Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1105

Su Zhan was also a little surprised.The news Claire inquired was that Ronnie had gone to Ambrose Town. Originally, he wanted to wait for the city to find out where Ambrose Town is, but he didn't expect to know it here.However, Su Zhan vaguely remembered that there seemed to be no living people in this small town except the perverted murderer. The residents of the town and passing tourists were all made into human wax figures.If this Ronnie had really been here, I'm afraid it would be too bad!Just thinking about it, Su Zhan suddenly heard the system prompt.

Fusion copy "Horror Wax Museum"

"Task: Kill the three perverted brothers..."

Listening to the content of the mission, Su Zhan was a little at a loss.

He remembered that only two were right.

One is called Bo, who is responsible for the hands on the face.The other is called Vincent, which is a metamorphosis of making wax figures!

These two are brothers, but who is the third?

Su Zhan subconsciously looked at the truck driver below. Could it be him?

Since he took the initiative to say that Ambrose Town must know the inside story, he would not have lived until now if he were not his brother.One is responsible for bringing people into the town from the outside, one is responsible for the hands-on killing, and the other is responsible for making wax figures, until the division of labor is clear.

In all likelihood, it is him!

Black Black wanted to fix his car to watch the game, but the truck driver's car... really made him intolerable. When he hesitated, Su Zhan got up and took off his jacket and handed it to Carly.

Carly nodded to her gratefully, took the clothes and came over to take off the soiled T-shirt, and then put on Su Zhan's jacket.

"Then trouble you!"

At this time, Black Black had already made a decision. Obviously, going to the football game occupied the mountain.

"Let's go with you!"

Su Zhan and Claire said forward.

"I'll go as well!"

Carly said suddenly after she had changed her clothes.

"Carly!" Nick shouted with a frown.

Carly shook her head and said, "It's okay, just happened to be in town to buy a suit."

"But my car can't fit so many people!" said the truck driver.

"It's okay, just squeeze." Carly looked determined.

The truck driver hesitated and nodded.

Su Zhan, Carly, Claire and Black Black got into the truck. The truck has only one row. Although it is relatively spacious, there are various animal parts and specimens in the car. The space is not large. If you say three people, it is barely possible. But four people couldn't sit down at all.

Su Zhan asked Black Black to sit next to the driver, and then he looked at Claire and Carly left and right."Then the two beauties don't know who is interested in enjoying the VIP seat, on my lap!" After speaking, Su Zhan smiled and patted his leg!

Carly and Claire looked at each other, Claire wanted to go there.Although the figures of the two are similar, after all, Claire is with Su Zhan, so she thinks that if one person wants to sit in the VIP seat, it must be herself. Carly shouldn't sit on Su Zhan's lap.

Just when Claire was about to go up, Carly suddenly said, "I'll come."


Claire looked at Carly suspiciously. Carly nodded and got into the car. The roof was not too high, but fortunately, Carly was also relatively petite. She could just sit on Su Zhan, but she had to lean back slightly. Row!Claire got into the car and closed the door.

The truck driver started the car and drove away!

The country roads naturally wouldn't be too flat, and Carly bumped up involuntarily.


This is a short copy that is not too long, and a short copy will be merged after a while.It should be Japanese!This movie is weird, well, very Japanese!Regarding the long copies that some brothers want to see, such as the vampire diaries, because I haven't read them, I will take advantage of this time to chase after them to get a general idea.The specific writing will not be so fast, the next plot has been designed.

Chapter 1327

With a tremor, Carly couldn't keep her body stable and could only subconsciously hug Su Zhan's neck to avoid bumping her head on the roof of the car.Feeling that Carly's posture was not very comfortable, Su Zhan's tentative hands held her waist, trying to stabilize her body.Carly didn't have any special reaction, but nodded to Su Zhan with understanding and gratitude.

The carriage was crowded and stuffy, and the smell was naturally not so good.

Blake endured it for a while and couldn't help it, and said to the truck driver, "Can you roll down the window?"

"Sorry, I'm used to this smell," the truck driver said, rolling down the window."Over time, I will get used to everything."

"I'll never get used to it!" Black said with a curled mouth.

When the car windows opened, the smell improved a bit, and it was less stuffy.

However, the country roads were still so rugged and bumpy, and Su Zhan's hands involuntarily increased some strength slightly.At first it was normal, but slowly, Su Zhan's hand slipped into the jacket, and Carly's breathing seemed to heavier.

Su Zhan is a normal person, but not Liu Xiahui.

No matter how pure the thoughts are, the natural reaction is uncontrollable.

Specific ideas can be filled up on their own, and they will be understood immediately!

At this moment, the truck bumped suddenly and violently, which made Carly bounce instantly. Su Zhan subconsciously wanted to catch her, but the result was extremely accurate.


Carly snorted heavily.

Black asked concerned: "How are you?"

"It's okay, I just knocked my head." Carly said blushing, then glanced at Su Zhan.

Su Zhangang planned to let go, but the result was another bump!

"God assists!"

Su Zhan couldn't help but sigh, just grab it, this road is not easy!

Carly seemed to understand this, so although the reaction was a bit strange, she did not complain about Su Zhan, nor did she imply that Su Zhan let go.

However, the good times will not last long!

After two bumps, the car stopped.

"What's the matter? No way?" Looking at the small river ditch ahead, Blake asked the truck driver.

"Unexpectedly, the road is blocked, I will adjust the four-wheel drive." The truck driver got out and said.

"Damn it, how far is it from Ambrose Town?"

"Go ahead for about ten minutes and you will be there."

"Let's get out of the car and walk over? It's not far anyway, and I really can't stand the smell." Black turned his head and said.

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