Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1103

"Are you hinting at me?" Su Zhan looked up at Peggy.

Peggy said: "I'm just telling you that you should be more active and bolder, so that you can catch up with the girl you want to chase! Believe me, you are excellent, even if you are a little bolder, there will be no girls hate it!"

"This is a face-seeking world!" Su Zhan smiled.

Peggy couldn't help but giggled, looking at the face of the world, she was really right!

"how do you feel?"

Su Zhan asked.

Peggy was stunned for a moment and then realized that he was talking about her feet, and felt a little, Peggy was surprised: "Oh my God, how did you do it, I feel completely better, it doesn't hurt at all!"

"If it works, get up, we should go back!"


Peggy grabbed Su Zhan's hand and stood up. Su Zhan took the results of the previous battle, and the two slowly walked back.

Splitting the wood, making a fire, it didn't take long for the bonfire in front of the wooden house to burn.

With the contact just now, everyone was very interested in Su Zhandao, and soon a group of people gathered together, drinking and chatting, and the atmosphere was very good.Especially Peggy, who seemed to have become acquainted with Su Zhan all of a sudden, pulling Carly to sit next to Su Zhan, chatting in full swing.

Su Zhan easily figured out the relationship and details of this group of people.

When the atmosphere was right, suddenly two rays of light shone from a distance, and a car stopped not far away, with the headlights directly shining here, very dazzling.This made everyone feel a little upset in an instant, and they stood up and shouted to make the other party turn off the headlights.

However, the people in the car did not seem to respond, did not get out of the car, and did not turn off the lights.


Nick, who had always been relatively solitary and silent, suddenly picked up a stone and slapped it. It was very precise, and it directly smashed the right light!

The other party seemed to be frightened and drove around and left.

This incident was just an unpleasant episode, and soon everyone's mood had recovered.

"What are you thinking?"

Peggy asked Su Zhan.

Su Zhan shook his head."It's nothing!"

The car just now was a bit weird, especially the person in the car, a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression. He still had many old scars on his hands, and his eyes looked strange when he left, as if staring. Like a witch hunt.

This made Su Zhan feel a little familiar, and a little familiar.

Su Zhan turned to look at Peggy, and then at Carly next to him, this feeling became even stronger!

"Isn't it merged with some copy? The system didn't respond, it shouldn't be triggered yet?"

The night is quiet, and everyone is gradually getting a little sleepy. After all, there is still business tomorrow, so I plan to rest early.There is a tent for boys and a tent for girls. After exchanging good night, Su Zhan and Claire also entered the wooden house to rest.Su Zhan deliberately made a bolt at the wooden door to block the door from inside.It was very dark when closed, after all, there were no windows or anything.Fortunately, everything was sorted just now, and the sleeping bags were spread on the ground, so that they could barely squeeze them.

By the way, Claire took care of this!

"Say it first, don't move around, don't have any crooked minds!" Claire warned, and then lay down with Su Zhan.

How big can a single sleeping bag be?After the two lay down, they basically leaned together, Claire fell asleep with his back to Su Zhan.It seems that she drank several bottles of wine just now!

After falling asleep, Claire was no longer Claire.

The movements are still getting more, I have to say, the sleeping position of this little girl... is really dishonest!

I moved left and right, and then I sat up abruptly and took off my coat in a daze.

Too hot!

After all, it is closed and there is no wind!

This made Su Zhan very uncomfortable, and he couldn't sleep at all.But he didn't want to do things when he was in danger, mainly because it was boring!After tossing for a long time, Su Zhan suddenly heard what seemed to be a noise outside.Turning his head and looking outside the wooden house, he unexpectedly found that someone was sneaking up on two cars, as if he had cut something!

"Isn't this the person who turned on the headlights just now? There really is a problem!"

Su Zhan didn't rush out, he still wanted to see what dungeon this could trigger!

Chapter 1225 Don't Guess Women's Mind!

This person cut off the fan belts of the two cars and left quietly. Su Zhan waited for a while and didn't feel the prompt to go out, but suddenly saw the girl's tent next to him opened. Carly put her hands on her shoulders and was wearing a T-shirt. Walked out with hot pants.Maybe it's because the hot pants are too short. Looking at it this way, her legs are quite long.

Carly looked around after coming out, as if looking for something.

Su Zhan thought for a while, opened the wooden door and went out.

The voice frightened Carly, and turned her head to find that it was Su Zhan.

"I seemed to hear something just now, was it you?" Carly asked.

Su Zhan shook his head: "I also heard the sound before I came out to take a look. After all, it is not too safe to camp outside. I'd better stay outside at night."

"It's not so good, don't you have to drive tomorrow?" Carly said.

"It's ok!"

Su Zhan smiled and shook his head and walked over to the campfire to sit down. Although it was stuffy in the wooden house, it was still cooler outside. Carly was wearing a little less, and it seemed a little bit cold."Go back and go to sleep!"

Someone's vigil is indeed a lot more reliable, but she feels a little embarrassed to let Su Zhan watch the night alone. After thinking about it, she walked to the side and sat down: "I'll stay with you for a while!"

Su Zhan smiled and didn't refuse to be accompanied by beautiful women. Of course, it felt good. He didn't feel boring after a casual chat.

After a while, Peggy also came out of the tent, seeming to find that Carly was missing and came out to look for it.It turned out that Carly and Su Zhan were chatting outside, and Peggy walked over with a smile: "It seems that you listened to me. Be bold and take the initiative!"

"Peggy!" Before Su Zhan spoke, Carly heard her ridicule."Just now there seemed to be someone outside. Su Zhan said that he would stay here to watch the night. I'm just not as embarrassed to let him work hard by himself, so I stayed and chatted with him for a while. Since you are awake, you will leave it to you."


Peggy said openly.

Carly quickly got up and went back to the tent to continue to rest. Peggy sat in Carly's position and smiled and said to Su Zhan: "It looks like she has failed against Claire? Otherwise, how could she waste a great time coming out to watch the night!"

"She drank a lot of wine and fell asleep!" Su Zhan explained.

"That's it, so you plan to try it on Carly first? I have to say that it works well. Carly is a very shy character." Peggy said with a smile.

Su Zhan shook his head speechlessly: "If I want to try, I will try it on you!"

"Why?" Peggy was not angry, but asked curiously.

"Because you have a better figure and longer legs!" Su Zhan said.

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