Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1151

Su Zhan coughed twice and waved his hand: "Okay, I'll be quiet and get ready for class. My name is Su Zhan and I am the substitute teacher for this class."

"Substitute teacher? We don't need a substitute teacher. Don't come here, let's drink some wine and discuss life!" someone shouted presumptuously.

Su Zhan shook his head: "It's fine to discuss life, if you can... drive!"


"That's right! As an old driver, you can drive unimpeded on any road, fast and stable is the technology. You guys... the road, I think it is necessary to verify it, so that you can see and see. The driver is amazing!" Su Zhan said solemnly.

In an instant, everyone became excited, and one by one they greeted Su Zhanlai to drive on him, but Shizuka's eyes widened in surprise, never expected... Su Zhan turned out to be such a substitute teacher...

Chapter 1380

The chairs in the classroom were moved one after another, leaving a large space in the middle.

Su Zhan's side was the tooth of the Taimei Gang and Qingxiang of the Jiu Gang.On the other side of Haruka is Rina of the Customs Gang!From the posture, you can see the different personalities of the three people. The teeth are squatting down and spreading their legs, and the white inside is clearly visible.Qingxiang leans forward slightly, showing nothing but the lines are very charming.As for Rina, it was even more exaggerated to kneel directly on the ground... the rhythm can be seen before and after.

Opposite the four, there were the three big gangs and...Shizuka.

The four people were sitting on the ground with M-legs, clearly visible.

Obviously, that is the terminal!

"Are you ready? If you lose, you will be punished!" Qingxiang said abruptly.

Su Zhan nodded, and saw everyone including Su Zhan... all holding a toy car on the ground, followed by... the game began.

This kind of toy car is very simple to play. Back up, then let go and you can drive straight out.

Su Zhan pushed the car back on the ground for a moment, and as soon as he gave it away, the car rushed out, watching the car go straight to the terminal of Shizuka, watching the other three people drive side by side, chasing him, at this moment, A word suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Go, whirlwind charge... tornado..."

Su Zhan shook his head, this Nima Taiji Second, how did he think of the four-wheel drive brothers.


Suddenly, Shizuka yelled, seeming to be hit.

Three other shouts followed.

Su Zhan laughed and said, "I won! Did you see that, this is the old driver!"


Yazi hummed unwillingly.

Haruka and Rina were also unconvinced, and Rina even said, "Don't think we don't understand what the old driver means, isn't it?"

"Don't worry, you will know soon!"

Su Zhan chuckled, clapped his hands and said, "I would like to accept the bet. If you lose, you will be punished. Before that, I want to ask, who of you has no experience?"

When this sentence was asked, everyone was silent.


Su Zhan turned his head to look at Yazi, Yazi's expression a bit dodging."I... I certainly have experience."

"Really?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

Yazi hey, speechless.

"Yazi, you are still here, this...this..."

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be embarrassed to compete with us without even this kind of experience."

The people around were surprised, and even ridiculed the wine and customs.

Su Zhan shook his head. Sure enough, the atmosphere is different. How can Nima be laughed at?But... Haruka-san, is it really good for you to laugh so smirkingly?

"Ahem, classmate Qingxiang."

Su Zhan looked at Qingxiang again, and Qingxiang couldn't laugh again.

"I was in the second grade just now, so I should have some adult stuff next. Qingxiang, Yazi, follow me, I'll take you to drive!" Su Zhan laughed and hugged the shoulders of the two directly, and embraced left. The right hug left the classroom.

Although Haruka and Yazi have no practical experience, they still have a lot of theoretical experience. Both of them are beautiful and well-built. Haruka is whiter, and Yazi is a popular wheat-colored skin in Japan. , Su Zhan let them see what a real old driver is.

As soon as Su Zhan left the two with satisfaction, he felt that there was someone outside the door!

Speaking of it, I just found an unmanned classroom, and it feels really good.After finishing her clothes, she turned around and opened the door, and she saw Shizuka standing at the door with a red face.

"I...I just came to the teacher to tell you that it's time for class." Shizuka explained with her head down.

"What kind of class is there, it's over!" Su Zhan said casually.

Shizuka took a peek here, and it looks like this again, so it can be easily won, but to tell the truth, she is really not a model that Su Zhan likes, just like her love son, maybe some people think she looks good, but here in Su Zhan ...I feel she is not as good as Yazi or Qingxiang.

The good-looking ones can still be seductive by your side, and forget the bad ones!

It seems that he heard Su Zhan's tone, Shizuka responded with a disappointment and turned away.

Behind them, the two were also dressed.

Qingxiang said: "Why did you let her go? The squad leader is very innocent, and Rina, who also lost, why didn't she accept the'punishment'?"

"Do you think anyone is qualified to accept my'punishment'? I didn't like Shizuka. As for Rina...the long one is not as good-looking as you, the most important thing is...her way was driven by someone!" Su Zhan explained One sentence.

"How do you know we...we don't?" Yazi asked curiously.

Su Zhan laughed and said: "This is the old driver's ability."

"Okay, you go back to the class and rest for a while, and I will come to you later!" Su Zhan waved his hand and told them to go back to the classroom first.The two of them are very obedient, especially Yazi.

Sure enough, after the relationship occurs, something will change!In addition, the Soviet Union was still so strong, and it was naturally conquered.

Su Zhan came out of the school building and found Claire's mother and daughter.

In more than an hour, the emotions of the mother and daughter have calmed down, and what happened during this time has been known.Seeing Su Zhan coming over, Claire's mother looked terrified and very grateful.

Su Zhan can be regarded as helping her avenge her, killing Castio, and adding that her husband’s soul stayed well in heaven, she took care of her daughter Claire, and her daughter became a new angel, the most important and the most pious. A believer, Claire’s mother is very clear about the Lord of the Gods.

In addition, when she saw an angel in Dongsanhe Town, she also knew that she had been deceived. If Su Zhan and her daughter happened to come, her own danger would not be mentioned for the time being, and many people would be cheated.

Therefore, for various reasons, she is now no less pious and grateful to Su Zhan than any original believer in Su Zhan!

Claire stood next to Su Zhan and was about to speak, but he smelled two completely different perfumes. There is no doubt that he must have done something ridiculous just now...

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