Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1143

Chapter 1371 Keiko's Trouble

On the one hand, Julie was recruited because Julie is very beautiful. This leather skirt and high heels look very seductive and very sensational.Secondly, the ability of purification technique is still very effective at some point, at least when it is more direct and effective when propagating faith.

Regardless of where it is, Su Zhan will recruit Julie.

Julie is still blushing, the torture just now really made her want to die.Looking at Su Zhan, Julie was full of curiosity.

The dignified lord of the gods, who can enhance her abilities, used this kind of'torture' to punish herself, which made Julie feel that she had a more intuitive understanding of his impression, not what she imagined Like that.At this moment, the door suddenly opened and Claire came in.

Seeing Julie's red face and disheveled clothes, Claire was taken aback and surprised: " guys did it so soon?"

"No, we don't..." Julie wanted to explain, when she heard Su Zhan say slowly."Do you have any clues over there?"

Speaking of business affairs, Claire immediately changed the subject, which made Julie a little depressed and had no chance to explain.

"Some clues were indeed found!" Claire said."My mother, maybe... not here?"

"How to say?"

"The people in the entire town were affected before. If my mother was should be in it, but I almost searched it and didn't find it. Besides, I found a special place." Claire said.

Su Zhan nodded. If Claire's mother was in the situation before, it was indeed easy to spot.

"When the smell spread to the whole town, I found that there was a store that was weird, that is, there was an airplane-shaped store on the roof. There seemed to be a force to block the smell." Claire recalled. .

Julie interjected: "I have also noticed. I think there may be superpowers in it. I originally planned to wait until the solution was solved."

As soon as Su Zhizhi found this store, it seemed to be a closed store. At first glance, there was nothing special, except that the decorative airplane on the roof looked a bit interesting.After a careful induction, Su Zhan didn't realize that there was anything special, but... the decorated airplane... turned out to be real!

This is interesting!

A real airplane is disguised as decoration, why?

This airplane is not an abandoned one, but it can drive away at any time.

"You go and investigate, that place is really interesting."


Hearing Su Zhan's words, Claire felt that her suspicion was right, and couldn't wait to pull Julie to investigate.Su Zhan also went downstairs and saw that Julie was looking at the new angel Dakako Akiyama in surprise, but Claire took her away, and she watched the new angel more.

"Are you going out?" Akiyama Dakako asked.

"Well, go to the bookstore. Come with me."

Su Zhan said, Qiu Shan Duxiangzi immediately drove, and the two went out of the villa to the bookstore.

At this time, the order in the town had returned to normal. They had forgotten what had happened before and what they had done, so when Su Zhan and Qiu Shan Duxiangzi appeared, there was no big sensation.After entering the bookstore, I heard the bookstore manager Keiko smiled enthusiastically and quietly, and asked if I could help.

"I want to find some information about the history of this small town." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, I'll help you find it!"

Keiko said, turned around and looked for it.

Su Zhan took an adult magazine in his hand and walked to the sofa next to him and sat down.Dakako Akiyama stood respectfully by the side and opened the magazine casually. I have to say that the content in the magazine was pretty good. It attracted Su Zhan's attention for a while and made him quite devoted.

After a while, Keiko came over with a few books.

"The only thing I can find is these. If you don't have enough, you can go to the library to have a look." Huizi said softly.

Su Zhan raised his head and smiled: "Thank you!"

"Then why do you need to call me again!" Keiko smiled sweetly and turned and left to go busy.

Seeing the appearance of Keiko's youth, Su Zhan couldn't help but sounded that she had seen another side of her before.

The appearance, face, and temperament all give people a sense of youthfulness of the girl next door, her tone is softly whispered, and she smiles.I couldn't imagine that when she took off the shackles and met frankly, that piece of... was simply shocking.Of course, it's not that she is pretending to have a pure temperament, but that her body just happens to be so exuberant!

This also caused Keiko to have a low self-esteem. She was embarrassed to date a boy so that he could see her side.

Therefore, she is obviously very beautiful, and many people confessed their pursuit, but they never agreed.In the eyes of others, perhaps it was because she was too pure and didn't want to fall in love, and actually didn't meet the person she liked. The other reason was also because she didn't dare to face that moment!

This is her secret, but she doesn't remember it anymore, someone has seen it, and this person is in her shop!

If she knew it, she would definitely feel embarrassed now to find a place to sew in.

Keiko found a lot of materials, which was difficult to read in a short time, but for Su Zhan, it was very easy. It was almost the same as turning a page. It took less than ten minutes to read the thick materials.

"You go to the library to see if anything special happens here." Su Zhan said to Qiu Shan Duoxiangzi.


Dakako Akiyama nodded and got up and went out of the bookstore.

Su Zhan stood up and walked to the counter, Huizi smiled.

"You seem to have troubles?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

Keiko froze for a moment, a little abrupt.

"It's because of somewhere in your body." Su Zhan said again.

" do you know?" Huizi looked at Su Zhan in surprise.

"I can help you solve it!" Su Zhan said with a smile: "I can help you solve your troubles, not temporarily, but permanently!"

Chapter 1372 I can't recognize it even when I wear clothes!

The door of the bookstore was locked from the inside, and the curtains were all lowered and became a little dim.

Keiko lowered her head a little at a loss, blushing like a ripe apple, just now this person said that she could help her troubles, and also said the source of her troubles.Such a topic made Keiko very embarrassed, she instinctively wanted to resist, but she didn't know why, but she had a glimmer of hope.

Maybe he can really help himself?

After all, this incident made her very inferior. Even regular cleaning is useless, because it grows very fast!Keiko agreed, locked the door, and lowered the curtains. Now she was a little nervous and even regretted it!

"Let me see." Su Zhan said.

"Look, what are you looking at?"

"Of course it's the affected area. Look at your problem." Su Zhan took it for granted.


Keiko hesitated and said, "Well, isn't this bad? Or, let's forget it?"

She was so embarrassed to let Su Zhan see that place!

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