Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1108

Carly covered her mouth in grief!

Su Zhan cast a glance and said: "It's been a while since he died. It should have been killed right after he came here. Looking at the wounds, Vincent should have done it!"

"He returned to the wax museum to attack us after he killed Black?" Claire said.

Su Zhan nodded."I'm afraid so!"

"What do we do now? We... shall we leave here and try to call the police?"

"I'm afraid it's too late." Su Zhan said.

Immediately afterwards, they heard a cry for help, everyone turned their heads and looked, and they saw Peggy running and yelling in a panic.

"Peggy, Peggy!"

Claire hurriedly ran out and shouted. When she saw Claire, Peggy seemed to see hope, and rushed over with joy.


Peggy hugged Su Zhan, and said with a horror: "Dead, Payton is dead. Run, someone is chasing me!"

"No one is catching up, don't worry!" Claire patted Peggy's shoulder, and Peggy was shocked when she saw Black behind him at this time.After finally calming down a little bit, Peggy said hurriedly: "We were waiting for you back at the camp, but suddenly someone appeared. It was the one who turned on the headlight last night. He killed Doton as soon as he appeared. I stunned Nick. I was so frightened that I kept running, and he kept chasing me."


"He must have gone to the camp after the church was separated!" Claire said in a deep voice.

"What should we do now?"

Carly panicked a little, and asked Su Zhan for help.

She was a little worried about her brother and wondered what happened to Nick.

"Before, Peggy said that Bo had been chasing her, so he must have returned, and it should be too late to deal with Nick who passed out. Now there are two possibilities, one is that he stays in the town waiting for an opportunity to deal with us, the other is that he has returned. Go to the camp to find Nick! Another possibility is that the truck driver is responsible for finding Nick!" Su Zhan analyzed the current situation, and then said: "Well, you guys stay here for the time being and close the door, I will go back and take a look!"

"Why don't you go back together?" Carly asked.

Wouldn't it be better to gather together at this time?

"It's too slow to go back together!" Su Zhan said, shaking his head.


"Well, slow!"

Su Zhan nodded, and suddenly disappeared.


Seeing Su Zhan suddenly disappearing in front of his eyes, Peggy, Carly, and even Claire were stunned.

It’s not such an exaggeration!

Chapter 1330

"I... I didn't have vertigo just now, right?" Peggy said in a daze.

"" Carly said.

"Huh..." Claire took a deep breath and said, "No wonder he said it was too slow to go back together. This...this is teleportation!"

"This...what the hell is going on, who is he? What...what..." Peggy and Carly looked at Claire, after all, Claire was with Su Zhan.

"I don't know, I only know, he killed angels!" Su Zhan said.

"Angel? Which angel are you talking about?"

"Yes, it's the angel you think!"

"Oh my God..."

Peggy and Carly felt that their heads were not enough.

Su Zhan will teleport and kill angels!

There are really angels in this world!

When they were shocked, they suddenly saw Su Zhan coming back.

Seeing Su Zhan, Peggy and Carly didn't know what to say, or Claire reacted quickly and hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

"Bo didn't go to Nick, he should still be in town. The truck driver went there, but I killed him." Su Zhan said.

"What about Nick?" Carly asked hurriedly.

"Not dead, but he was seriously injured. I took him to the hospital."

"Ah... this... so fast?"

How long has it been since I went to the camp, killed the truck driver, and then sent Nick to the hospital?Just two or three minutes, right?It only takes five minutes to die, but five minutes to do so much time?

"Well, I also called the police by the way. But at the speed of the police, I'm afraid it will take at least half an hour and an hour to get here! So...time is enough." Su Zhan smiled.

"Are you going to kill Bo?"

Claire reacted immediately.

"This is what he deserves!" Su Zhan said.

"You...Who are you?" Carly and Peggy couldn't help asking, and Claire looked at Su Zhan curiously.

Su Zhan smiled and said: "Never mind Peggy, Carly and Claire, one of you is religious and the other knows something about angels. I thought you could know who I am. After all, my name should be pretty loud! "

"first name?"


Claire suddenly yelled and said, "I remember, my God, I...I was perfect and didn't put you with him, I'm so stupid!"

"What is it exactly?"

"Lord of the gods!"

Claire explained, speaking out all the news she knew.

"Then, you are waiting here, I will deal with Bo!"

Su Zhan said, teleporting and disappearing.

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