Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1117

Jenna couldn't laugh or cry, and said seriously: "Really not."

"That's it..." Mother Jenna said disappointedly, and then said: "But I think this Su Zhan is good. He is very handsome and has a good temperament. He is also caring. Listening to what you say is also reliable Man, you can hurry up. What's more, it is not convenient for him to be a man with children. Wouldn't it be great if you can be together? Of course, you still have to give birth to one yourself!"

"What are you talking about... You should quickly find out the crib I used when I was young." Jenna said with a wry smile.


Jenna's mother responded and hurried to find something. Jenna looked at Su Zhan a little embarrassedly. Although she didn't stand together just now, she was sure that the other party heard her mother's words."Sit down, I'll help."

Only Su Zhan and Amala were left in the living room. They sat down holding Amara, and Su Zhan looked at her carefully.

Pink Toot's little face looks very cute, and her big black eyes are vivid.Grasping her little hand, Su Zhan said with a smile: "You have been seen by me now, remember, you will be my person in the future!"

I don't know if she understood, the little hand broke free and waved, and the water cup on the coffee table next to the sofa floated slowly.

Su Zhan glanced, and the water cup fell down immediately, and Amara seemed a little unhappy, her small hand swayed more severely, but this time the water cup did not move at all.

"The little guy is quite naughty, don’t worry, I will let you grow up safely, but you have to be obedient. No one’s soul can eat without my permission! Don’t worry, I won’t wait too long. You will grow up soon. Remember, don't use any abilities!" Su Zhan said with a smile, teasing her little face.

I have to say that she is really cute now.

After spending most of the day, Jenna’s mother and daughter cleaned up the original Jenna’s room and used it as a baby room. They also found out the baby bed Jenna had when she was a child, and put them away.Put Amara in the crib, and she fell asleep very well.After all, she had just reincarnated, she didn't have any energy.

Watching Amara fall asleep, the three of them had a chance to chat.

For Su Zhan and Amara staying here temporarily, Jenna's mother expressed a very welcome, and then... Su Zhan felt like going to his girlfriend's house for the first time.

First, I asked about some of my own situation, and then talked about Jenna's affairs. It seems that no country is immune.

Su Zhan didn't care, especially when she saw Jenna look embarrassed, she took the initiative to ask a lot of things, so that Jenna's mother was interested in talking, and she really talked a lot about Jenna's childhood.

"Unexpectedly you were so naughty when you were a child, no wonder you chose to be a policeman when you grew up." When Jenna's mother got up to cook, Su Zhan smiled and said to Jenna.

"It's just like that when I was young." Jenna said defensively."I don't know what's going on in the town? How come it suddenly becomes like this, it feels like the end of the world is coming!"

"Don't worry, it will pass soon." Su Zhan said.

Jenna looked at Su Zhan."You don't look like comfort, as if you are sure. you know something?"

"The observation is quite keen." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Jenna was in a spirit."Do you really know?"

"If you are ready to break your inherent impression and accept new things, then I can tell you!"

"It doesn't sound like that simple. Okay, just go ahead." Jenna took a deep breath and nodded.

"First of all do you believe that myths and legends are true?"

"Myths and legends, God, angel? Devil or something?" Jenna asked in a daze, she was really surprised to see Su Zhan nodding her head.

That means... these... are all real?

"Lord of the gods, where is the new angel?" Jenna suddenly asked, "Are these also true?"

"You know?" Su Zhan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Jenna nodded: "I know some. I am afraid that there are very few people who don't know. Many people have seen the new angel with their own eyes, and it seems to be reported on TV."

"These are indeed real. Since these exist, then some extraordinary things will happen smoothly. Do you remember the darkness before? It is not a total solar eclipse at all, but darkness! Darkness is God Like God, her sister was born at the beginning of the world. One symbolizes light and the other symbolizes darkness. God has sealed the darkness, and only one kind of blood seal can open the seal and let the darkness come out. Now, the blood seal has been opened, and the darkness has come! This series of things are all related to darkness!"

"Who released the darkness?" Jenna asked in surprise.

Su Zhan did not speak.

Jenna opened her mouth and looked at Su Zhan, thinking of a terrible guess.He knows so much about dark things, he doesn't... is it him?Seeing the meaning revealed in Jenna's eyes, Su Zhan slowly said: "At first, God gave the blood mark to Lucifer, and Lucifer passed the blood mark to Cain. Finally... I found Cain and got it. The blood mark, then... broke the seal!"

"Why do you do this?"

"Because the darkness has what I want!"

"That's darkness, what can you want in her body!"

"Because I am the Lord of the Gods!"

Jenna was originally curious about why Su Zhan did this. The darkness that was born at the beginning of the world can be imagined how powerful it is. Is the things in her that ordinary people can look at?As a result, Su Zhan's last words made Jenna suddenly realize and she was also shocked.

" are the...the lord of the gods?"

"Replace it like a fake!"

Chapter 1341: The Resolute Mother

"Well, I have to slow down."

Jenna never expected that the person in front of her was the lord of the gods?Although there are a lot of remarks and news about the Lord of the Gods, although Jenna didn't know and heard about it, Su Zhan's admission still made her feel like a dream.After speaking, Jenna got up as if she was going to drink water, but Su Zhan noticed that she was holding her mobile phone secretly, she should be looking for news of herself.

There is still a lot of information about myself on the Internet.

Identities, names, photos, etc. are all available. After all, it is now in the information age. To attract attention and increase followers quickly, these are all essential.It didn't take long to hear Jenna exclaim in a low voice, she should have seen it.

After a while, Jenna came back and sat down, watching Su Zhan take a deep breath, she can't remember how many deep breaths she took today."Well, I believe you are the lord of the gods, then... what is the purpose of your coming here?"

"Darkness!" Su Zhan said.

"You mean, darkness is in this town?"

"To be precise, the darkness is here!"

"What? This is impossible, the darkness cannot be..." Jenna shook her head subconsciously, how could there be darkness here, Su Zhan, she has a mother, where is the darkness... "Wait, you wouldn't say Is it Amara?"

Su Zhan nodded.

"She, she turned out to be darkness, a baby?"

"She is a baby now, but not necessarily tomorrow!" Su Zhan explained.

"Then, what should I do? Just watch her grow up like this? No... is there no way to solve it? If she grows up, will it be the end of the world?"

"For you, it's almost the same! The darkness has been kept by God for so long, so naturally it is to seek revenge from God. But God has long been hiding in heaven. The easiest way for the darkness to force God to show up is to destroy God’s face. Everything created!" Su Zhan explained."Actually I am waiting for God to come out, but you can rest assured that I don't intend to make such a beautiful world disappear, so I will solve all problems in the end!"

"Well, what about now?"

"Now? What should you do? The crisis in the town will be over soon." Su Zhan smiled and said, "Speaking of which, it is better to consider yourself, no matter what the reason you are. Choosing to be a policeman, look at it now... the police are not the best choice!

"New, new angel?"

Jenna's reaction was quick. Just when she checked the information, she happened to see something about the new angels. Most of these new angels were ordinary people. They were chosen by the gods and became the most pious warriors and believers of the gods.Of course, there is also news that...In fact, the new angels are the women of the gods, so they are qualified to become superb and powerful new angels from ordinary people!

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