Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1136

"Then how are you grateful?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

Mitsuko Mitsui gritted her teeth and said, "Myself!"

"Sounds great!" Su Zhan said with a smile, taking a step forward.

Chapter 1363

Su Zhan was preparing to make a move, but suddenly something changed.As soon as I heard a bang, the protesters, including the hostages, turned into inflatable dolls in an instant, and then plopped and rolled down the stairs of the city hall and piled together.

There was an uproar all around in an instant.

Obviously, everyone was stunned by this change.

"You... why did you turn them into inflatable dolls?" Mitsui Mitsuko asked Su Zhan in surprise.

"I didn't do it." Su Zhan shook his head.

Although he felt that these people were not humans, but inflatable dolls, it was really unexpected that this suddenly changed into a prototype.Is there a certain time limit?It will naturally become like this when the time is up?Or is it because of the dirty sister of Shengu?But she is not here, she should still be at school.

"Perhaps... I was wrong!"

Su Zhan thought that Sister Kamiya could turn people into inflatable dolls, maybe... not?Maybe it's just a copy, because it became an inflatable doll for some special reasons?Su Zhan searched the surroundings subconsciously, and soon found a suspicious guy.

"I'm leaving for a while."

Su Zhan said, turned and walked out of the crowd.

After chasing for two streets, Su Zhan found the suspicious person.

She is wearing a black leather skirt, and she has a good figure. The most important thing is...this is a foreign girl!

As soon as Su Zhan was about to catch up, he found a person coming out of the coffee shop next to him. It was Claire.Claire and her seemed very familiar, and the two had a good chat, and soon went into the coffee shop together.

"Is she the one Claire is talking about?"

Su Zhan was a little surprised. I still remember that Claire said when she first came here that she had met someone with her. Fortunately, she would be very troublesome if she didn't understand her words.At that time, Su Zhan did not follow up, but now it seems that this girl also has super powers!

She is the superpower who can turn people into inflatable dolls?

After thinking about it, Su Zhan didn't plan to show up for the time being, but directly explored her memory.

Julie Babcock.

This is her name.

She also developed super powers because of the fall of darkness. It was purely coincidental that she would be here.As for her ability, it is very special, purification!

Can purify all negative emotions!

It was just that she used the ability to purify, but because those people were replicas and did not have any negative emotions themselves, they became inflatable dolls.

Okay, it makes sense, but... Is Wei Mao an inflatable doll?

It can be determined now.

Teacher Aiko's ability is to read and modify memory.

The ability of Shengu dirty sister is to copy.

And this Julie, her ability is purification.

My mission has not been completed, I don't know if it is because the matter is not a crisis, or because Julie intervened.However, judging from the status of the task, it did not fail, so the former is more likely.

Looking at Julie and Claire who had a good chat in the coffee shop, Su Zhan turned and returned to the city hall.

The crowd had been dispersed, Mitsuko Mitsuko and Taeko were still here, Taeko was taking pictures, Mitsuko Mitsui looked sad.

Seeing Su Zhan coming back, Mitsuko Mitsui hurriedly asked, "Did you figure out what's going on? Why do these people become inflatable dolls, and now...what should I do?"

"These things can be handled at will, if someone likes it, you can give it away. After all, this is a real person. If you want to customize it, the price is very expensive. Among these things may be the goddess of whom, and you can't get it. Real person, it's not bad to get a real person inflatable doll." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Is it really possible? Then they... where did their real people go?" Mitsui Mitsuko asked.

"It's up to you to investigate this, but if there is a copy, then their safety should be no problem!" Su Zhan said.

"Well, I will investigate now!" Mitsui Mitsuko said.

Just now, Julie's purification not only turned these replicas into inflatable dolls, but also restored Mitsui Mitsuko to normal, which is quite a pity!

Leaving the city hall, Su Zhan did not return to school or villa, but went to Eli.

Now that this situation will happen in this small town, Eri must make some preparations. Moreover, although Su Zhan was not affected by the smell, his previous provocation at school made him a little bit excited, and I haven't been to Eri for a few days, so I should go!

At this time, the tavern probably hadn't opened yet, and Su Zhan simply went directly to Eri's house.

I knocked on the door, and it took about three or two minutes before I heard Eri's voice, and hurriedly came over to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, I saw Eri wrapped in a bath towel and seemed to be taking a shower.

Seeing Su Zhan, Eri was stunned and said with joy: "You are here, you haven't been here these days, I thought..."

"Thinking I don't want you anymore?" Su Zhan smiled and said, "It's just that something else has been delayed these days. Isn't this coming, and it's just time. I want you!"

"But... but I'm going to work soon, why don't you wait for me to get off work at night?"

"Can't wait, drive first!" Su Zhan gave a smirk, and hugged Eli directly.

The car couldn't reach the defense, so Eri didn't have the slightest preparation.

When she stopped, Eri found that she had been late for more than an hour.Regardless of physical exhaustion, Eri had no time to take a bath again, and got up to get dressed to go to work.

"Don't go today, something happened in the town, I'm afraid it will become very unsafe!" Su Zhan said.

"Ah? What happened?" Eri asked in surprise.

Just as Su Zhan was about to speak, Eri heard her phone ring.He glanced at the call from the pub, it should be the boss.Eri smiled apologetically at Su Zhan and connected the phone.

"Sorry boss, I will...what? The boss is dead!" Eri hurriedly apologized after getting on the phone, but she shouted in surprise before she could finish her words.

Chapter 1364 A Wonderful Way To Die

"I know, I will pass as soon as possible."

After Eri hung up the phone, she still didn't dare to accept this fact. She turned to look at Su Zhan and said, "The boss is dead.

"Should I be with you?"

"No, I should be back soon." Eri shook her head.

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