Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 993

"Wh...what! What do you mean-do you... do you want me?"


"Are you going to... want me to look more "colorful"!"

"When did I say this!" Mu Hantian was really helpless to complain.

"Such a request is absolutely impossible!"

Alice quickly drew the sword from her waist and pointed it at Mu Hantian's neck.Even if he became a maid, his swordsmanship was still the same... although it was all nonsense.

"Okay... okay! It looks so good! The maid outfit is awesome!"

"Huh, it's almost the same."

Alice still put the sword on Mu Hantian's neck and said to him: "Come on, Hantian! What do you want me to do, say it!"

"So, what can you do?"

"My best is Sudden."

"What kind of maid is this...isn't it too strange?"

"Although I can use swords, spears are my specialty." Alice straightened her chest proudly.

"Anything else besides dangerous expertise?"

"Cooking is pretty good."

"Then ask you to make a dish?"

"Of course. What do you want to eat?"

"Well... I'm going to have dinner later, let's have a light meal."


The first thousand and eighty chapters joined

After making a fuss for a while-Alice started cooking for Mu Hantian.

Alice, who has been training her culinary skills for her future husband-in-law, is really good, and she is very neat from cooking to serving.

"Master, how does it taste?"

"Please, please don't call me like that." Mu Hantian said, squinting.

"Well, but they say this is the official name."

"No, so I said you were cheated."

Mu Hantian said as he chewed on a bite-sized pork chop with cheese:

The crust using the finest wheat flour is very crispy.The highest quality cheese sandwiched in the pork melts in the tongue and is very delicious.

"It's delicious. Not bad."

"Well, it's not bad..."

Alice pursed her lips, seeming a little unwilling.

"This is complimenting you. It is not easy to do ordinary cooking well."

"Yes... Is it...!"

Alice's face flushed suddenly.

"Alice must be a good wife in the future."

"You...what are you talking about!"

call out!

The fork of the cheese pork chop suddenly pierced Mu Hantian's eyes.

"What are you... suddenly doing! I'm just praising you."


Alice gave Mu Hantian a fierce look.


"Mouth...mouth open."


At this moment--

call out!call out!

The swift thrusts continued to stab Mu Hantian.

"What are you doing?"

"No flashes! I...I want to feed you!"

"Feed me something... doesn't it need to be like this?"

"I heard that this is one of the maid's jobs. your mouth!"

After speaking, Alice took the fork and stabbed it.

"I know, I know."


Alice's fork was finally inserted into Mu Hantian's mouth.


"It's delicious." Mu Hantian honestly said his thoughts.

"Then... then... another bite..."

This time, Alice moved the fork slowly and gently delivered the food into Mu Hantian's mouth.

" it delicious?"

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