Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1124

"You eat first, I'll take a bath."

Eri was sweating over cooking and went to the bathroom after saying.

I tasted her craftsmanship and it tasted really good.When Eri came out of the shower, she changed into a more homely T-shirt and shorts.Just sitting down next to Su Zhan, the fragrance was already coming.After sitting down, Eri was not in a hurry to eat. She helped Su Zhan pick up vegetables and poured wine. She was very considerate.

"Don't worry, you can eat too." Su Zhan said with a smile.


Eri nodded, and then began to eat.

After eating and drinking, Su Zhan helped Eri tidy up, but Eri refused to say anything. In the end, Su Zhan could only lie down and watch Eri busy alone.Withdrawing the table, washing the dishes, Eri came in after the work, watching her blushing, Su Zhan beckoned, she hesitated and sat down beside Su Zhan.

"Lie with me for a while." Su Zhan said.

Eri lay down hesitantly, and when he saw Su Zhan's open arms, she lay in Su Zhan's arms.

This feeling is very new to Eri, and very nervous, giving her an inexplicable sense of happiness.

This feeling is similar to the life she dreams of, cooking together after get off work and lying down together, it feels like being in love.The only difference is that the house is very small, but... the male protagonist is much more handsome than he thought.Eri looked at Su Zhan subconsciously, but happened to find that Su Zhan was also looking at her.

Four eyes face each other.

The pounding heartbeat filled her ears, and Eri felt that she could no longer hear other sounds. She could only see Su Zhan's face getting closer and closer, until the two of them stuck together!



It took a long time for Eri to feel that the soul seemed to have returned to the body. Seeing Su Zhan wipe the corners of her mouth with a tissue, she realized what had happened.But she didn't regret it, although it was because of being drunk, all she felt now was satisfaction and sweetness!

"I, I'll take a shower." After Eri finished speaking, she struggled to get up and went to take a shower.

"Let's go together."

Su Zhan said with a smile.

The two took a simple shower, but it took almost twenty minutes.

It feels pretty good to snuggle together when I come back.However, this feeling was quickly broken. Su Zhan's phone rang, and he found the phone in his clothes next to him. Su Zhan looked at it, but Claire called and answered it.It turned out that it was early in the morning unknowingly, and Su Zhan hadn't returned yet, so Claire called and asked.Su Zhan simply said that she didn't have to wait for her to rest before hanging up the phone.

"Is... your girlfriend?" Eri asked tentatively.

Su Zhan didn't carry her just now, so she heard it.

At that moment, Eri's psychology was a bit sad.But think about it, if such an excellent boy as Su Zhan does not have a girlfriend, it would be abnormal. Isn't this something that should have been thought of long ago?For yourself... don’t think too much, it’s a good memory to have the perfect experience for the first time!

"You can go back first!" Huili said.

"I haven't stayed with you enough yet." Su Zhan smiled.

Knowing that it was impossible, Eri couldn't help but feel happy.

Su Zhan wasn't telling lies at all, and there really wasn't enough.The feeling that Eri gave her was really good, especially when she agreed to many dirty things without his persuasion.

After resting and chatting for a while, Su Zhan fought again.

Unconsciously, the night passed like this.

Because the pub is usually open in the afternoon and evening, it is not necessary to go to work so early during the day.But she has to do part-time work, so she woke up at the end of her biological clock.

"Why did you wake up so early?" Su Zhan opened his eyes and asked, feeling a movement in his arms.

"Wake you up? I'm really sorry. I...I'll go to work soon, you can continue to sleep." Erri said apologetically.

Su Zhan smiled: "What kind of job, don't go, I will give you the money!"

"No, I know you are rich, but... I think... I should still go to work. After all, I am not your girlfriend, so I can't do this... I want you to get money." Eri shook his head and said.

"Really not? I can give you money that you can't spend your whole life." Su Zhan asked.

Eri shook her head and said, "No."

"I like you more and more now, I should...I can still come to find you?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

Eri hesitated, but finally nodded.

There is no explicit statement, but the meaning is self-evident.

Eri cleaned up and went to work. Su Zhan lay up for a while and went back to the hotel to talk to Claire. Claire had no reaction to Su Zhan’s absence at night, but she inadvertently revealed a taste of snacks. !

In the afternoon, Su Zhan received a call from Akiyama Dakako, saying that he had found a house that met the requirements. If you have time, you can check it out.Su Zhan asked Claire if he wanted to go, but Claire shook his head and refused, and finally Su Zhan went out alone.

When I arrived at the agreed place, I saw Akiyama Dakako waiting there in a black professional suit from a distance.Seeing Su Zhan coming, Qiu Shan Duoxiangzi hurriedly walked over, the sound of high-heeled shoes pattering is very crisp.

"What about the professor?" Su Zhan asked casually.

"Professor Asami's daughter is sick." Akiyama Takako whispered.

Su Zhan looked at Qiu Shan Duxiangzi, she felt that she was quieter and more well-behaved, and she didn't talk much, but there was a bit of flattery between her eyebrows.

This kind of temperament and personality, coupled with her mature body, will give rise to a feeling of wanting to'bully' her.

"Well, let's go see the house." Su Zhan replied, and soon Qiu Shan Duxiangzi led the way to a villa with a detached courtyard in front.

This villa is very luxurious in this town, and it has its own rooftop swimming pool.However, after it was built, it was not sold because of the high price. The salesman was already waiting there. Seeing Su Zhan and Qiu Shan Duxiangzi coming over, they hurriedly greeted them enthusiastically.

Chapter 1350 Life Assistant?

The salesman took the two into the villa and introduced them enthusiastically. They talked wherever they went. They talked about it, and they almost described this villa as a unique world mansion.However, the price is fair. Although it sounds like a sky-high price in Akiyama Takoko, it is at least worthy of the price of the house, and there is no big talk.

I finished viewing the house in about an hour and a half. Although it was decorated, there was no furniture or anything, and it didn’t take much time to finish it.

"I can guarantee that there is no better house in the town." The salesman said vowedly.

"Can it be rented?" Akiyama Takako asked, who had not spoken.

This price... is simply a sky-high price, and there is no need to buy it. After all, she remembered that Su Zhan did not intend to settle here.However, she still underestimated the lifestyle of the local tyrants, Qiu Shan Duxiangzi asked if she could rent it?Before the salesman could speak, Su Zhan had already said it."Don’t have to be so troublesome, just buy it directly. Take the card and you can deal with the problem of the property, and buy some furniture back. You decide what style it is, the price does not matter. The only requirement is that I hope tomorrow night You can live here when you come!"

"I'll leave if I have something else."

"and many more!"

Seeing that Su Zhan had decided so simply that he was about to leave, Qiushan Dakako hurriedly shouted and said in a low voice: "I need some formalities from you, after all, I have to go through the real estate documents."

"It's too much trouble, just use yours directly."


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