Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1138

There was a burst of exclamation from outside the window. Mitsuko Mitsui covered her body and looked out. There was chaos outside, and there were shouts, and Mitsuko Mitsui soon heard what was going on.

Someone is missing!

Moreover, many men just disappeared out of thin air in full view.

After hesitating for a while, Mitsui Mitsuko was hesitating whether to push the door out, and saw that the door opened, and Su Zhan walked in slowly.

"You, what did you do?" Mitsui Mitsuko had a hunch that the man's disappearance seemed to be related to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan said with a smile: "I just sent away all the men in this town, so that at least no one will die so strangely. Now I am the only man in the whole town, even if someone wants to This small town has become a land of lust, and it has no effect."

"Aren't you affected?" Mitsui Mitsuko said.

"What do you think?"

Su Zhan asked, Mitsui Mitsuko thought for a while, and he seemed calm and unaffected when he and others were affected.But...whatever Mitsui Mitsuko thinks, Su Zhan is not so kind. It is not so much saving people, it is more like sending these people who are getting in the way away, and having fun alone.

However, no matter what, at least some people can be safe.

"The clothes can be put on, and I need you, the policeman, to stabilize the situation in the town. In addition, I will tell you that this town is now closed and cannot enter or exit. When you are finished, come to the villa to find me!" Su Zhan said There was a sound, and then suddenly disappeared.

Mitsuko Mitsui got dressed and soon came forward to stabilize the situation.

After all, the men in the town suddenly disappeared, and the impact of this matter is still great.

It's explanation and comfort.

It took most of the day to finally make the women in the town feel at ease, at least temporarily.

Speaking of it, it is also related to the strangeness of this dungeon. Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for Mitsuko Mitsui to say a few words, just talk about people with superpowers, the town is in crisis, and then...the people in the town will accept it.

When they returned to the villa, Asami Saying and the others were also anxious, because Kamogawa Yoshiro, Professor Asami and others suddenly disappeared. They were relieved to see Su Zhan coming back to explain this.

Look at the people in the villa!

Akiyama Takako, Asami Sae, Hirano Miyuki, Erri, Shimizu teacher.

There are pure girls, light mature girls, pretty female students, and charming female teachers.

Gathering together, the flowers are in full bloom, which really makes Su Zhan feel overwhelmed.

Not long after, Mitsuko Mitsui also came and brought reporter Taeko by the way.


This is even more lively.

"Ling Ling Ling, Ling Ling Ling..."

The phone rang suddenly, Su Zhan picked it up and saw Claire, and connected with a smile.

"Are you okay? There seems to be a situation here, all the men are gone." Claire asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, don't worry about this, I did it." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"You did it? Oh, that's fine, then I'm relieved." Claire breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "I seem to have found some clues, so I won't go back for now."

Su Zhan confessed a few sentences and hung up the phone.

When Eri is here, there is no need to leave the cooking to Akiyama Dakako. I have to say that Eri's cooking skills are indeed very good, and he has conquered everyone with a single meal.After dinner, Su Zhan was considering whether to go to Eri or Kanami Saying's room at night, or...choose a new goal.

At this time, Mitsuko Mitsui's phone rang, and after answering a few times, Mitsuko hung up and said, "There seems to be an abnormality in the school, I want to see..."

"I'll accompany you." Su Zhan said.

"I will go too, after all, I am a school teacher!" Teacher Qingshui said.

"Then go!"

Su Zhan walked over and smiled, holding Shimizu-teacher and Mitsuko's waist, teleporting directly under the shy and surprised expressions of the two.

The next moment, the three of them have appeared in the classroom.

"Can you still take people to teleport?" Mitsui Mitsuko was surprised, but soon... she discovered something even more surprised.

In the classroom, inflatable dolls pile up like a mountain.


The two of them took a cold breath and were quite surprised. Teacher Qingshui walked over to check and found that these appearances seemed to be their own students.

"Huh, what is this?" Teacher Qingshui suddenly noticed that there was a layer of powdery stuff on the inflatable doll, and she subconsciously rubbed it, and the result was a lot of pollen coming out. In an instant, the air was already floating. Smell.

"This taste... so familiar."

The first half sentence of Teacher Shimizu was normal, but when he turned and turned his head, his expression became obsessed.

"That smell!"

Mitsuko Mitsui was shocked, but unfortunately it was too late. She already felt that she seemed to become hot.

Su Zhan pointed, and with a snap, the dolls had disappeared.However, the smell was still in the air, Mitsuko Mitsui turned around and slammed the door of the classroom, then leaned on the door and swayed with her hands and legs, as if she was taking a photo.

On the other side, Teacher Qingshui had already come to the podium, took out the pointer by the way, and pointed at Su Zhan, which was quite charming.

"The female teacher and the policewoman... I like this movie!"

Su Zhan chuckled, turned around and sat down in the front row. He wanted to see what potential Shimizu-Sensei and Mitsui Mitsuko could play.As a result, as soon as she sat down, she saw Mitsui Mitsuko stepping on the model, the rattling sound of her high heels, and walking to Su Zhan.

Chapter 1366 Two occupations with the highest attendance rate!

Leaning over and bending over, Mitsui Mitsuko pushed aside the desk and sat on Su Zhan's lap. With his hands dancing slightly, he slowly grabbed Su Zhan's hand and placed it behind.After leaning over, I heard a click, Su Zhan's hands were actually handcuffed.Mitsuko Mitsui showed an expression of sitting obediently but didn't get up, so she began to'torture' Su Zhan.Su Zhan tilted his head and looked at the podium, and found that Teacher Qingshui was even more exaggerated. She didn’t know how she climbed up. She stood on the podium and began to dance gently. Various postures appeared endlessly, as if It's like a stage here.

Good guys!

This'foreplay' is really good, a bit of a blockbuster rhythm!

The two of them moved more and more boldly, and their minds became more and more trance. It was obvious that they had begun to lose their calm and were completely immersed in silver.I don't know if Mitsuko Mitsui has become the appearance of herself in the police station, and Shimizu-teacher is almost the same. He has stepped down from the desk and is on the opposite side of Mitsuko Mitsui.

Su Zhan chuckled, and the handcuffs opened with a click, followed by two clicks.

A handcuff handcuffed Mitsui Mitsuko's right hand and Shimizu's left hand respectively, and then directly pressed the two on the desk, Su Zhan started the dinner!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang

The sounds are mixed together, like a moving train.

"Sure enough, the professional combination feels more!"

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