Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 995

Even if school is off, you still have to attend the morning knights meeting.

Mu Hantian arrived at the headquarters of the Wind King Knights on time according to the time Alice said.

The headquarters of the Knight Order is a renovated large temple, which looks very impressive.As far as there are only about twenty members, this scale is a bit too big.

Mu Hantian took a deep breath and pushed open the heavy iron door.


He maintained the posture of opening the door for several seconds.

In the sacred chapel-there appeared a bunch of girls wearing only underwear.

Someone is about to take off their skirt.Someone was about to unbutton his underwear.

Alice was wearing her stockings halfway, still staying at her knees, her brown eyes widened.

Mu Hantian's eyes were deeply reflected in her black "color" underwear full of mature style.


"Yeah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Dozens of rounds of fairy magic flew over and blasted Mu Hantian outside the door.

"I said, don't you guys..."

Mu Hantian, who was in tatters, squinted at Alice.

By the way, it was Alice who performed the strongest elf magic.

Alice looked away awkwardly, and said to Mu Hantian: "Sorry. I should make it clear first, we are all changing clothes here."

"Why not use the locker room?"

"Because it is unnecessary. There were no male students here before."

"That's right...but..."

"Stop talking about this. You look good on it, Han Tian." Alice coughed and tried to change the subject.

On Mu Hantian's left chest, there was a badge with the design of the Wind Elf King.

Since the armor of the Knights is exclusively for female "sex", so I had to replace it with a badge for the time being.

Mu Hantian and Alice stood together, in front of them were a row of girls from the Knights.

There are twelve people in total.Among them are several senior students.

Before the Knights Meeting started, Alice introduced Mu Hantian to the members:

"This classmate is Mu Hantian from the crow class. He will join the group from today. As you can see, although he is a male elf, don't be too nervous, please get along with him."

The girls of the Knight Order stared at Mu Hantian with suspicion.

This is no wonder.What happened just now has undoubtedly reduced Mu Hantian's impression to the lowest point in one breath.

"Is he the legendary Night Demon?" "Even the little girl has become his plaything, I can't believe it..." "But, I think he is pretty handsome?" "Don't be fooled by his appearance. , He is a big pervert!"


A group of girls whispered, and all voices came over.

"I said Alice... it was like this on the first day, I'm always a little worried."

"Don't... don't care about them, I know you are not that kind of man. As long as you work hard, those rumors will disappear immediately."

"I hope so..."

Mu Hantian couldn't help sighing.


The Knights Meeting began.

What Alice is announcing is the special mission of the Lover's Saint.

"Today is the sacrament of lovers. Schools are closed and there will be many students on the street. Everyone should pay special attention not to let them fight or fight in front of the people.


The girls of the Knight Order answered in unison.

Although the number of them is small, these girls are excellent elves, and their morale is really high.However-among the seniors, there seem to be a few people who are quite dissatisfied with Alice's command.

These people were obviously disobedient and could not escape Mu Hantian's eyes.

Regarding the school girls who are in Sanctuary in both family background and strength, these school sisters have developed jealousy.It seems that Feng Wang Qi Shanggang seems to be disciplined, but in fact there is still an unknown inside story.

However, Alice did not pay attention to these senior students, and continued: "The curse-carving merchant mentioned last time-the'Mucle League' has also infiltrated the college city, and may attack them when the students are on the street. Start. If you find such a situation, immediately deal with it on the spot. Announcing the matter is over, disband——"

"Hold on!"

Suddenly, a sharp voice came from behind Mu Hantian.

The iron gate was opened with force, and full of sunlight "shot" into the house.

Everyone turned their heads in surprise.

Standing in front of the door was a beautiful knight who looked like an ice sculpture.

Brilliant blond hair, cold water blue "color" eyes, and a pure white "color" coat outside the uniform-it is a coat that can only be worn at the top of the school, a symbol of the ultimate reputation.

"She is?"

"She is the strongest emissary in the academy-Verseria Eva... and also my sister." Alice replied to Mu Hantian.

Verseria's hard iron-soled boots stepped on a powerful step, slowly walking towards Mu Hantian and his group.

"Sister, why are you here..."

"During my absence, there were so many chess pieces missing."

"Sister...what did you say?"

"I said there have been fewer chess pieces-nothing more."

Alice frowned with anger when she heard Versilia's rants.

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