Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1104

"Really? You like long legs, but Carly and Claire don't seem to be long!" Peggy said and straightened her legs openly.

She wears the same hot pants as Carly, this one stretches out, good's long.

Although she is not as beautiful as Carly, but this leg...absolute leg play in the New Year series!

"It's beautiful!"

Su Zhan praised in admiration.

Peggy giggled."What then? Just praise it for being beautiful? Men have to be bolder!"

"I think you are very bold!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Didn’t I tell you, you have to be bold when you meet someone you like, so as not to regret it! You are very attracted to me, we will be separated after dawn, maybe we will never have a chance to meet again, you really don’t want to be bold for a day Is it?" Peggy said slowly.

Su Zhan smiled dumbly: "Are you suggesting that there will be no shop after passing this village or are you suggesting that I don't need to be responsible?"

"Both!" Peggy nodded.

Su Zhan shrugged: "Sounds great, then... how about going there?" Pointing to the woods next to him.

Peggy didn't speak, but smiled and stood up and walked over.


Su Zhan got up and went in directly.



Su Zhan knew his own charm, after all, he was the lord of the gods, and the temperament he produced between gestures was naturally not comparable to ordinary people.I also know that foreigners sometimes feel faster and bolder. Peggy has done this. If she doesn’t respond, wouldn’t it make people misunderstand that she has a problem? It’s just that Su Zhan didn’t expect Peggy to have a problem. Experience!Afterwards, Peggy also thanked herself that she had an unforgettable experience, and she did not need him to be responsible!

Limping back to the tent to rest, Su Zhan was still a little confused sitting by the campfire!

Sure enough, people are different from people, and women's minds are the hardest to guess!

The game started at four o'clock in the afternoon. In addition to having a good night's sleep, Black, who was the first to wake up first, began to rush people up. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the time was too late.

Claire was also awake, a little apologetic and a little grateful for Su Zhan's leaving to watch the night last night. When she woke up, she was taken aback. Later, she remembered that she was too hot to take off instead of Su Zhan.He didn't take advantage of the danger, so Claire's favor with him deepened a lot.

Little did he know that Su Zhan didn't suffer, and if he didn't come out, he might not have the chance to get along with Peggy.

Everyone woke up and began to pack their things, Peggy came over to Su Zhan with a smile, and asked concerned: "Can you do it? If you are in a hurry, you can ask one of them to help you drive, and you can sleep for a while!"

"It's okay!"

Su Zhan smiled and shook his head, driving?No need, no one can drive away!

"Oh my God, my car...damn it, what's the matter!" Black Black seemed to have noticed the problem with the car and shouted angrily.

"I'm going to see my car!"

Although he knew the answer a long time ago, Su Zhan walked over and took a look."The fan belt of my car has also been cut!"

"What should I do? Is there a place to buy it near here?"

Originally, Black Black was a little skeptical of the Soviet War, but when he saw that Su Zhan's car was also broken, his suspicion was naturally dispelled.

"You guys think of a solution first."

Carly said something in Peggy's ear, and then Peggy said something and walked away with Carly holding hands.

Looks like it is convenient to go?

Well, Su Zhan didn't have any habit in this area. He was just thinking about what will happen next. There must be other things, so that he can continue the plot and trigger the dungeon, right?

Chapter 1226: Horror Wax Museum


Suddenly, there was a scream, which seemed to be Carly's voice.


Not screaming for no reason, Su Zhan whispered in his heart, and rushed towards the direction of the sound.The others took a step slower and followed.Not long after running, Su Zhan saw the terrified Peggy. Following his gaze, a dead animal pit was piled up with carrion of various animals, and the smell was disgusting!Looking again, she quickly found Carly. At this time, Carly's hands were stuck in the four-animal pit, head down and feet up. This is a slope, which makes it difficult for her to exert force!

"help me!"

Carly shouted in a panic.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Su Zhan yelled and walked down quickly, holding Carly by the waist and directly pulling her up. While struggling hard, Su Zhan felt that he seemed to have encountered something, but there was no time at this time. Consider these.Carly's hands were stained with blood, and her clothes shook.

Carly leaned on Su Zhan in a panic. At this time, the others had already rushed over. They were shocked when they saw this scene, and they asked with concern.


Carly tremblingly pointed at the dead animal pit, and a human hand was exposed.

This shocked everyone.

"I have mineral water here. Let's wash your hands!" Peggy helped Carly up and walked aside to wash her hands.

At this time, a dirty truck drove over, in the same style as the one that appeared last night. There seemed to be a deer body behind it!

"Is it the car from last night?" Douton asked.

"Unless he can fix the lights!" Nick said lightly.

Nick broke the lights of that car yesterday, but the lights of this car are intact!

Seeing this, Su Zhan finally vaguely remembered what copy it was.

Nima, the Fear Wax Museum!

This is a movie I've watched a long time ago, and the plot memory is a bit vague. No wonder it feels like deja vu before.The car stopped by the animal pit, and a long, ugly and dirty man got down and the animal's carcass was still down.

At this time the black black had already asked, especially the man!

Seeing the man walked in and pulled his hand out."fake!"

Everyone was relieved.

Black Black continued to ask: "Do you know where to buy fan belts around here?"

"I'm going to Ambrose Town. I can take you there, but my car can't fit so many people!" the man said kindly.

"Ambrose Town!" Claire heard the name and pulled Rasuzhan's arm.

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