Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1106

"Okay!" Su Zhan responded.

Then the door was opened, and everyone got out of the car.Black said to the truck driver that he was going to walk by himself. The truck driver was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything, and pointed in the direction.

A group of four walked across the puddle and walked towards the town of Ambrose.

Black walked in front, Su Zhan, Claire and Carly walked behind.

Claire and Carly followed Su Zhan from left to right, and occasionally talked about how the town was built in such a remote place. After walking for a while, they had already seen the town.It seems that the size of this small town is not large at best, it is like a dozen households, but although the sparrow is small and complete, it seems that it has everything!

"It's so quiet here, why didn't you see anyone?" Carly said while looking around.

"At first glance, there are fewer people in this town, so let's go separately? I'll find the fan belt." Black can't wait. What he wants most now is to find the belt and fix the car to watch the game.

"I want to walk around too!"

Claire whispered to Su Zhan.

She came to find Ronnie!

"Wait!" Su Zhan called Claire, patted her on the shoulder.Claire looked at Su Zhan suspiciously.

"Just take precautions and protect you." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Claire looked at her shoulder and showed a speechless expression.

Can a slap on the shoulder protect yourself?

Claire shook his head and left. Su Zhan said to Carly: "Should I accompany you to find clothes?"


Carly nodded and the two started walking down the street.

As they walked past the shops, the two soon found a department store... but it seemed that nobody was there, but the door was unlocked. After hesitating, the two of them pushed in.

There are a lot of dazzling goods, and they look quite big, but there is no one alone. It feels a bit weird and gloomy. Carly glanced at Su Zhan and walked forward slowly with some nervousness.

"Let's find separately!" Su Zhan said, and separated from Carly.

Because the lights were not turned on, it became darker and darker inside. In such a quiet environment, Carly's spirit inevitably became highly concentrated, and she didn't even know what she was nervous about!


A hand slapped her shoulder.

She was taken aback and turned her head violently, and found that it was Su who was relieved after the war."You scared me!"

"I looked for a circle and there seems to be no other clothes here, only this simple vest, can you wear it?" Su Zhan asked with a white vest in his hand.

"Thank you!"

Carly said and took the vest over, then looked at the place where there was no change of clothes, and the surroundings were strange, she really didn't dare to go far.After thinking about it, Carly took off her jacket and put on a vest with her back facing Su Zhan.The vest looks slightly wide, but it fits well!

"Thank you!" Carly returned the jacket to Su Zhan, and Su Zhan put it on with a smile.

Coming out of the supermarket, Carly said as he walked: "This town looks so weird that there is no one, and the supermarket door is open like this..."

"It's weird!"

As Su Zhan said, he saw a building in front of his eyes.

It seems to be a church.

Ka apparently saw it too, hesitated and said, "Let's go and take a look?"

"Okay, but... are you religious?" Su Zhan said with a smile.


Carly nodded.

Su Zhan smiled thoughtfully, hoping that she would not have any shadow on the church after seeing the situation inside the church!

Chapter 1328

When I walked to the door of the church, there seemed to be a voice of prayer, which made Carly a happy heart, and there was finally someone!Not seeing anyone for such a long time really made her feel uncomfortable.Slowly pushing the door open, I saw a lot of people sitting on both sides of the front row of the church, with a coffin in the center, seeming to be praying!

Carly understood what was going on right away, he saw a man in black clothes looking over, smiled apologetically, then closed the door and went out.

"A funeral is taking place inside, no wonder no one can be seen in the town!" Carly explained with a smile.

It seemed that the reason was found, which made her less nervous.

Otherwise, the uninhabited town really made her feel a little panicked.

Su Zhan glanced into the church. Carly just opened the door and glanced and didn't approach. Moreover, the man in black behaved normally, so she didn't think much about it.In fact, it was a one-man show of a man in black, because he was the only one alive, and the rest... all were wax figures.

These wax figures are made by real people, very realistic and lifelike.

It's normal for Carly not to see clearly.

After a while, the door opened and the black man came out.

It seemed that Carly interrupted the memorial service with some dissatisfaction. Carly apologized quickly, and then the man in black said, "What's the matter?"

"Sorry, we are foreign tourists, our car fan belt is broken, my companion has already bought it." Carly said in acceptance.

"He can't buy it, because the store is mine, and the door has been locked. But...if you are not in a hurry, you can wait, and I will be there in half an hour." The black man said.

"Can you?" Carly said apologetically when a memorial service was being held here.

"My name is Bo, see you then!" The man in black said, then turned and went back.

"Let's go back to the store first, he is such a good person!" Carly said.

"Good guy?" Su Zhan smiled weirdly, saying nothing.

When the two came back from the church to go to the shop, Carly suddenly saw a wax museum in the distance.

"There is a wax museum here!"

Carly was a little surprised, after all, opening a wax museum in a small town like this where almost no people lived was almost a loss of business.Perhaps because the tension disappeared, Carly was a little curious to see the wax museum. The two walked to the entrance of the wax museum, only to find a sign hanging on the door saying that the museum was closed today.

"It's a pity, it seems that the boss should be attending the memorial service." Carly said regretfully, and found that Su Zhan was rubbing against the wall, and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Su Zhan said with a smile: "This wall is actually made of wax. It should be said that the entire wax museum is made of wax!"

"Oh my God!"

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