Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1123

Su Zhan smiled, patted Eri’s legs and just about to speak, the door of the box was slowly opened. A middle-aged man said to Su Zhan apologetically, "This guest, Eri should Go busy."


Eri was surprised and hurriedly wanted to get up.

But when he got up, he was pressed down by Su Zhan, and then he said to the boss: "Are you the boss? It just so happened that I was happily chatting with Eri and prepared to let him stay with me for a while. If it affects the business of the tavern, then the tavern today I've done it. Any customer's expenses can be counted on me, is it okay?"

With that said, Su Zhanjiang handed it over.

The boss froze for a moment, then tremblingly took it, "No problem, no problem."

Close the door carefully, and the boss left directly.

Chapter 1348

"This is too expensive, it will cost a lot of money." Eri said apologetically."If, if you really want to chat, you can wait for me after get off work."

Su Zhan smiled and shook his head: "Money is just a number to me, it has no meaning. Moreover, this money is spent for you, I think it is very valuable. After all, there are not many beautiful girls like you!"

"There is no pull, people are also very ordinary." Eri said with a blush.

"Yes, that's it, your smiling tiger teeth are very cute. No one has told you, are you beautiful and kawaii?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"No, no!"

"Then they are really blind. You are really cute and beautiful, and I can't help but want to possess you. I think I will feel good when I see you every day." Su Zhan smiled Said.

This is a little bit more direct and very suggestive.But this is also the highest praise, so although Eri blushed, she still said thank you very happily.

"So... can I?" Su Zhan slowly approached Eri. Eri was a little nervous and leaned back, but soon felt that Su Zhan's hands had hugged her waist, looking more and more As Su Zhan was approaching, Eri felt a blank head and closed her eyes subconsciously.


Su Zhan kissed him and climbed directly with his hands.

"Please don't be like this, flax falls..."

Eri gasped and said, but Su Zhan, who had been immersed in the movie for so long, heard her say so, not only did not have the feeling of stopping, but... even more intense.

It was almost ten minutes before Su Zhan stopped.

Seeing the embarrassed Eri, Su Zhan smiled and said: "You are really beautiful, and I can't help it. I hope you will not be angry because of my actions!"

Eri shook her head slightly and didn't say a word, still looking so dazed.It took a long time to return to normal, especially under Su Zhan’s deliberate guidance, Eri also returned to normal, talking and laughing again. The only difference is that Su Zhan’s movements became more casual, and Eri did not resist at all. .

Unconsciously, after drinking a lot of wine, Eri seems to be a little drunk.

At this time, it was about time that the tavern was about to close. Eri helped Su Zhan to ask for the bank card and the bill from the boss. Eri felt a little distressed when she saw the cost.

"I'm really sorry, our boss..." Huili bowed to Su Zhan apologetically.

Su Zhan looked at the turnover list, which was more than one million yen.

There are a lot of figures, and it’s only 10,000 U.S. dollars in US dollars.

A small town is a small town, and the consumption level is really not high.

Seeing Eri, who kept apologizing full of apologies, Su Zhan wanted to say that he didn't care about this little money, but suddenly changed his mind.

"If you are very guilty, how about finding a place to drink with me?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"Ah...but the tavern is closed." Eri said.

"You don't have to drink in a pub, we can go to the hotel." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Eri blushed and hesitated: "Forget it, it's expensive to go to the hotel. And drinking too much can hurt your body. I just saw that you didn't eat anything. Just drinking alcohol will hurt your stomach. If... If you don’t mind, you can come to my house and I can cook some food."

"Of course it's good, that's it!" Su Zhan responded with a smile.

When I just chatted, I already knew that Eri lived alone. Her parents used to owe usury and were unable to repay and both committed suicide. The family’s money was also used to repay the debt. Now she rents a house by herself, and her life is still very good simple.

When he came to Eri's home, Su Zhan realized what simplicity was like.

The whole area is almost forty square meters.

There is no such thing as a living room, kitchen, or bathroom.

And, a room where the living room meets the bedroom.

There are futons on the tatami, and next to it is a floor table and a TV.The space is very small, but the layout is very good, it has a girlish atmosphere, especially when I entered Su Zhan, I smelled the same smell in the room as her, a faint fragrance.

"You sit down for a while, and I'll make some food. There is not much in the house and I hope you don't mind. have nothing to stop eating, right?"


Eri nodded, first helped Su Zhan brought the beer that he bought when he came with him, let Su Zhan drink first, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

While drinking, Su Zhan looked at the room casually.

It was like exploring the New World, so Su Zhan made a lot of discoveries.It can be seen that no one in her family has been here, so some things are put more casually. Su Zhan saw many more private things, maybe she never thought that one day there would be a man, otherwise she would definitely put it away. .

After watching for a while, Su Zhan lost his interest and got up and came out to see the picture of the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Eri is cooking with her back to Su Zhan. She looks serious, but it may be because of her drunkenness. Her movements and reactions are unavoidably slow. She seems to be trying to persevere without noticing that Su Zhan has already Out.

Su Zhan walked gently behind her, put his hands under her ribs and hugged her.

Eri was taken aback. When she found out that it was Su Zhan, she blushed and said, "It will be all right soon, let me go first."

"Suddenly I feel comfortable holding you, so...just do this." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"But it's very inconvenient. Let me go and let me cook first, and wait... until it's done... OK?"

"Kiss, I'll let you go!" Su Zhan said with a grin.

Eri hesitantly tilted her head to the tiptoe and kissed her like a dragonfly.

"No, kiss here!"

Seeing Su Zhan pointing to her mouth, Eri could only kiss him again, blushing.

This time, Su Zhan would not let her escape, and soon... it was another long kiss.

But it didn't last long, Su Zhan smiled and let go of her and said, "Well, you can cook first. After singing your craft, I will taste you again..."

Chapter 1349 I like you more and more now!

Although it is a few simple dishes, it looks good.

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