Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 994

"Well, it's delicious."

Seeing Mu Hantian nodding her head again, Alice "showed" a smile and seemed very happy.


When I finished tasting Alice's cooking, the sky was already dark.It's almost time to go back, alas, I'm here to help with my studies.

When Mu Hantian said that she was going back, Alice showed a disappointed expression on her face.

After a brief cleaning of the tableware, Mu Hantian and Alice, who had returned to uniform, left the dormitory.

Alice, who had taken off her maid costume, seemed to be quite ashamed of what she had done just now, and walked on the path of the moonlight with her head down.

"Sorry to bother you for so long. The food is really delicious."

"No, I also feel very happy to be able to thank you well. After all, this is the last time I let you in my room."

"Yeah." Mu Hantian nodded.

"Alice, thank you for your hospitality. See you tomorrow."

"Oh, well, goodbye—"

Mu Hantian waved his hand, then walked into the darkness.

After walking for a while on the path leading to the dormitory-

"cold day……"

Suddenly, Alice stopped Mu Hantian from behind.

The tone was different from the usual awe-inspiring attitude, as if he was begging for something.

"Alice? What's the matter?" Mu Hantian turned his head and asked.


Alice opened her eyes wide, looking surprised and confused.

The expression on her face was like saying that she didn't even know why she stopped Mu Hantian.

"what happened?"

"No... I..."


Just when Mu Hantian walked towards Alice out of worry--

Alice took a deep breath, as if making some major decision.

"It... Actually, I want to ask you to help..."

"May I help?"

"Yes, Hantian, do you... want to join the Wind King Knights?"

"Join the Knights?"

The unexpected invitation caused Mu Hantian to ask.

The Knights of the Wind King-is a student organization dedicated to maintaining school morals and public order, and its members are all elite students.

"You actually want me to join this kind of organization...what is going on?"

Alice stared straight at the god, and said embarrassingly: "Uh... as long as my teammates come back... Would you please help with the work of the Knights? Of course, this is not a white job. I will give you Deserved reward."

"Why are you looking for me? As long as you recruit members, someone should be willing to join?"

"I have been recruiting, but no one came at all. There were a lot of people who joined the group during the freshmen enrollment period-but not long after, more than half of them quit their jobs in the Knights."


It seems that the work of the Wind King Knights is more difficult than expected.Not only is it dangerous, but in order to maintain law and order, it may be unknowingly hostile by others.

"In addition, the previous attack not only caused severe injuries to several people, but also caused the invaders to run away. Naturally, the students' trust in the Knights of the Wind King has dropped significantly."

Alice pressed her lips in annoyance.

"At that time, in order to redeem the reputation of the Knights, I voluntarily went to arrest Gio Inzaki-but it ended in a disastrous defeat. We would have been wiped out if it hadn't been for your help."

Her brown eyes were trembling with tears.

Since that incident - Alice must have been tolerating the public's comments and criticisms of the Knights.No one can negotiate and rely on, always bear it alone.Because she thinks this is a responsibility that the head of the group must take, she constantly blames herself.

It turns out that she has been very upset.Presumably she is already very tired by this pressure...

As the leader of the knights, the responsibilities and pressures are so heavy.The junior students became the head of the group, which should have attracted many people's doubts.The rigorous attitude deliberately displayed to maintain order must have established many enemies.

In the face of these noises, Alice always concealed the past with strength.However, this trust began to waver.

And the teammates who always supported Alice, Raqqa and Lecia, are not by their side now.The knight's armor weighed heavily on the girl's frail shoulder.I don't know how much pressure was put on the shoulders.

"Actually... I'm really scared."

Alice lowered her head and said, "I don't know if what I'm doing is really in line with the spirit of chivalry. Maybe, I'm just using brute force in the name of a fake knight order to protect the things I think I should protect."

The blue "color" horsetail is swaying slightly with the wind.As if expressing Alice's uneasy mood.

"Right. Just make them come back." Mu Hantian said.

"Really...really okay?"

Alice's brown eyes opened wide.

"Well, really." Mu Hantian nodded vigorously.

"Thanks...thank you, Han Tian."

Alice was about to cry and bowed her head to thank him.

"Ah, yes. I want to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"Can the remuneration you just mentioned be paid in advance?"

Chapter One Thousand Eighty One

The working hours of the Wind King Knights are very early.

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