Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1137

"How did he die?" Su Zhan asked.

Eri said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Fuck, you die."

"What?" Su Zhan did not hear clearly.

"The call just now was from a colleague. He went to work and found that the boss had died in the shop. The forensic doctor had passed. The cause of death was... exhausted and died!" Eri explained.


Su Zhan can be regarded as a well-informed old driver, but this is definitely the first time I have seen this method of death.

How much do you want this Nima, how many times did you get rid of it?

This method of death is really weird and illogical. It is definitely not something that can happen under normal circumstances. It is done by superpowers in all likelihood.

Is it the dirty girl Kamiya?

Although Eri said that he didn't need to accompany her, Su Zhan became interested in this matter and went to the tavern with her.At the tavern, Mitsuko Mitsui was also there.

Those who protested the disappearance have not been found yet, and there have been homicides here, and these are all related to superpowers, which makes Mitsui Mitsuko very headache, and has no experience in handling cases in this area. See Su Zhanlai After that, Mitsui Mitsuko simply asked for help.


Su Zhan said, then walked to Eri's side and patted her and said: "It seems that the pub will not be open for a while. There is not peace in the town. You can live in my house for the time being. That is the safest. of."

" it convenient?"

"Convenient, there are many people in my family." Su Zhan said with a smile, took out the phone and called Qiu Shan Duoxiangzi and asked her to come over to pick up Eri.

After the account was properly made, Su Zhan returned to Mitsuko Mitsui and said: "Well, I can take a while to help you temporarily."

"Thank you very much, so what should we do now?" Mitsui Mitsuko said.

"Generally speaking, what should you do at this time?" Su Zhan asked.

"Collate the case and look for the suspect."

"Then follow your method first." Su Zhan said.

Although he guessed that it might have something to do with Kamiya, this matter really didn't necessarily mean to kill him deliberately, he could only say that his willpower was not firm.What's more, if Kamiya's purpose is to infect the entire town, it should be his own task. To be on the safe side, it is better to wait until it has already started before stopping it.

Su Zhan also wanted to see how big he would play in the end and how dirty it would be.



Niuchuan Ferry, wooden house.

Kamiya changed into his school uniform and wore a black waistcoat hoodie skirt.

Very exaggerated big V-neck, white floral underwear is completely exposed, it can't hide it at all.The skirt underneath is very short, and it will show up with a little movement.At this moment, Kamiya's two little dolls in both hands were colliding with each other, what a mess.

It feels like when a child played with the family, she even dubbed it.

After playing for a while, Kamiya seemed a bit bored.

"It's still not as interesting as a real person!" Kamiya murmured, turning around and going out.

Driving the ferry, Kamiya quickly came to the small town. With her movement, bursts of weird scents wafted out, and the expressions of the people who passed by and asked about the scent soon became blurred, as if they had been affected.Kamiya came to a girl with a smile and grabbed it unscrupulously.

"There is no clue at all. This boss is usually very kind and kind, and it is difficult to find any suspects. Moreover, even if there is a suspect, it is impossible to determine how he did it or how the boss died in this way!"

National Police Agency, Mitsuko Mitsui's office.

Mitsuko Mitsui looked upset at the pile of materials at hand, got up and opened the window, leaning against the window and said to Su Zhan.

"This must be done by super powers. I don't know if one or more evil super powers appeared. Are you not an investor in the super power group? There are so many super powers gathered, is there no way?"

"Of course there are ways." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"What way?" Mitsui Mitsuko asked hurriedly.

Su Zhan smiled: "Actually, I probably already know who the evil superpower you are talking about is, but I don't want to stop her for the time being."

"Why?" Mitsui Mitsuko didn't understand."If he is allowed to continue this recklessly, the whole town will fall."

"Yes, I just want to see this scene!" Su Zhan said with a smile."First of all, I am a man, and secondly, I have no relationship or relationship with this town. Even the richest AV company cannot shoot such a big scene? It's a shame to miss it!"

"You said you would help me!" Mitsui Mitsuko said.

"Yes, but I didn't say how much I would help you!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"I understand!"

Mitsuko Mitsui unbuttoned her clothes suddenly."Is it the only way you are willing to help me?"

Su Zhan was unmoved.

One by one, Mitsuko Mitsui was honest in the end.

"Is this... okay?" Mitsui Mitsuko asked.

Su Zhan looked up and asked unceremoniously, "Do you think, what would happen if you really got there?"

"Someone will die!" Mitsui Mitsuko said.

"I can guarantee that no one will die. I can also guarantee that the town will return to normal in the end. Most people will not remember what happened. However, things must happen. And... I have conditions!" Su Zhandao .

"What conditions!"

"You stand here for five minutes first, I'll go out!" Su Zhan said with a smile and turned and went out.

Mitsuko Mitsui was stunned, what kind of condition is this?

Coming out of the office, Su Zhan looked at the busy police hall in front of him with his mouth raised slightly, and activated the power of chaos.

In an instant, the policemen and male policemen in front of them suddenly disappeared one by one...

Chapter 1365 I like this movie!

Police station, street, whole town...

The men disappeared out of thin air. Duck classmates, Jianshou and other superpower team members were no exception. All the men in the town, except Su Zhan, disappeared in full view and disappeared without warning.

In the absence of no one's attention, an invisible energy field, centered on Su Zhan, began to spread in all directions of the town, covering the entire Dongsanhe area.

Invisible and invisible, but can't get in or out, completely blocking this place.

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