Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1115

"I wanted to find cover and I fell down." The policewoman said embarrassingly, clutching her wound.

"Well, tell me what happened here?" Su Zhan asked.

The policewoman took a few deep breaths."We received the alarm and the family was trapped. When I arrived, I saw multiple assailants attacking the family. God, it's terrible..."

The policewoman's emotions were very tense. Thinking back to what happened just now, she couldn't help being incoherent. It didn't seem like the police should react at all, but rather like an ordinary person who was frightened.

"How long have you been?" Su Zhan asked suddenly.

The policewoman paused and said, "Well, three weeks!"

It turned out to be a new police officer, no wonder he was not so experienced.

"It's okay, take a deep breath and calm down and speak slowly." Su Zhan said calmly.

The policewoman obediently took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed down and said, "They killed the whole family. These road maintenance men are like a bunch of mad dogs! I fired a warning shot, but they refused to stop... They... …"

"You killed everyone?"

Su Zhan looked around, there are many people!

A young policewoman has the courage and ability to kill them, especially after being induced by the darkness, they are very powerful!Su Zhan’s tone was more amazed and applauded, but the policewoman obviously misunderstood what he meant. She thought he was complaining that he had killed so many people. She explained, “I know a few of them, but they don’t look like normal. ...They are not right, it seems..."

"It doesn't seem to be a human anymore!"

Su Zhan answered.

"They are infected, they have indeed lost their minds. You are right to do this!" Su Zhan glanced at her wound and said, "I can help you deal with the wound."

"There is a hospital in town!" said the policewoman.

"Well, let's go then!"

Chapter 1338: Infected Town

Su Zhan drove a police car and quickly came to the town. The town was very quiet. There were many cars parked on both sides and no one was seen at all.This kind of weird silence knew something was wrong at a glance, and the car drove to the hospital and stopped.An ambulance was parked beside, there was a person lying on the ground, the door of the hospital was open, and it was very quiet inside.

Su Zhan got out of the car and helped the policewoman open the car door. The policewoman groaned in pain when she was about to get out of the car. The blood stains on the police uniform became heavier and heavier.

"Let me hug you!"

Su Zhan stretched out his hand.

The policewoman hesitated and said, "Thank you!"

He got out of the car and walked into the hospital with the policewoman. The hospital also quietly made no sound, came to the emergency room and put the policewoman down.The policewoman took off her uniform, revealing the white T-shirt inside.The T-shirt at the wound was also stained red, and when I opened it slightly, I could see a wound about a finger width.

The injury was very deep, and I don’t know how this policewoman was just looking for cover and fell down!

Su Zhan took disinfectant water and cotton yarn."Hold it up, it might hurt a bit."

The policewoman leaned her waist and nodded.

Soon, there was a feeling of burning fire, and the policewoman couldn't help taking a breath.In order to divert attention, the policewoman said to Su Zhan: "My name is Jenna, I don't know what your name is yet!"

"Su Zhan!" Su Zhan said while wiping the wound.

"What are you doing? I don't think you feel nervous at all in this situation. It feels like an old member of our police station, who is used to the feeling of big wind and waves!" Jenna asked curiously.

Su Zhan chuckled and said, "This kind of scene is really nothing to be nervous about. You won't be nervous when you see it a lot in the future. Okay, after you deal with it, it shouldn't take long for it to get better."

"So fast?"

Jenna froze for a moment and looked down. As expected, the wounds had been bandaged, and they were handled very well, impeccably.

"It's strange, how come I don't seem to feel so painful anymore? Is it possible to treat the wound to have such an effect? ​​Mental effect, right?" I was still in pain and it was difficult to walk, and now I feel better.Although Jenna was surprised in her heart, she didn't think too much!

As everyone knows, the reason why she feels like this is not because of her psychological effects, but because she has really improved.Of course, this was not because of treating the wound, but because Su Zhan quietly helped her heal the wound.It was not completely cured, but it was enough to make her feel no pain and not affect her activities.


The wound here had just been treated, and a sound came from the outside.

One after another, it continued, the frequency was getting faster and faster, and it sounded like a door smashing.

The two looked at each other, and Jenna took out the pistol and handed it to Su Zhan hesitantly.

"Hold me, I... Although my marksmanship is good, I am afraid it will affect it now." Jenna said.

Su Zhan nodded and took the pistol, and the two slowly walked out of the emergency room.Following the sound to the corridor, I soon saw a man in the uniform of a road maintenance man smashing the door of this storage room frantically!As if he heard the sound, he turned his head and looked over here. Jenny hurriedly pulled Su Zhan and squatted down, hiding under a toppled counter.

"There may be someone in the storage room!"

Jenna took a look at her and turned her head and just wanted to say something to Su Zhan, but when she turned her head, her eyes met, and she almost didn't post it.Jenna froze for a moment, her face flushed involuntarily, and she leaned back and said in a low voice.

"Well, I'll take care of this guy."

Su Zhan stood up as he spoke. Jenna wanted to remind him to be careful, and it's better to sneak attack, but he didn't expect his actions to be so simple.


Su Zhan yelled, and the guy immediately noticed, and instantly rushed over in a big step angrily.

One step, two steps.

The distance was getting closer and Su Zhan hadn't shot yet, and Jenna yelled in a hurry: "Shoot!"

"What?" Su Zhan turned his head and looked.

"Be careful!" Jenna didn't expect Su Zhan to be so bold. At this time, she dared to turn her head to look at herself without shooting.At this time, the guy had come to Su Zhan in three steps and two steps, only one arm away.Jenny hurriedly yelled to remind Su Zhan to be careful, but Su Zhan smiled slightly.

Immediately after Jenna didn't see Su Zhan turn his head, didn't see him raising his hand, just heard a bang!

The noise sounded decisively, and with a plop, the guy had fallen to the ground, and a blood hole appeared in his head.

Jenny was stunned for a long time before she breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Su Zhan in surprise.

Su Zhan smiled and said: "It is him who should be careful, but not me!"

"You scared me to death." Jenna said angrily, and then hurried to the storage room.

"Is anyone inside?" Jenna asked, standing outside the storage room."I'm Jenna, the policeman in town. It's safe now. You can come out."

"Are you really Jenna?"

There was a sound of temptation from a man inside.

"it's me!"

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