Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1144

Seeing Keiko hesitate, Su Zhan shook his head dumbly and said, "You can't hide from illness and avoid doctors."


"Forget it, let me help you!"

Su Zhan shook his head and suddenly stopped Keiko.

Keiko hadn't noticed it at first, but when she found that Su Zhan was reaching out to take off her skirt, she subconsciously wanted to stop the retreat but found that she couldn't move.

"You, what did you do?"

"Don't be nervous, don't be afraid!"

Su Zhan said on one side, took off her skirt, and then succinctly...make her be honest again.

Keiko was already embarrassed and shy and didn't know what to do. In the end, she was rather concealed and closed her eyes.

Although I have seen it, I still feel very reversal and shocked when I see it again.

It's... eye-catching and embarrassing indeed.

I don't know, the first reaction after seeing it will feel that this person is green tea.

No wonder Keiko feels inferior!

After all, people do not have any experience because of this, it is easy to be misunderstood!

Seeing Keiko closing her eyes, she felt embarrassed crying. Su Zhan did not deliberately tease her, but simply helped her to weed the weeds thoroughly to ensure that they would grow normally in the future and would definitely not be so crazy.

"Okay, you can take a look. This time, it is cleaned up, and it will become normal in the future. It will definitely not make you feel embarrassed." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Keiko opened her eyes subconsciously and took a look, then blushed and said, "You, let me go."


Su Zhan snapped his fingers, Keiko immediately resumed action, and then hurriedly got dressed.

"Well, I don't need to thank you for the time being. It's not too late to thank me after you are sure that it is normal. This is my phone number!" Su Zhan smiled and left a number, then opened the door and went out.

Keiko was left alone, thinking about it, wondering if the problem was really solved for a while, wondering who he was and why he couldn't move before.

From the bookstore, Su Zhan walked all the way to the library.

I saw many acquaintances along the way, which made Su Zhan sound a previous joke.

I can't recognize you even with the clothes on!

Su Zhan now has a deep understanding of these words. In all likelihood, these women in the town have seen them by themselves. Some people felt that they were quite impressive at the time, but now... they really didn’t recognize them at first glance. .

But then again, I have seen the women in the whole town, is this a very difficult achievement?While thinking about it, I had already come to the library. The library was not large, and no one seemed very deserted. Soon, Su Zhan had found Qiu Shan Dakako who was searching for information.

"The library... is another place where there are more frequent occasions." Su Zhan smiled in a low voice, walked over to her and sat down.

"God Lord!"

"Did you find anything?"

Akiyama Dakako shook his head: "There are many records in the town, but they are basically normal historical developments, and there is nothing special. The only thing I found is this!" With that, Akiyama Dakako took out a look. Very simple books were handed over.

Su Zhan lowered his head and glanced. It said that Dongsanhe Town was actually the center of the earth, and that it was suspected that there were creatures such as angels or aliens appearing in the early days.

This is just a rumor similar to nonsense, which has not been studied or officially, and it is purely recorded in the form of a rumor.

"What do you think?" Su Zhan asked.

"I don't think it's possible to be aliens, but to be angels..." I have become a new angel, and I can naturally accept the existence of angels.

"The possibility of angels is indeed very high, but Japan is not the sphere of influence of God. He basically has no faith here, and there will be no angels here. Looking at the time above, it is likely that God was long ago. I want to expand the territory, so I sent an angel here, obviously... it didn't succeed!" Su Zhan pouted, then said."I just don't know if this angel left and returned to heaven, or just stayed here."

"You continue to investigate, I'll go to the police station."

After the words fell, Su Zhan had disappeared, and appeared at the police station, Mitsuko Mitsui's office in the next moment.


Su Zhan greeted with a smile, and Mitsuko Mitsui was startled.Then she realized that she was relieved after Su Zhan, and then... the expression was a little... embarrassed?

Walking to Mitsui Mitsuko, Su Zhan squeezed her chin and asked her to raise her head for a kiss, then smiled and said, "I like the expression you used when you yelled Linn's fall!"

"Well, this suit is good, it feels like a policeman."

With that said, Su Zhan looked at Mitsui Mitsuko approvingly. Although she was dressed professionally and capable, she didn't look like a policeman.Now I finally feel a little bit about wearing this police uniform.Below is a tight police skirt, with a white shirt tucked neatly on the inside, and a police uniform jacket on the outside, which looks heroic.It would be even better if... the buttons on her shirt can be unbuttoned two!

1373 The policewoman in my impression!

"Yes, is there any problem?" Mitsuko Mitsui looked down at herself, there was nothing wrong with her dressing up, why his eyes were so weird?

"It's not a big problem, it just...needs a little change." Su Zhan said with a smirk, and reached out to unbutton Mitsui Mitsuko's collar shirt.

Click, click!

After unlocking the two in a row, Su Zhan looked at and shook his head and unlocked another one, then stepped back and nodded: "It's all right now, just like the policewoman in my mind!"

Mitsuko Mitsui looked at herself ready to express herself, and couldn't help asking, "Where is the female police officer like this?"

"In the movie!" Su Zhan said with a smirk."Oh yes, something is short of it!"

With that, Su Zhan flipped his palm.

"Is the black one better or the flesh one better?" Su Zhan asked.


In the end Mitsui Mitsuko put on flesh-colored stockings, and... it feels right!

After letting her dress up according to her own preferences, Su Zhan asked her to investigate all the missing cases in Dongsanhe Town. The angel is not as sacred and beautiful as she imagined, perhaps because of the angle. Human beings are serious, not everyone is willing to take care of human beings.If angels did appear here and did not leave, someone would have disappeared or died for some reason!

Although Mitsuko Mitsui has not been a police officer for a long time, a lot of information can be found in the police system.

While she was asked to investigate, Su Zhan was not idle either. This environment, this identity, this dress... It's strange that Su Zhan can be idle.

Mitsuko Mitsui couldn't hit his spirits anymore, and the clothes became messy.The plots that Su Zhanjiang thought of in the movie were shown one by one in Mitsui Mitsuko, and the atmosphere changed soon after.It was almost an hour later that Su Zhan left Mitsui Mitsuko's office.

Not only satisfies my little hobby, but also has the information I want!

Over the years, there have been many cases of disappearance in Dongsanhe. Without exception, no bodies have been found, and there is no following. I don’t know where the people have gone. The only thing that is certain is that these people seem to have disappeared in nearby mines .The mine is now abandoned, but because the town is remote, it has not been re-developed.

Su Zhan didn't go to the mine until he did. Anyway, he might not be able to investigate anything, and if there were angels, he would not leave a trace.Su Zhan went back to the villa directly. In the villa, the others have not yet come back, only Kamogawa Tsuko.

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