Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1116

"You... are you sure you have no problem?" The man asked again, uneasy.

"No matter whether these people are infected or mutated, I have no problem, you can come out with confidence!" Jenna said.

After a pause, it can take about five or six seconds, and then I heard a click, the door lock opened, and the door opened slowly.

In the small storage room, a man holding a baby tentatively looked at Jenna.

Jenna could understand his concerns at this time, and she raised her neck proactively and said, "Did you see it? I have no problem!"

"What about him?"

The man turned his head to look at Su Zhan.

"He has no problem either, he just killed that guy." Jenna explained.

"We have no problem, have a problem!" Su Zhan said lightly while looking at the man.

The man was silent.

Only then did Jenna discover... that there were already black marks on the man's neck, but it didn't look obvious. It should have been not long after the infection, before the attack.

So far, no way to cure this infection has been found. This man's silence... has meant that he is mentally prepared.

Chapter 1339: Baby Girl Amara

"You're right!" The man glanced at the baby in his arms and raised his head: "I can feel my body is changing. I think I will become like them soon. Maybe we can be a transaction?"

"What?" Jenna asked in amazement.

"I'm going to find a quiet place to stay until the matter is over... You save my daughter Amara!" The man looked at the daughter in his arms and his voice was a little suffocating.

The atmosphere suddenly became depressed. The so-called end of the matter obviously meant that he became that kind of monster after being infected and then was killed!

Jenna wanted to say something, but the language became pale and weak at this time, because no matter what she said could not solve the immediate predicament and could not help the man return to normal.

"I promise you!"

Su Zhan said.

"Thank you!"

Hearing Su Zhan's promise, the man seemed to be relieved and gratefully said to Su Zhan.Looking reluctantly, the man handed the baby girl to Su Zhan, then turned and left.

"What are we going to do? Are you...really planning to adopt this baby girl?" Jenna looked at the man who had left and asked Su Zhan.

Su Zhan held the baby girl and pushed the quilt to the side. He clearly saw a mark on the baby girl's shoulder!

Traces of blood!


Su Zhan was very curious before, let alone the special situation of this small town, after all, other places seemed to have appeared.It’s just that the man hides in the storage room with the baby, and then someone smashes the door frantically. As a result, the baby girl has never been crying or making noise, and it’s very abnormal.

How can ordinary babies be like this?

If it is a normal baby, it will definitely cry, and the sound will definitely attract more monsters instead of just one.If that is the case, it is absolutely impossible to hold on to the door of the storage room!

"Why not? I think she's fate with me!" Su Zhan said with a chuckle looking at the baby girl Amala.

"This is not the place to take care of her. We can find some baby supplies and leave here!" Jenna said.

Although Jenna had no experience in taking care of babies, she was very enthusiastic in this regard, and she was also familiar with this hospital, so she took Su Zhan directly to the infant department.Along the way, I met many infected people, but they were all solved by Su Zhan with an accurate headshot.The accuracy of marksmanship and the steady response make Jenna even more sure of his identity. It may not be that simple. The feeling of using a gun seems to be a battlefield. Is he a retired soldier?But he is Asian, maybe a veteran from Asia.

Taking a lot of baby supplies, the two came out of the hospital.

"I seemed to see a children's shop next to me just now. You can hold me for a while, I'll go and see." Su Zhan handed Amara to Jenna.

Jenna asked in a daze, "They were only worn after the age of five or six, so prepare now?"

"Trust me, she will be able to use it soon." Su Zhan said with a smile, and Jenna shook her head speechlessly.

In her opinion, what Su Zhan said soon was just an adjective, similar to living like a year.And the child grew up very quickly. She still remembered that her mother once said that she was like this at that time. She bought many things that she didn't use temporarily, but she seemed to use it soon.

Little kids, they grow up fast!

As soon as Su Zhan left here, Amara in Jenna's arms began to cry, which made her frantic all of a sudden, no matter how much she seemed to have no effect.After five or six minutes, when Su Zhan came back with a bag, Jenna seemed to have seen a savior and hurriedly handed Amara to Su Zhan."Come and take a look. I don't know why she started to cry, is she hungry..."

As soon as Amala was handed over to Su Zhan, she stopped crying, as quiet as a good-looking baby, which made Jenna stunned.

"What's going on? She was crying very badly just now, why didn't she suddenly stop crying in your arms?"

"Perhaps because women like me!" Su Zhan said jokingly. The reason why she is so quiet is because of her special bond with herself.

"Do you have a place to go? If you don't have any paintings, you can go to our mother temporarily. She has experience in taking care of babies." Jenna asked with concern.

"Then it will be troublesome!"

Jenna smiled and said, "I'll drive, I feel better already, and... if you drive, she might cry again."

Su Zhan nodded and got in the co-pilot, then Jenna drove out of the town center.After driving for about half an hour, Jenna parked the car in front of a house.

"I grew up here, and there are many memories of my childhood." Jenna said.

"Your mother lives here alone?" Su Zhan asked casually.

Jenna nodded: "She likes the environment here. She refused to let her move to a small town before. Now it seems... this is right. At least this time, she was not affected! "

The two said while they got out of the car carrying things.

At this time the door was already open, and a woman similar to Jenna stood at the door with a shocked expression.


Jenna came over and hugged her mother.

Jenna's mother hugged Jenna and said in surprise: "You, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter?" Jenna didn't react for a moment.

"Man, child." Jenna's mother let go of Jenna and looked at Su Zhan and Amara in his arms.

Imagine that my daughter doesn't come back often, but suddenly comes back one day with a man and a child. Which mother doesn't want to be crooked?This look is too easy for people to misunderstand.Seeing her mother’s eyes, Jenna reacted at this moment even if she was dull. She couldn’t laugh or cry and quickly explained: “It’s not what you think, this is Su Zhan, he is not my man, and this baby is not us Children, we are..."

Jenna explained the matter quickly, thinking that her mother could be relieved now?In the end, she never expected that she was disappointed when she heard that it had nothing to do with her daughter...

Chapter 1340

"Really isn't it? Actually, you don't have to lie to me, even if it is true, I can accept it." After entering the house, Jenna's mother was still a little unwilling to tentatively ask.

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