Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1109

Although I have experienced it once, but seeing it again still shocked them.

The next moment, Su Zhan has appeared in the wax museum.

In the basement of the wax museum, Bo Zheng was holding Vincent's corpse in grief. He seemed to feel that there was someone behind him. Bo turned around and saw Su Zhan.

Putting down Vincent's body, picked up the one next to it.

Bo looked savage and manic, brandishing a knife and rushing towards Su Zhan.

The corner of Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly, and seeing Bo rushing over, the person suddenly disappeared.Su Zhan who disappeared suddenly made Bo stunned, his body rushed forward involuntarily and directly hit the wall.He reacted quickly, and immediately turned around to look for Su Zhan after the collision. As soon as he turned around, he heard something from Su Zhan."Stop!"

In an instant, Bo felt that he could not move.

"Raise your hand and aim the knife at your heart!"

Su Zhan continued, Bo's hand holding the machete had been aimed at his heart uncontrollably.His expression was full of horror and fear. It was obvious that he wanted to ask who Su Zhan was and why this happened. Unfortunately... he had no chance. Su Zhan said indifferently, the knife had already pierced the heart.

In pain, Bo slowly fell to his knees, losing her breath.

Kill the three perverted brothers, the mission is complete!

Su Zhan looked around and looked at the wax museum. He remembered the last scene in the movie. The wax museum was on fire, because it was made of wax. When the fire went down, the entire wax museum slowly melted and still looked full. shocking.But after thinking about it, Su Zhan gave up this plan.

After all, it is not only the wax museum, but there are also many wax figures inside. Those corpses are made into wax figures. It would be bad luck. It would be too bad if there were no whole corpses, and Su Zhan didn't want to go back and talk to the police!

Teleported back from the wax museum, needless to say, the three girls already knew that Bo must be dead!

The crisis was lifted, but the matter was not over. After all, the friend who came with him died, and the police will come later. There must be many things to deal with.So stay here for now.

Claire took out Ronnie's wallet to see if there were any clues. Su Zhan found a place at random and sat down and said to Carly and Peggy: "What are your plans in the future? Maybe you won't go to the football game? "

"I don't know yet, but the game will definitely not be watched."

The two shook their heads.

With such a big event, how can they still want to watch a game, not to mention they don't want to watch a game.

"I, I want to go to the bathroom, can you accompany me?" Peggy whispered.

Although the danger has been eliminated, Peggy obviously still looks a little scared.


Of course, Su Zhan would not refuse this little thing, and got up and went to the store with Peggy.

"It seems to be broken?" When I arrived at the bathroom, I found that it seemed to be broken. Su Zhan was about to take Peggy to find somewhere else, but Peggy suddenly said, "You really are the lord of the gods, Claire said that Regarding new angels, can you turn ordinary people into new angels? Can I... be a new angel?"

"Anyone who makes me satisfied can become a new angel!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"I will satisfy you!"

After Peggy finished speaking, she suddenly squatted down.



"Why haven't you come back for so long? Nothing will happen, let me see!" Carly waited for a long time and didn't see Su Zhan and Peggy come back, a little worried, said to Claire and went inside. .

As soon as she entered, she heard a weird sound, and when she glanced inward, Carly was stunned for an instant, and then blushed...

Chapter 1331 Cain

Kali never expected to see such a scene, and did not expect Peggy to say that she went to the toilet but became herself being taken!Carly wanted to turn around and leave, but she didn't know why she didn't seem to be obedient, especially when she saw Peggy's expression, she had a special impulse.

The perverted murderer, the wax figure of a real person, coupled with the death of her companion, Su Zhan's magical identity, a series of things made Carly's mental state not so good, she suddenly envied Peggy's feeling of complete release!Involuntarily remembered the scene of himself sitting on Su Zhan on the truck.

Dazed, she seemed to be in a particularly trance state.

When she reacted, she realized that she had walked in front of them and her hand was still on Su Zhan's neck.Obviously, just finished kissing!


Carly awakened and yelled, then turned and frightened away.

"Don't chase her?" Peggy said.

Su Zhan shook his head and said nothing.

Twenty minutes later, Su Zhan and Peggy came out from behind. Carly seemed to have adjusted a little bit, but she did not dare to watch Peggy and Su Zhan.

"How about, have you found any useful clues?" Peggy walked towards Carly, the two whispered something, Su Zhan came to Claire's side and asked.

Claire took out a piece of paper from his wallet. Su Zhan looked at it, and there was only one address on it.

"Do you know where this is?" Claire asked.

Su Zhan frowned and said, "Knowing to knowing, it's just this place... it's really surprising."

"Where is this?" Claire asked hastily.


"Japan? How could it be Japan?"

"I don't know, maybe he just wrote it casually, maybe it has nothing to do with your mother." Su Zhan was also quite surprised.

"No matter, I'll check it later!" Claire carefully put the note away.

Almost ten minutes later, the sound of police sirens came out, and it seemed that the police had already arrived.The next thing is the old-fashioned, inquiring about the situation, handling the corpses and so on. When they finally found dozens of corpses made into wax figures in the town, they stunned the battle-tested police officers!

What kind of pervert can make so many real wax figures!

It took a long time to deal with the scene, and finally went to make a transcript with the sheriff.In this process, although some of the details are not in line with common sense logic, for Su Zhan, this is a very easy solution.When things are done and come out of the police station, it is already dark!

"I want to go to the hospital to see my brother." Carly said.

"I'll go with you." My good friend Peggy said.

"Claire and I will temporarily find a hotel to stay in. If you want to find me, you can call me!" Su Zhan left the number for the two of them, and then left with Claire.

After finding a high-end hotel and entering the room, Claire began to check the Japanese address.

Su Zhan sat on the sofa to rest, but suddenly the figure flashed, and Abidon came.


Abidon greeted him as usual, and Claire looked at Abidon with some surprise.

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