant is a small cat.

That's it... This girl is a girl after all.

Claire's red profile face looks very cute.

"Do you want this necklace?"

"Didn't I tell you that it's okay! And... I am not interested in this kind of thing at all!"

"Really? I think you should look good on you."

"Say...what stupid thing to say! Hurry up! Do you want to starve me to death?"

Claire's face flushed like a cooked octopus, and she turned around and left after cursing.

"Oh, it's still so dishonest."

Mu Hantian shrugged helplessly, just at this moment——

"The Valentine's Day is just her birthday." Lin Silei said to Mu Hantian, standing behind her for some time.

"Tomorrow is her birthday?"

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