Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1152

Chapter 1381 Return: Target Heaven

Ignoring Claire's resentful eyes, Su Zhan said to her mother: "You should know about things, so I won't say much. If there is nothing wrong, I will go back."

"I was here to persuade these people to live a good life and have faith, but I didn't expect...there is nothing else, and I can leave at any time." Claire's mother said.

"Claire, you go find Julie and take them back first, I will be there later." Su Zhan said.

Claire knew he was going to take away the ridiculous person just now. According to his habit, he was all on it, so naturally it is impossible to stay.Nodded, Claire found Julie and took her mother back to the villa in Dongsanhe. Su Zhan also returned to the classroom with Qingxiang and Yazi. Su Zhan did not explain, and immediately moved away.

After arriving at the place, Qingxiang and Yazi were completely frightened.

Fortunately, Akiyama Dakako explained to them, and the two of them were very excited after knowing it.

The old driver becomes the lord of the gods, or the lord of the gods is the old driver, this kind of life... is exciting!

It was already evening when the class was in session, and it was delayed for a long time. It was already dark now. Naturally, I won't leave today. The girls came back one after another, and the villa became lively.

The dinner was very hearty, and it was the last meal in Higashi Mikawa, Japan.

It is worth mentioning that Kamogawa Tsuko is still there, and it seems that everything has been packed, that is, a decision has been made.Regarding her choice, Su Zhan didn't say anything!After dinner, each rest.

Claire came to Su Zhan's room!

It was decided before, and after finding his mother, he dedicated himself to Su Zhan.

And she also knew that she would not be so leisurely after returning, God, heaven... Su Zhan had to do a lot of things, and it would be difficult for these people to stay with him all the time, so tonight, Claire came.

Although it has been decided, Claire still found himself unable to contain the nervousness after he really came, but Su Zhan is an old driver, this car drove naturally and safely, from Claire in to the end... the whole process was not allowed. Claire felt a little uncomfortable, and the completion was very natural, as if he had done it many times, without any jerky feeling at all!

Arms Claire, the two fell asleep!

When they woke up the next morning, Su Zhan and Claire came out of the room. Everyone didn't think it was weird, but instead felt that... they finally fell asleep together.

You know, Claire is still the real empress in their impression.

As for Claire's mother, she seemed to have guessed that it would be so, and didn't say anything!

Everything had been packed, Su Zhan directly left Japan and returned to the United States.

As Claire had guessed before, Su Zhan became busy after returning, and settled these people in hell with others. After they were settled, Su Zhan went to Abidon and asked about the dark location. , And left immediately!

A lot of things happened during this time. For example, the dark Amala started to walk the world and did a lot of things. Without exception, all were to persecute God to show up.

Three-fifths of the angels who fell to the sky have been put under the banner of Su Zhan, one-fifth was killed by the holy killers, and the remaining one-fifth was too stubborn, and finally died by the hands of new angels.

Under the attack from both sides of the new angel and the holy killer, the situation in heaven is in jeopardy. Raphael is immobile, because he has found the angel stele and is studying the power of the stele.He believes that no matter what the current situation is, as long as he gains the power of the stele, everything will be back on track!

When Su Zhan saw Amala, Amala was in a church.

At this time, her appearance was the same as when she was first released, a black deep V dress, looking glamorous and dangerous!

As soon as Su Zhan appeared, Amara felt it.

After all, she had a special connection with Su Zhan because of the blood mark. Turning her head, looking at Su Zhan who was close at hand, Amara said, "You are back."

"Well, things are almost handled, it's time to end it all." Su Zhan stretched out his hand to lift the hair of Amala's cheek, and said with a chuckle.

"Are you going to take away the power of rules from me? Can you... wait a minute?" Amara said.

Su Zhan smiled: "I understand what you mean, you still want to force God out, don't you?"


Amara nodded unwillingly.

This resentment is not so easy to dissipate for anyone who has been sealed for so long.

"God, this guy can bear it enough, I'm afraid he won't show up by ordinary means." Su Zhan said.

Amara hurriedly said: "I want to go to heaven. If the heaven he created by himself is occupied and destroyed, he will definitely appear!"

"Okay, I promise you that you will occupy heaven, which happens to be...this is also my purpose. However, if God does not appear after this incident, I will take away the power of your rules, but you can rest assured, Even if you lose the power of the rules, you are still in the dark and will not have any impact.

"it is good!"

"So, without further ado, just now?"

Su Zhan looked at Amala, Amala nodded and opened her arms.In an instant, the sky outside the church had gradually gathered thick black fog.

Click, click!

The roof of the church shattered in an instant, and the glass windows carved with God's appearance on the walls shattered one after another.Suddenly, darkness enveloped, Amala incarnate in the darkness, straight into the sky!

"Heaven, it's time to go too!"

Su Zhan said faintly, looked up at the sky, instantly transformed into nothingness.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

In heaven, Raphael was studying the critical moment of the stele, but at this time he felt that the whole heaven began to shake violently.

Since the closure of heaven, this has not happened yet.

Looking briefly, Raphael showed a shocked expression.

Darkness has come to heaven, and the originally closed heaven can't stop the invasion of darkness at all!

"How is this possible!" Raphael was shocked!

Chapter 1382 Heaven and Yindian Garden

"Why is it impossible? Heaven is just a place created by God, and darkness is equal to God." A tickling voice that made Raphael hate suddenly sounded from behind, and Raphael turned his head sharply, as expected... …That person is standing behind him, it is not an auditory hallucination!

"How did you come in!"

If darkness is equal to God, so she can enter the enclosed heaven, then what about Su Zhan?

"It's just heaven, I can't stop me." Su Zhan said with a faint smile, and said, "Now the angels in heaven should be yours? There is nothing to pay attention to. Well, this is my number one When you come to heaven this time, you should look around. As for you... you should concentrate on dealing with the darkness."

When the voice fell, Su Zhan had disappeared.

Raphael hurriedly searched for Su Zhan, but did not find any whereabouts.At this moment, the screams of angels were heard outside.As soon as Raphael went out, he saw darkness at the end of the corridor. In the darkness, Amara waved with one hand, and every wave would kill an angel.The angels are not opponents at all, and to be precise, they have no power to fight back at all, just like lambs to be slaughtered.

Whether it's a desperate fight or close your eyes and wait for death, the ending is the same!

As for wanting to run?

Heaven has been closed, and there is nowhere to run.

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